Before I express my concerns, I would like to say that the hardcore, anti anyone who doesn't know how to compile their own linux kernel, douche brigade (you know who you are, you're the people that will get pissed if/when you read that last bit) are making it unreasonably hard for new members/potential pandora buyers and that is not cool. But on the other hand, some new people have made knobs of themselves and deserved it a little bit. <_<
Anyway, what concerns me is I've noticed that certain changes have been made to how the boards are moderated lately. It's not neccessarily a bad thing. I realize it's in the best interests of the entire community to have mods minimize offensive content and reduce the number of useless posts. And the increase in general bastardry towards so called "n00bs" is not productive at all and at some point must be stopped. But...
I don't think the forums should be moderated to the point where it's basically a procedural removal of all mirth and entertainment. Call it a funectomy if you will.
Some threads have been locked up tight for no apparent reason imo. Other threads needed to be locked, buried in cement and thrown into the deepest trench in the ocean. But some legitimate, and sometimes humourous threads seem to get shit-canned quicker than we can read em.
So I made this topic to see what people who read it think about the sometimes overzealous moderation. I hope noone minds. Does everyone think that kidding around and the occassional swear is really all that bad?
BTW I mean no offence to the mods. They are doing a good job. They just seem a little lock happy and post delete-y lately.
And sorry about the long post.
Anyway, what concerns me is I've noticed that certain changes have been made to how the boards are moderated lately. It's not neccessarily a bad thing. I realize it's in the best interests of the entire community to have mods minimize offensive content and reduce the number of useless posts. And the increase in general bastardry towards so called "n00bs" is not productive at all and at some point must be stopped. But...
I don't think the forums should be moderated to the point where it's basically a procedural removal of all mirth and entertainment. Call it a funectomy if you will.
Some threads have been locked up tight for no apparent reason imo. Other threads needed to be locked, buried in cement and thrown into the deepest trench in the ocean. But some legitimate, and sometimes humourous threads seem to get shit-canned quicker than we can read em.
So I made this topic to see what people who read it think about the sometimes overzealous moderation. I hope noone minds. Does everyone think that kidding around and the occassional swear is really all that bad?
BTW I mean no offence to the mods. They are doing a good job. They just seem a little lock happy and post delete-y lately.