A video. Again. Mostly about cases.

No I’ve just been playing around with it a bit here and there. I’m constantly rebuilding and flashing and changing things in the OS so I don’t really bother doing much configuration since I’m just gonna wipe it away soon anyway.
Good point!
Just to weigh in with my 2 cents:

We're not going to want the Pyra with the current level of software anyway, so there should be no reason why EvilDragon can't spend some time testing paints. That only gives ToastBucket and others more time to get the software working properly, which is not a bad thing.

For those of you who are so anti-paint... what products have you had bad experiences with for the paint? Most plastic products are painted, and I don't often see any that have issues related to paint. The fact that some of you feel so strongly about paint that you are threatening to cancel your order over it tells me that there must have been some reason for you to dislike paint that much.


@EvilDragon Is it possible to have an unpainted option for those who do not want paint? To me, it seems that you could just set aside a certain number of case units to not be painted, which you can send to those who wish not to have paint, but maybe I'm oversimplifying things here. Nowhere did you advertise that this product would come unpainted, so I don't think any of these users, pre-orderers or not, can complain if you solve the discoloration by hiding it with paint like most companies do. If they want no paint, then they can deal with discolorations, or just 3d-print their own case. (Since the designs will be available online)

-God Ginrai
I don't envy the decision that ED has to make.
I bought new feet for my mouse and I was sick of the sticky feeling that I assumed was just sweat that had built up. I tried washing the shell with different soaps but I found it easier to scrape the problem off.
I'm starting to think that the layer of paint on the plastic was actually the problem. Whether it has gone bad or just reacted to my oils, I don't know.
2019-10-02 13.53.48.jpg

I really don't want this happening to my Pyra.
For those of you who are so anti-paint... what products have you had bad experiences with for the paint? Most plastic products are painted, and I don't often see any that have issues related to paint. The fact that some of you feel so strongly about paint that you are threatening to cancel your order over it tells me that there must have been some reason for you to dislike paint that much.
I'm not anti-paint, but I can understand why people with experience of the Pandora's paint job are cautious, and also the rubber coating on my original Series 5 Psion went bad impressively quickly. The silver paint job on the 5mx was much more resilient though.
Ok, so the Pyra could be used allready, but the Time its need to make this Painting /Coating dos the Pyra OS improve..

But wasnt the most fun on the Pandora after the first Massproduktion Runs this live improving of the Software? Learning how to work whit its flaws, and enyoing every Hotfix ??

Im a Pant Pocket Carryer, so the Paint needs to be pretty thought, thats way i dotnt need the Paint..

I dotnt think the Paint will be that poor like on the Pandora, so lets wait for it, on or tree weeks more or less, ...

For me, the Pyra is just a Hobby Device, a Toy whit Computer Features, i dotnt need it for my Job, its nice to have, but not neccessary..
Yes, I'm curious about that. I think the default is to use the windows key on all modifiers, which I think the Pyra doesn't have (unless you count the super key which I think is the Pyra button). I'd prefer a shoulder key to work against a keyboard key to swtich tabs or to move things in i3. Does anyone have a handy reference for what the shoulders do at the moment? I'd assume two of the are ctrl+shift as per the Pandora but I'm not sure what the other two do. Of course it's configurable, but I'm not sure what the current OS defines it as.
Windows key is "Super" key called Mod4 in i3 config, same as Pyra key.
Right Shoulder keys are Alt & Ctrl, Left shoulder keys are Shift and Alt-Gr. So Alt or Ctrl can be good option for use as a default modifier key for i3. Though one may use different keys or may define keybindings without using modifier key also. For e.g., I use F12 as menu key.

We're not going to want the Pyra with the current level of software anyway, so there should be no reason why EvilDragon can't spend some time testing paints. That only gives ToastBucket and others more time to get the software working properly, which is not a bad thing.

