Absurdism corner


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Nope and more nope.

Experiencing everything for the sake of perspective does not mean I have to 'ACT you All - I' do it...

I prefer to experience certain things voyeuristically, as opposed to, in this case, 'Vore is too Kali'.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
I just block all of facebook's named servers using ublock matrix these days. I used to use noscript for my web protection, but ublock matrix allows me to even block other things all the way down to images and the raw html coming from different servers, so in this instance I can not only block facebooks advertising and tracking scripts, I can block all connections to them.

Regarding the pyra's logo lights, IIRC at present they just blink fairly randomly. Even if they did become notification, I think if you look at the lid and just the right angle they're just exposed LEDs and they only happen to have the effect of backlighting the logo from certain (most) angles.
I'm not sure the Absurdism Corner is the best place for these posts to be honest, although it's beyond my ken currently to suggest the exact location they should be posted in.

Anyway, I hope they clarify further how we're supposed to be able to use this on servers that we don't physically login to, but log in via a key over ssh. It was certainly something that got picked on on the elreg forums yesterday.
Pyra logo LED notification lights will be infringing on a patent of Apple!
Alterslash link
verge link (cookies)
Shall these forums serve as evidence for prior art.

I just block all of facebook's named servers using ublock matrix these days. I used to use noscript for my web protection, but ublock matrix allows me to even block other things all the way down to images and the raw html coming from different servers, so in this instance I can not only block facebooks advertising and tracking scripts, I can block all connections to them.
Are you as irritated as I am, when being somewhere else experiencing youtube with adds?

Poetterware knows best! Well, I'd say the major distros gifted Linux(userland) to Poettering to be his own little MacOS.