You'll have to wait for a second-generation CPU board for that...
Some people think it is the best-looking calculator ever made.
To my taste, that description applies to the 48GX with its grey plastics and purple and turquoise text on the keyboard!
«Some people think it is the best-looking calculator ever made»: So do I if we count hard+soft. HP 49/50 has best ROM software (if we forget algebraic mode) but keyboard is bad (quality and organization, with that small enter, unreadable fonts, etc) and algebraic mode makes it worse (you can switch it off, but keyboard organization is worse by that mode).
HP 48 SX/GX looks and feels like professional tool, 49/50 are like a toy. And it is a shame because 49/50 has soft that would make 48 perfect (integrated and improved
ALG48 and
Erable combination).
HP 48GX of course has more capabilities than SX with exact form and quality. But I think it isn't grey: I see it like strange blueish green or greenish blue
Of course I choose GX, because soft is better.
I found keyboard labels color scheme is better in SX (orange and light blue, classic HP) than in GX (purple and turquoise). But I prefer SX case color and keyboard symbols colors. I found its dark brown elegant, discreet and everlasting.
I would love a Pyra with that color and texture in its plastic.
I prefer the HP 28s myself. Who doesn't love more keys and a clamshell device with a floppy double hinge? Fully open it took up a significant chunk of my desk during Chem-E classes.
I started with an HP 28s (what a good user's manuals), but of course 48 has much better soft, cards and I/O capabilities, and it takes less space in desktop. And 48 uses standard AAA batteries while 28 uses strange hard-to-find and expensive batteries (and with batteries door reliability problem).
But I think a smaller HP48 where its screen case folds splitting keyboard part from LCD part, protecting it and making it smaller when closed, would be best solution (and it could include a larger display). I think in a HP 95LX but in vertical form-factor and with HP48 hard/soft.
+ 1
a beta release would be cool. so our units would be even more rare and we have more time to polish the software side and the case coating...
thinking of it, all unpainted "beta release" cases could be made in safety-orange to clearly mark them beta...
I think so, it is a good idea: orange beta cases (with flaws) or even transparent cases (flaws are less visible) and marked like "for TESTING".
Later models would have final case with coating and without "for testing" label.
But it may be coating be a fast process, so it doesn't take a considerable amount of time (it it goes well... :O ).
On other side, press/media/blogs could take testing units with their case flaws and blame for. Bad for Pyra reputation and for newcomers attraction (a bad review for case faults can make a lot of damage). I
understand ED if decides to do directly for coated cases: it assures a better reception for users who haven't follow development like us, and Pyra PROJECT NEED to SELL more Pyras to make a profit, survive and TO HAVE future improvements like new CPU boards, 5G modem, etc.
I don't want Pyra to end with only 1 or 2 batches with no upgrades. And we are waiting for from a lot of years, so I prefer to wait a few weeks more and get it with more success options and more future life.