A Moderation Suggestion

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Racemaniac said:
@daclassicgamingmaster: you must be about as mature as him? it's pretty obvious that being right is rather unimportant in the discussion... and frankly, as i just said, i doubt he was wrong, you were all just nitpicking on eachothers posts, all probably being right in some interpretation, but way to proud to see that the other guy was also making good points.
Pardon me? I'm just pointing out how he has yet to stop complaining. And by the way, nothing he's said has been "sarcastic". That's wishful thinking. As of about 10 hours ago, he's mentioned some terribly nasty things about warmfluffy's appearance. Quite mature, right? What exactly are you saying with "being right is rather unimportant in the discussion". You're contradicting yourself. It IS unimportant. That's the point; he's yet to stop demanding that he's correct and everyone else has a lesser intelligence than he.
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Racemaniac said:
and for those wondering, i just quickly scanned the thread for insults. (don't shoot me if i missed any)

insult list:
WarmFluffyUK: "idiocy"
lubidog: "You are clearly an idiot!"
sam fisher: "you are a 40+ year old with learning difficulties" (later revealed to be sarcastic...)*
nova: "you are a twat..."
BaDToaD: "Sam you really can be a total twat at times."
sam fisher: "You are the perfect example of a desperate person, with the arguing ability of a goldfish clinging solely to the straw man"
WarmFluffyUK: "you really are an idiot"
A_SN: "You're an idiot, and you talk out of your arse"
A_SN: "And you're a retard for even disagreeing with me"

in the end A_SN was going good it seems (with sam remaining calm and just responding to his arguments).

* What bullcrap, sarcasm my arse.


Its interesting to see nova making a direct personal attack when he claims he knows not to do this.

I believe I said...

I know not to make direct personal attacks at someone who accuses one of my points as being wrong.

I called sam a twat, because that was exactly what he was being, and I stick by that.
He was also not called an idiot to begin with, one of his points was accused as being idiocy. It's fair play that he should want argue his points, but using terms such as "you are a 40+ year old with learning difficulties" Is a perfect example of immaturity, and the inability to communicate well with other board members. If I called you a retard, and later claimed that it was in sarcastic jest, would that prevent you from becoming any less insulted at the time?

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foleyjo said:
Racemaniac said:
and for those wondering, i just quickly scanned the thread for insults. (don't shoot me if i missed any)

insult list:
WarmFluffyUK: "idiocy"
lubidog: "You are clearly an idiot!"
sam fisher: "you are a 40+ year old with learning difficulties" (later revealed to be sarcastic...)
nova: "you are a twat..."
BaDToaD: "Sam you really can be a total twat at times."
sam fisher: "You are the perfect example of a desperate person, with the arguing ability of a goldfish clinging solely to the straw man"
WarmFluffyUK: "you really are an idiot"
A_SN: "You're an idiot, and you talk out of your arse"
A_SN: "And you're a retard for even disagreeing with me"

in the end A_SN was going good it seems (with sam remaining calm and just responding to his arguments).
I vote all these people be banned. Especially A_SN for the insults and the swearing. Thats clearly not the kind of language we need in these otherwise friendly forums.

Either that or sams ban should be lifted and a full public warning should b made to everyone listed

Its interesting to see nova making a direct personal attack when he claims he knows not to do this.

All these people having a go at Sam and you don't think he's a problem?

We are all wrong, foleyjo is right...

Ladies and Gentleman I give you the new Sam Fisher... foleyjo!
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lubidog said:
If I was out of line then ban me!!!

But what you are all forgetting is how Sam would hijack EVERY thread with his desperate attempt to 'out smart' everyone else. And then be so rude to everyone else.

@Orkie, you can think what you want.

@Race, that quote was the end result of months of Sam winding us all up! To quote that out of context isn't representative.

The thing is, it wasn't just this thread (and don't try to pretend Sam wasn't so rude there), it was all the time! Every time I came here there he would be in almost every thread, trying to show off his Wiki knowledge, and being just rude and obnoxious to every poster that might have dared to make any statement that could be argued over! It was just getting many of us down to have some kid constantly lecturing to us about how permanently stupid WE were! That is the truth of it.

These boards used to be a place to come to to discuss our collective hobby! Not this! Me and many others that have been here for a long time were just so fed up! He then came back under a different name and spammed threads asking silly noobie questions!

If I am always nasty to Noobs, always trying to show off how clever I am, calling other people names without direct confrontation then I need to be banned also!

If Sam can learn from this and not be always so 'smart' then we all would want him back. But the way he has carried on in the slipzone would suggest otherwise! Sometimes it's not always the best to be 'right'

i understand it's no fun with less mature people on the board, and that such tensions between persons can result to this...
all i can really see in sam is someone still rather immature who seems to be very arrogant, and some people not accepting it. who's fault it is, i don't care, and i can more or less understand both sides.
you're right that he can probably be very annoying, hijacking threads to lecture you on stuff (although i think you just mean his arrogant way of commenting).
but i can also understand his side, where he probably doesn't really mean it the way it comes out, and due his age reacts heavily to criticism...

maybe the best option is just to give some warnings to everyone (and some short term bans to the worst offenders in this particular situation), and for those who can't stand sam fisher, to use the ignore function forums offer. if it works like on the other forums, you'll no longer see his posts, and that will probably solve most.

i just don't think that throwing sam out is the best solution, he's got good intentions, and good knowledge, just let it ripen a bit :P. don't burn bridges that you might later regret that they're no longer there...

