Sorry, @Null but I couldn't stop thinking:
1944 (Bretton Woods) "In the IMF we trust"
1955 (H.R.619) "- In the IMF trust we no more, we'll just pretend further. In GoLd we trust.
- Which gold? Do you really believe the gold is still there to back our dollars?"
- Oh, indeed, make that "In God we trust". Faith is what the dollar is based on, after all. We could as well be honest enough to print it on every coin and bill."
1944 (Bretton Woods) "In the IMF we trust"
1955 (H.R.619) "- In the IMF trust we no more, we'll just pretend further. In GoLd we trust.
- Which gold? Do you really believe the gold is still there to back our dollars?"
- Oh, indeed, make that "In God we trust". Faith is what the dollar is based on, after all. We could as well be honest enough to print it on every coin and bill."