Absurdism corner


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Just in case y'all missed it...

Not that absurd, really...but mainly cute. :wub:


http://kotaku.com/58...g-for/gallery/1 <--- more cute pics here
Continuing a not so absurd moment

it had been used as a rental helmet, so it had sustained damage over time
This is a very bad idea. Polystyrene foam (the stuff helmets are made of to absorb the impact) can only withstand so many compressions (usually only one, if it's a hard enough hit) before it starts to lose effectiveness. While some helmet is almost always better than no helmet, if it's already suffered one major collision (or a bunch of little bumps) it is probably best to invest in a new helmet than to risk a second one.
I love this.


There's a brilliant contrast between the male and female bots, here. The woman is abrupt and a bit snippy, whilst the man starts out seeming sensible and calm, before his hilarious non-sequiturs reveal him to be utterly insane.
Awesome, they really should do more of those.
lol, in the near future we probably won't able to tell whether they're AI or not...scary...

Anyway...Could someone please explain to me what on earth is going on in the below image?

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