Absurdism corner


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This one is gooood (for a light laugh... and no, it's NOT political, just science):
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^^ this is actually my Fafored Game, had to reset my XBOX cause i got a Start Up Issue, every Game is now deleted and have to download again, so now the only 2 Games on my ONEX are Snowrunner and Farming Simulator 2019..
Microsoft owns International patent # 060606 ...

A cryptocurrency system using humans who have been chipped as the "Miners".

I shit thee not.https://t.co/S7wbcjzi8w
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) April 18, 2020

As far as the “060606” part, it appears to be an amusing prank from someone at the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).


The "Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System" has a critical component, in order to work. An enzyme called Luciferase ...

That's right, the enzyme that will light up Bill Gates Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is called Luciferase, that's what makes the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and what allows a mere vaccination to function as a mark.


Bill Gates the third:
$ perl -E'$x += ord $_ for split //,"BILLGATES"; say $x'

A=1 B=2....etc:
$ perl -E'$x += ((ord uc $_)-64) for split //,"ImplantableQuantumDotMicroneedleVaccinationDeliverySystem"; say $x'

Note: if you want to use the Perl on the Pandora, use perl -e instead of perl -E and replace the "say" with "print"
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perl5 on my linux boxes also don't respect the say statement unless I put 'use v5.10' near the top. Are you sure you don't have an old version of perl6 there, which changed it's name to raku about 6 months ago to avoid this sort of confusion?
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this looks like it could be a terrifying horror game. the horses are always watching. even from the trees.

when i was in college, i climbed a tree on campus, and i didn't think anybody noticed as i chilled out for a bit. it was a bit dark at the time IIRC, but the area was well lit by lampposts, and a good handful of people went by underneath. thus the tagline:

"Nobody ever looks up."

As far as the “060606” part, it appears to be an amusing prank from someone at the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).


The "Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System" has a critical component, in order to work. An enzyme called Luciferase ...

That's right, the enzyme that will light up Bill Gates Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is called Luciferase, that's what makes the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and what allows a mere vaccination to function as a mark.


Bill Gates the third:
$ perl -E'$x += ord $_ for split //,"BILLGATES"; say $x'

A=1 B=2....etc:
$ perl -E'$x += ((ord uc $_)-64) for split //,"ImplantableQuantumDotMicroneedleVaccinationDeliverySystem"; say $x'

Note: if you want to use the Perl on the Pandora, use perl -e instead of perl -E and replace the "say" with "print"

Luciferase is a well known enzyme that can light up when converting a substrate. It's an firefly enzyme, and nothing mystical or anything. It is used in a lot of reporter assays.