

songs in the key of AAAAAARRRGH!
Sep 18, 2006
Before I express my concerns, I would like to say that the hardcore, anti anyone who doesn't know how to compile their own linux kernel, douche brigade (you know who you are, you're the people that will get pissed if/when you read that last bit) are making it unreasonably hard for new members/potential pandora buyers and that is not cool. But on the other hand, some new people have made knobs of themselves and deserved it a little bit. <_<

Anyway, what concerns me is I've noticed that certain changes have been made to how the boards are moderated lately. It's not neccessarily a bad thing. I realize it's in the best interests of the entire community to have mods minimize offensive content and reduce the number of useless posts. And the increase in general bastardry towards so called "n00bs" is not productive at all and at some point must be stopped. But...

I don't think the forums should be moderated to the point where it's basically a procedural removal of all mirth and entertainment. Call it a funectomy if you will.

Some threads have been locked up tight for no apparent reason imo. Other threads needed to be locked, buried in cement and thrown into the deepest trench in the ocean. But some legitimate, and sometimes humourous threads seem to get shit-canned quicker than we can read em.

So I made this topic to see what people who read it think about the sometimes overzealous moderation. I hope noone minds. Does everyone think that kidding around and the occassional swear is really all that bad?

BTW I mean no offence to the mods. They are doing a good job. They just seem a little lock happy and post delete-y lately. :P And sorry about the long post.
No ones getting mad at anyone for not knowing the stuff, me and the others like me are getting mad at them for their willful ignorance

Problem is, there is no "I'm a dumbass, please move my already answered 4 times thread" subforum.
Why not start off being cool. Tell 'em what they did wrong. When the other person shows that they are incapable of grasping a basic concept like manners or etiquette after you were nice enough to spend the time explaining, THEN you have more of a right to flame if you wish.
If flaming starts, count to ten and take deep breaths, then report the post. That way there should be no confusion...
Personally I think the Mods should be more strict. The constant stream of duplicate threads is REALLY annoying. As it is there are 1000 more pre-orders placed now than was originally available and they're not currently taking more. So people who haven't placed an order yet can wait till the first batch is made where a lot of things will be come more obvious.
I get where you're coming from when it comes to duplicate threads. I mean, it's annoying and often worrying that some people seem to ignore the rest of the board where the answers to there questions await them. But as far as stricter moderation is concerned, I disagree. Here's why...

1. You see, it's not like we gotta worry about kids being corrupted on this forum. There's a whole world outside full of sunshine and profanity and general bad shit that's got us covered. Anyway, the content underage kids view on the internet should be monitored by their parents, not by everyone else on the web.

2. If anyone's feelings are that easily hurt by comments made by strangers on the interwebs that they need a mod to help keep the mean streets of the Pandora fora clean, they and others like them can suck my left one. Maybe they can all get together and form the international lame ass pussy club and have monthly general meetings where they huddle around the single (metaphoric) testicle they share between them for comfort. Grow a pair you.

3. A lot of the immaturity that goes on here could easily be avoided by the very people who think they are superior as people, forum members and nerds and that gives them the right to be know-it-all pricks. If you're such a well of knowledge, share the wealth nicely or shut the fuck up. You might be a genius, but not everyone else can be. Lead the "n00bs" by example or be a hypocrite and burn in the seventh circle of hells' sphincter for eternity where you will forever be subjected to BSOD and Christian video games.

Maybe an +18 area on the board for shits and giggles would be a good idea. I bet there are more people like me out the that like the swears.
sold said:
I get where you're coming from when it comes to duplicate threads. I mean, it's annoying and often worrying that some people seem to ignore the rest of the board where the answers to there questions await them. But as far as stricter moderation is concerned, I disagree. Here's why...

1. You see, it's not like we gotta worry about kids being corrupted on this forum. There's a whole world outside full of sunshine and profanity and general bad shit that's got us covered. Anyway, the content underage kids view on the internet should be monitored by their parents, not by everyone else on the web.

