Parsing Found/Fixed information... Done
critical bugs of systemd (204-7 -> 204-8) <Outstanding>
#742322 - systemd aborts when activating a service via a broken socket unit
critical bugs of grub-pc-bin (2.00-22 -> 2.02~beta2-7) <Outstanding>
#741464 - grub-pc-bin: hangs after displaying boot menu
critical bugs of grub2-common (2.00-22 -> 2.02~beta2-7) <Outstanding>
#741342 - /usr/sbin/update-grub: update-grub writes root=UUID= to grub.cfg for LVM2, renders machine unbootable
serious bugs of libffi6 (3.0.13-12 -> 3.1~rc1-2) <Outstanding>
#742897 - [libffi6] 3.1 update makes icedove crash
serious bugs of texlive-base (2013.20140215-1 -> 2013.20140314-1) <Outstanding>
#742189 - upgrade from wheezy to jessie fails
grave bugs of gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1 -> 3.12.0-1) <Forwarded>
#742840 - Crashes when typing numbers using a "."
systemd(1 bug), libffi6(1 bug), gnome-calculator(1 bug), grub-pc-bin(1 bug), grub2-common(1 bug), texlive-base(1 bug)
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