BaDToaD said:
All these people having a go at Sam and you don't think he's a problem?

We are all wrong, foleyjo is right...

Ladies and Gentleman I give you the new Sam Fisher... foleyjo!
you know what they say, don't feed the troll ^^.

why not just use the ignore function of the forum. it's there for a reason ^^.

although, i have to admit i've hardly been here for a while, so i probably miss the context of this situation.

but atm i roughly think this is just a fight between an immature and arrogant sam, vs "mature" people not being able to cope with such persons. is it his fault that he has stil some growing up to do and that some are not tolerant to his behaviour? should he therefor be banned?

ofcourse, if you're absolutely sure he's doing it all on purpose, or that he'll never be able to contribute anything useful to the community, throwing him out might be the right thing to do. but for what i've seen so far, i doubt that's the case. also from what i've heard from him over msn, he seems to be really interested in software development, and seems to be studying some good scientific studies, so i think he'll become a valuable member here, someday ^^
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lubidog said:
If I was out of line then ban me!!!

But what you are all forgetting is how Sam would hijack EVERY thread with his desperate attempt to 'out smart' everyone else. And then be so rude to everyone else.

@Orkie, you can think what you want.

@Race, that quote was the end result of months of Sam winding us all up! To quote that out of context isn't representative.

The thing is, it wasn't just this thread (and don't try to pretend Sam wasn't so rude there), it was all the time! Every time I came here there he would be in almost every thread, trying to show off his Wiki knowledge, and being just rude and obnoxious to every poster that might have dared to make any statement that could be argued over! It was just getting many of us down to have some kid constantly lecturing to us about how permanently stupid WE were! That is the truth of it.

These boards used to be a place to come to to discuss our collective hobby! Not this! Me and many others that have been here for a long time were just so fed up! He then came back under a different name and spammed threads asking silly noobie questions!

If I am always nasty to Noobs, always trying to show off how clever I am, calling other people names without direct confrontation then I need to be banned also!

If Sam can learn from this and not be always so 'smart' then we all would want him back. But the way he has carried on in the slipzone would suggest otherwise! Sometimes it's not always the best to be 'right'
I've mostly stayed out of this, but this perceived elitism of you all is annoying the hell out of me. Aren't you nearly 40? Therefore, shouldn't you be mature enough to ignore Sam Fisher's comments. I think this is cleared up by your use of "some kid". Do you actually have a problem with Sam, or just that he is younger than you and that somehow your many years of life make you a more worthy and clever person?

And if you can find a single instance of Sam being unnecessarily rude to a newbie, I'll eat my hat. I definitely haven't noticed it ever happening, in fact I'd say you're probably just as guilty of it.

What have you ever contributed to this community? You're hardly a developer like Sam is, and if it's a matter of who has been here longer than Sam Fisher wins that one by far. In fact, I'd say you're just being completely elitist and conceited for no reason whatsoever.
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Personally I find Sam annoying, arrogant and immature. Would I have banned him? No. I am a very tolerant person most of the time. But and it's a big but. He has been warned, he has been banned 5 times before (technially 10;)) and still he has no respect for 99% of the board.

Sam has never personally had a go at me. He respects me. Why he respects me I am not sure but I believe he should show that respect to others. There are ways to disagree with people. Even arguments can be interesting if they don't degrade into personal slanging matches.

What you have to realise is that most of the posters in this thread are long term members who frequent the off topic section of the forums because as with any forum that's where the real community lies. That's where you get to know people and some of us have known Sam for years.

I really believe he is a good lad but he needs to:

a. Respect others.
b. Stop thinking he is the most intelligent person on the board.
c. If he does argue then keep it on topic.
d. Stop with the "nasty" personal comments. What he said to Fluffy, a respected member of this forum was unforgivable. I, like Nova, stand by my comment that he "can be a total twat at times."

and finally

e. Learn to admit when he is wrong.
BaDToaD said:
a. Respect others.
b. Stop thinking he is the most intelligent person on the board.
c. If he does argue then keep it on topic.
d. Stop with the "nasty" personal comments. What he said to Fluffy, a respected member of this forum was unforgivable. I, like Nova, stand by my comment that he "can be a total twat at times."

and finally

e. Learn to admit when he is wrong.
b. Nah, he knows I am.
d. Respected by whom? Certainly not by me, clearly not by him and surely not by a few other people.
e. But was he? ;)
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BaDToaD said:
All these people having a go at Sam and you don't think he's a problem?

We are all wrong, foleyjo is right...

Ladies and Gentleman I give you the new Sam Fisher... foleyjo!
Sam Fisher was on the list too so yes I do think that he causes a problem but I also think everyone else on the list (including yourself) caused problems by flinging insults at him.

Also in calling me the new Sam Fisher do you mean I have

A- Said something out of place that has offended you


B- Said something that you dont agree with so your going to disregard it treat my opinion as crap and start insulting me resulting in me getting banned :rolleyes:
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel I should post this before this is closed. Stop arguing. Can't you all get over it? Dear god, it was a petty thing in the first place and now you've all blown it out of proportion. What has past has past and nothing can change that. Move with time and get over this whole fiasco. It's disgraceful that you are still arguing over this.

Whether Sam should have been banned or not, I feel you all should stop right now as its gotten out of hand. Someone close this please.
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