2. If anyone's feelings are that easily hurt by comments made by strangers on the interwebs that they need a mod to help keep the mean streets of the Pandora fora clean, they and others like them can suck my left one. Maybe they can all get together and form the international lame ass pussy club and have monthly general meetings where they huddle around the single (metaphoric) testicle they share between them for comfort. Grow a pair you.

3. A lot of the immaturity that goes on here could easily be avoided by the very people who think they are superior as people, forum members and nerds and that gives them the right to be know-it-all pricks. If you're such a well of knowledge, share the wealth nicely or shut the fuck up. You might be a genius, but not everyone else can be. Lead the "n00bs" by example or be a hypocrite and burn in the seventh circle of hells' sphincter for eternity where you will forever be subjected to BSOD and Christian video games.

Maybe an +18 area on the board for shits and giggles would be a good idea. I bet there are more people like me out the that like the swears.
1. who said anything about people being corrupted? i thought this was about the forum not sucking.
2. your whole post pretty much contradicts each part of it.
1. It is about the forum not sucking. If people use off-color laguage or humor, I don't think the mods should kick up a stink (not saying that they do). Some people think that certain language is unacceptable because of the forums younger members and the overly sensitive. I refer to younger members being corrupted because of that in point 1. The overly sensitive were mentioned in point 2.

2. There is a fine line between proving a point and being a wanker. That was point 3 in the post you quoted.

You seem to have difficulty seperating the issues I was refering to which were put into 3 seperate points for a reason.

The underlying point is that adult conversation should be allowed. But there is no point grilling people just because you can.
You see, it's not like we gotta worry about kids being corrupted on this forum.

If anyone's feelings are that easily hurt by comments made by strangers on the interwebs that they need a mod to help keep the mean streets of the Pandora fora clean, they and others like them can suck my left one
(yeah, you're one to talk about immaturity, right?)

Maybe an +18 area on the board for shits and giggles would be a good idea. I bet there are more people like me out the that like the swears.


kids aren't the problem, dumbasses are the problem. and if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem, and that means you are a dumbass.
Agreed. But the solution is not being nasty to everyone for no reason. I'm not saying that once it's proven that someone is a dumbass you cant go to town with a flamethrower and have yourself a silly-ass cookout. I'm just saying give people a chance first. It's the excessive flamage that causes the extra strict moderation.

Also, I never said I was mature did I? And maybe due to the fact that I'm immature, I AM one to talk about immaturity :lol: You gotta know what your talking about before you start talking right?
overall, I think the mods are doing ok, other than being a little overzealous. I've seen a few times that a post would be modded to make it accurate, rather than responding to the person to tell them they are misinformed.

Only mod when you NEED to. Not when you're too lazy to create dialogue with someone who hasn't read the full story.

Behind the scenes there has been a lot of work to move threads to correct sections which I think the current mod team are owed a lot of credit for. You don't see effort like this from nearly any other community.
you're right... on most forums, a single moderator will have good enough judgment to decide for himself without a council of amateurs getting polled on it.
At this point, I think kyo is posting enough just to stay at least 5 posts ahead.
Well, at risk of going off topic, which is not allowed, we could discuss this aspect further and have the added side effect of increasing your post count. :wink:
TaG said:
Well, at risk of going off topic, which is not allowed, we could discuss this aspect further and have the added side effect of increasing your post count. :wink:
People scold me for making posts that don't add anything to the discussion, so I just try and say, you know, hey, man, I've got shit to do. ive got a quota to fill, man, as far as posts go.
90% of posts don't add anything to the discussion.At least some of yours are amusing.

Now the question: Is it possible to go off topic in off topic?
TaG said:
90% of posts don't add anything to the discussion.At least some of yours are amusing.

Now the question: Is it possible to go off topic in off topic?
i would answer that, but I would be risking going off-topic