Next time, then.
It depends on what you mean by next time.
There were news (mid July'19) that ED intended to offer keyboard customization kits, so with some transparent paper, scissors, screwdriver, spare time, a printer and software tweaks everyone could have a different keyboard (with the same number of keys).
More on topic: I'd prefer a non painted case, and I'm pessimist enough to foresee delays in implementing paint, coating or whatever it is. Maybe it can cause problems with additional thickness but I really don't have a clue about that.
My reason is simple and egotistical. I don't think it makes a lot of difference, but assuming unpainted looks cheapo, it'd prefer it to be unattractive to any thieves, airport security guards, or dumb people in general. It's an expensive mobile device, anyway, and it implies risks of losing it or being stealed. So if it looks like a cheap toy nobody could possibly want, much the better to me. I'm not looking to impress people, and specially not by something I own or carry. You might argue that I can help them by letting them know something they might want exists, but I don't think creating needs helps much anyone, and I don't consider myself similar enough to the average person to be in a position to try. That's mainly because I don't intend to sell Pyras, though, so I understand ED to be exactly opposed to me (I couldn't have even conceived cerating something like the Pyra, so we're necessarily different, if he was like me the Pyra wouldn't exist). I don't care much, because I really don't think it will matter much to buyers, reviewers or thieves, anyway, because people don't look so closely.
I sympathize with whoever suggested making a more grainy texture to hide decolorisation and helping grip, but I really don't know if that's possible at all, how risky or expensive or how useful, and wothwhile it can be. I guess if it was easy it would have been tried by now.
About colors, I like black or gray. I don't like that brown, although I like the dark red renders, and I dislike the blue case for some reason.
But I see ED not liking it unpainted and ED is an optimist and Pyra is his baby, so I know it'll be painted. It's his call. We'll just trust him.
Btw, the unedited videos are good enough for me. I don't mind, perfect videos, easy videos, text or pictures. I welcome any news in any format I can consume (standards-wise, and not on privacy invading closed gardens like twitter or so).