OPT does not want to alienate the buyers of the pandora 1 so they will work with expantion packs
First will be the pandora-64X it connects to the EXT, USB and USB host ports to provide 64-bit ARM instructions and an aditional set of 256 MB RAM
Second will be the pandora-blue-ray this extention uses both the SD-card slots to provide a blueray drive over SDIO.
The first confirmed title is PandoraPanic2, it wil require both expantions to be playable.
First will be the pandora-64X it connects to the EXT, USB and USB host ports to provide 64-bit ARM instructions and an aditional set of 256 MB RAM
Second will be the pandora-blue-ray this extention uses both the SD-card slots to provide a blueray drive over SDIO.
The first confirmed title is PandoraPanic2, it wil require both expantions to be playable.