Software will always keep evolving, and with more eyes to look at it will update quicker after release. I don't see that as a reason for wait. My only concern about software is, hardware should be safe from software bugs, e.g., issue with volume control that may potentially damage the speakers., or critical bugs in charging software that may damage the circuit or battery.
Right Shoulder keys are Alt & Ctrl, Left shoulder keys are Shift and Alt-Gr.
Hm, I've never heard someone combining Alt and Alt-Gr for a hotkey. Why not have them cancel each other out and have Super emerge instead?
I do not understand why some people want the Pyra to be ugly just so that it looks different. I like my Pyra looking different, but only in good ways. I do not want it to look different by looking uglier. I guess those people also want the logo replaced for an empty hole in the shape of a pile of poop because that would both be very different from other devices and very ugly.
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Alt-Gr and Q are the @ Symbol, which can be usefull for Internet and some Programming Tasks
Yeah I grew up with the German keyboard layout, so I'm well aware. I meant Alt and Alt-Gr together in one key combination. Never heard of such.
Also Alt-Gr and E is the € Symbol, which is also pretty important in Germany if you wants to buy you some Brezels or something..
If i remember correctly, on the Pyra, whe also have the German Umlauts now pretty easy äöü, i dotnt know if its though fn or shift, but its not that complicated then on Pandora (where i forgotten the right way to make Umlauts..)..

But thats to far on the edge of a Keyboard Discussion, its cool to have a Keyboard, ..

These "Unpainted Edition" needs a big sticker: "Not for Rewiews!!"
I don't envy the decision that ED has to make.
I bought new feet for my mouse and I was sick of the sticky feeling that I assumed was just sweat that had built up. I tried washing the shell with different soaps but I found it easier to scrape the problem off.
I'm starting to think that the layer of paint on the plastic was actually the problem. Whether it has gone bad or just reacted to my oils, I don't know.
View attachment 33268
I really don't want this happening to my Pyra.

I'm pretty sure this won't happen. Evil Dragon talked about paint, not rubberization.
Paint shouldn't be a problem, as it usually wears out after several years of strong use (if it's not some cheap chinese bulls***). Actually most of the wrist rests on laptops are painted and the paint will wear through usually after 5 Years or so (at least on mine). My only concern is the tolerance between the keycaps and the keyboard panel. Those were already tuned for a use without paint, so I guess Evil Dragon will have to check if the tolerance is big enough not to make the keys stick.
Actually the only rubbberized product I have that didn't show any problems is my Thinkpad.
On all other stuff, the rubberization went sticky.
I found a way to remove it by soaking it in alcohol over night. If the rubber is sticky through and through, you will be able to get it off with a brush the next day.
It's a little messy tough.
Therefore I avoid rubberized products.
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Is the dark red colour possible? I understand the initial test turned out more brown than red.

I had order Dark red color from the time i saw that this red looks more like brown . probably next week it will arrive to my hands :) .But Discolors are goin to be there . So at the momment the plan we had discused a bit with ED and as he mantion on the video is to have the same color on the plastic and Paint if that happens . Also do not be afraid for the paint ,As you can understand there are profesional companies out there that can manage to make a very good Paint on item, there are always bad companies too though .ED will manage it cause he has experiance of bad companies and good companies . Also the truth is that most of the items you see on the market are painted for couple of reasons. My opinion is to paint the item for more sales since it will look better and will be easier to sell something that it looks good . Then you can invest the monney for improvments or for a new product and since you allready have experiance how all this thing works you know what tools to buy . So yeah for me Paint is the best solution for this project .
I think most of us are pretty selfish and dont want to wait too long for theyre Pyra,, they dotnt see the long time sells, and the reviews,
Shure, whe dotnt need the Pyra to sell to everyone, as lots of peaple ditnt whant to understand the concept of the Pyra, but whe need more sells than the Preeorders..
Hm, I've never heard someone combining Alt and Alt-Gr for a hotkey. Why not have them cancel each other out and have Super emerge instead?
There is no alt and alt-gr in one key combination. Two right sided shoulder buttons are Alt and Ctrl, respectively. Two left sided shoulder buttons are shift and alt-gr. No keys are combined.
You'll have to wait for a second-generation CPU board for that... :p
Some people think it is the best-looking calculator ever made. :) To my taste, that description applies to the 48GX with its grey plastics and purple and turquoise text on the keyboard!

«Some people think it is the best-looking calculator ever made»: So do I if we count hard+soft. HP 49/50 has best ROM software (if we forget algebraic mode) but keyboard is bad (quality and organization, with that small enter, unreadable fonts, etc) and algebraic mode makes it worse (you can switch it off, but keyboard organization is worse by that mode).

