Absurdism corner


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This one never gets old:


Would kind of like one, just as it's a cab and lights up with PEW-PEW SFX, but I'm not a fan of watches, especially such bulky ones.

Might be nice if ripped the strap off and just placed it on my desk as a nifty little timepiece :)
I was just watching Murder, She Wrote ...because Columbo isn't on yet.

Anyway, this episode is focused around a radio station, which starts with a K.

I realised that most American radio stations I've heard of are initials, rather than names like we tend to have over here.

We have popular stuff like Kiss, Magic, Heart, Capital, then stations I enjoy like Kool, Ruud, Itch.

But whenever I hear of American ones, it's always like WKballs [think that one is in my head from an old Snoop Dogg album], KBLM, KNVT,and the likes, even playing GTA games I'm sure that Lazlo was on a station that also was initials.

So googled 'why American radio always starts with K'.

Saw this: http://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-58824,00.html

Which explains it, and I wasn't aware that the 'W' and 'K' prefix depends on which side of the Mississippi River the commercial radio station is based.

New bit of trivia I have learned.

What I found a bit absurd though, was that the 4 available prefixes for commercial radio were W/A/N/K :)

...Guess there is a reason for selecting those particular letters, but still...   :)
Now I got on Steam, I needed a control pad, heard about the XBOX360 ones working well.

I wanted to get an adapter to use my wireless 360 pad, but none of the local computer shops sold those... and I was keen to get it set up straight away and start playing.

So I went and bought a new pad, and chose this LED one as it was a bit cheaper than the official ones.

Works well, according to the sticker on the box they're the #1 selling wired controller.

BUT, man is that LED in your face.

There's a few LED inside it, and it certainly glows alright.

Lights up my room like a bloody torch though, and hold it at certain angles and it just zaps you in the eyeballs :)

this is it, taken at a slightly off angle otherwise the camera lens just is dazzled and all you'll see is green laser...


It's brighter than the Sun
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No images from me today, just a story :)

In France, there is no scholl the wenesday afternoon. 2 weeks ago, our son (15) invited 2 of his friends at home for the afternoon after the class. My wife made pancakes for lunch. The kids loved it and had a great afternoon playing PS3 games and nerf guns.

On monday this week, a strange thing happened, one of these 2 kids father called the school and requested a his son some retaining hours : he found out his son use porn website. You read it right : he requested the scholl to punish his son because he use porn at home ! What a joke !

You know how are kids. The rumor about it grow fast and on monday evening our son told us that story being completly in awe...

You know what ? The story doesnt end here, far from it. On tuesday morning, my wife got a phone call from that father.

He : Did you know my son use porn website ?

She: Yes, I somehow know that...

He : WHAT! Am I the last one to know geez !!!!

I'm pretty sure that's all your fault. My son scolar result are dropping fast lately. It's all because of all that porn.

I'm sure he learned porn with your son, that's completly unacceptable. I'm on my way to the police station to do a complain against you. Seriously, where did you have your mind ?

And he hanged.

So my wife called the school to have more information on what's going on. She learned the scholl had the same type of phone call just before her.

What's so absurd about all this ?

Last week, they got that "sex lesson" all french kids get at that age in biology class.And the teacher explicitly told the kids that RL sex have nothing to do with all they can see in a porn video. So if they never had seen a porn video at this stage, they've all been there at least for curiosity. That's human right. I for one bet the whole class had a look at porn site one way or an other within the last week.

Beside we live in a city with some violence problems. Our cops have definatly better thing to handle than a kid going on porn website. So i'm not worried a little bit about that complain. I'm way more worried for his son. By now, the whole school know the risk of having friendship with this kid. My son decided to not talk to him anymore as the rest of the class.

So that father completly ruined his son social life because his son is curious. Yet he wonder why he is the last one to know things about his son...
this is absolutely absurd. Why would you call the school to punish your kid when he did it at home!? That is the very definition of bad parenting.
