Absurdism corner


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This sound like Craig trying to sell the pyra...mid. Not sure if troll or serious. subspace particles exist (no wait, he said subatomic, ah well, not proven yet, but a conjecture that it's particles all the way down ), however, that piezoelectric thingy in the middle is NOT going to capture that much, even with high quality convex? silver mirrors.... that would also uh... prevent energy getting in?

Anyway. The energy inside helps to dry things without rotting, at kings chamber height (1/3), but the thingy is not even there. but getting heat or light/electricity.... uh... no... might as well yell into it for a few years.

One took pity on him... one backer.

Now if he had a toroidal thingy, and talked about infinite compression and singularity... that's more what Tesla would have done....

Here is stuff that is crossing from science fiction into science faction: Intergalactive Microwave propulsion

However, to keep it absurd (this IS the Absurdism corner after all), here are 24 wtf local newspaper stories you might have missed

Try to spot Jackie Chan!

The topping of this story is this part

After 15 minutes, the female deputy returned from the bedroom after talking to David’s children. She told the other deputies, “It’s true. Both of the daughters saw it. She tried to stab him with the knife.”

They took the cuffs off David. “Your wife obviously needs help,” the lead deputy said. “She works for Kaiser, you’ve got health insurance that covers mental health, you need to call the emergency number and get her an appointment.”
They probably would just have shot him if the roles would have been reversed and they certainly wouldn't have chained her immediately.
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