Absurdism corner


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Does it really matter, i.e. make good writing bad or bad writing good? IMO whether the physics is correct is mostly irrelevant (and it almost never is). It is enough that it is somewhat coherent, even failing that is not necessarily fatal, while it is crucial that the psychology works. The latter is often a problem when the current social environment of the author is just transported unquestioned into a fictional universe. Thats why IMO a lot of fiction (IMO including a lot of 'classical' SciFi) doesn't age well (or sometimes feels already outdated when first published), while e.g. Lem or Pratchett are much more resilient to differences in reader's perception. 'The Dispossessed' is also a very good example of timeless fiction, because it stands on its own and doesn't need any implicit assumptions about society that the reader may not share.
These couple pages are quite fun, and I think some of you coders might like the code sections :)

Fun with sci-fi wobbles

More fun with Daleks... I have just been annoying people with the constant warping of EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE...

Also, who can tell me a bit more about the Konami class I noticed in the code, towards the bottom of that page - If you scroll right to the last bit of code you'll see?
I noticed the classic ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

I'm just intrigued

who can tell me a bit more about the Konami class
It would run activateLiveMicButton(), which I guess means you suddenly can press (or move up/down) a new button and have access to say anything in a dalek voice (if you are able to find the sweetspots on the dials to get a dalek like voice)
A random thought I just had:

random thought I just
Who dat? Mo info man...
wow... amazing... so many paths. I see the contraints: must fit in a room, and no taller than the ceiling. I thought some towers were for structure only (to hold the mechanics above) but it looks like everything is functional.
Who dat? Mo info man...
The top one is H.P. Lovecraft, the author I talk about frequently (and probably part of the reason non-Euclidean geometry is listed in the poll above). The bottom ones are the police sketches of D.B. Cooper, the unidentified air pirate that jumped out of a plane with a bunch of money. I had been looking at a drawing of Lovecraft based on that photograph, and a little while later I caught the Cooper sketch out of the corner of my eye and initially thought it was Lovecraft.

It amused me because I imagined something like Lovecraft not really being dead, but instead being some spirit being that became an air pirate that jumped out of a plane with a bunch of money then mysteriously vanished, or was pulled into another dimension upon exiting the plane, or torn to shreds by some mutated follower of an alien god.
So what is the Safety Twerk?
It is the evolution of the Nub-dance. Now it is the Safety (Nub)Twerk...
You see, Padora users can not Nub-Twerk (which also involves pressing the microswitches on the Pyra nubs AND shaking the Pyra to check the )

S-s-s-s A-a-a-a F-f-f-f E-e-e-e T-t-t-t Y-y-y-y
Safe, twerk!
We can twerk if we want to.
We can leave your forum-friends behind.
Cause' your friends don't twerk,
and if they don't twerk, well they're
no friends of mine.
I say, we can go where we want to.
A place where there's no electricity in sight.
And we can resume the Pyra and check our uptime.
Leave them laptops far behind.

I say, we can twerk.
We can twerk.
Everything's under concurrent version control.
We can twerk.
We can twerk.
We're doin' it from nub to nub. (We're compiling with -wall to -wall)
We can twerk.
We can twerk.
Everybody look at your handhelds.
We can twerk.
We can twerk.
Everybody's running Debian.
Safety Twerk.
Oh well the Safety Twerk.
Yes, Safety Twerk.

"We know everything about you."
Great, I hope that makes them start thinking.

[doublepost=1467903045,1467902633][/doublepost]Is this overkill? :)
Link to his website with all the technical details of this glorious thing
He didn't build it to play Tetris though.
We talked about it a short time ago here:
Cool stuff.