HP 48 SX/GX looks and feels like professional tool, 49/50 are like a toy. And it is a shame because 49/50 has soft that would make 48 perfect (integrated and improved ALG48 and Erable combination).

HP 48GX of course has more capabilities than SX with exact form and quality. But I think it isn't grey: I see it like strange blueish green or greenish blue :)
Of course I choose GX, because soft is better.

I found keyboard labels color scheme is better in SX (orange and light blue, classic HP) than in GX (purple and turquoise). But I prefer SX case color and keyboard symbols colors. I found its dark brown elegant, discreet and everlasting.

I would love a Pyra with that color and texture in its plastic.
I prefer the HP 28s myself. Who doesn't love more keys and a clamshell device with a floppy double hinge? Fully open it took up a significant chunk of my desk during Chem-E classes.

I started with an HP 28s (what a good user's manuals), but of course 48 has much better soft, cards and I/O capabilities, and it takes less space in desktop. And 48 uses standard AAA batteries while 28 uses strange hard-to-find and expensive batteries (and with batteries door reliability problem).

But I think a smaller HP48 where its screen case folds splitting keyboard part from LCD part, protecting it and making it smaller when closed, would be best solution (and it could include a larger display). I think in a HP 95LX but in vertical form-factor and with HP48 hard/soft.
+ 1
a beta release would be cool. so our units would be even more rare and we have more time to polish the software side and the case coating...

thinking of it, all unpainted "beta release" cases could be made in safety-orange to clearly mark them beta...

I think so, it is a good idea: orange beta cases (with flaws) or even transparent cases (flaws are less visible) and marked like "for TESTING".

Later models would have final case with coating and without "for testing" label.

But it may be coating be a fast process, so it doesn't take a considerable amount of time (it it goes well... :O ).

On other side, press/media/blogs could take testing units with their case flaws and blame for. Bad for Pyra reputation and for newcomers attraction (a bad review for case faults can make a lot of damage). I understand ED if decides to do directly for coated cases: it assures a better reception for users who haven't follow development like us, and Pyra PROJECT NEED to SELL more Pyras to make a profit, survive and TO HAVE future improvements like new CPU boards, 5G modem, etc.

I don't want Pyra to end with only 1 or 2 batches with no upgrades. And we are waiting for from a lot of years, so I prefer to wait a few weeks more and get it with more success options and more future life.
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I thought that the shoulder button was called Meta rather than Alt-Gr. Not that I know the difference -- is there one?
I thought that the shoulder button was called Meta rather than Alt-Gr. Not that I know the difference -- is there one?
Alt-Gr stands for Alternative Graphics (I think) while Meta was a key on Lisp machines. Many systems today use Alt instead of Meta for software like e.g. emacs that originally ran on computers that had a Meta key but no Alt key. So Alt and Meta are different keys but often Alt is used instead of Meta.
statement: If you want the Pyra to succeed (and be upgraded in the future) it needs to sell reasonably well

observation: People (not already aware of it) are more willing to spend a large chunk of money on a Pyra if it looks like a high-value item

conclusion: Paint the cases

suggestion: Take a stroll trough a bigger shop where they have phones / computers on display and see what colors are dominant there - these companies tend to do market research for similar target audiences, learn from them for free

You need to think about appealing to future customers, the crowd in the boards (that stayed for this long with it) mostly made up their minds to get a Pyra (or not) long ago ... ;-)

I would start with 2 basic colors for coated cases:

Matte Black for the techies (broadly speaking) and Glossy White for hipsters (not in a negative sense) - those are the 2 big target audiences (not already aware of the Pyra) I can think of willing to spend that much money on it ... stay away from experimental colors as these can be hit or miss based on personal tastes

Personally I do not like painted cases as quite a few of my items have developed paint defects even if they are well painted (Thinkpads for example) - also stay clear of rubber coating ... almost every rubber coating I have seen gets sticky after a few months / years (except older Thinkpads, not sure what they used)

I would love an aluminium (material not color) case ...

Swapping a Pyra case is an easy task compared to the Pandora (as has been shown) so perhaps offer free swaps when early adopter buy different cases in the future (and send their units in) ?
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