A Bit Of Parody/satire On The Three New Consoles.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
Journalist: What games will the PS3 have? And how will they handle with the new controllers?
Sony: CELL PROCESSOR! Journalist: err.. yes that is the hardware, but what is the software?
SONY: ...Cell processor?
Journalist: No, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames..... Sony: ....cellll......procccc...essor? Journalist: I give up.
Journalist: SECURITY!

Journalist: And now nintendo, What is your Nintendo revoloution offering?
Nintendo: We do not wish to reveal anything at the moment, for fear of our innovations being copied by our competitors, but I assure you it is very innovative. Journalist: Can you name any game titles being released for it?

Nintendo: We would but our competitors might steal our characters and games too. Journalist: But those are all your trademarks and that's not possible... Nintendo: Yes it is, we will not reveal anything, but it's really innovative and fun.
Journalist: will it have online play of any type?
Nintendo: Online play is just a fad, with those silly american and korean children playing "Space Craft" and such. Oh ho ho!

Journalist: So what IS the big innovation behind your console?
nintendo: The console itself is innovative!
Journalist: ...*blink* You don't even have a sketch of the damn case design yet do you?
Nintendo: (hangs head in shame) No.

Journalist: And you, microsoft, what info can you give us about the Xbox 360? Microsoft: I EAT THE TALKING BEES BECAUSE I'M GEORGE WASHINGTON CHRIST! Journalist: Excuse me?
Microsoft: GO TO THE WEBSITE, Ilovebee- no wait, I mean the colony to find out!
Journalist: But I want information about your system, games, and features.
Microsoft: Never! PLAY OUR MIND GAMES! The red walrus jumps at midnight! WRITE THIS DOWN!
Journalist: Okaayy...... (writing down never to interview this rep again)
Microsoft: ALPHA TANGO FOXTROT! www.ebay.com! Search for a specific item made of blue plastic that has our next clue etched in!
Journalist: Security! GET THE TRANQUILIZER!

[don't get angry at me, I just wrote it for fun]
i was going to write that xD
if i wrote it it would have been really new and innovative but now you stole it !!!
you bastard i have a copyright on that word. I will never reveal somthing in the future, neeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr !! X)
junker posted on Apr 22 2005 at 11:06 PM said:
robojoe, you are a true hero!

But am I a bad enough dude to rescue the president? :P

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RoboJoe32 posted on Apr 22 2005 at 10:04 PM said:
Journalist: What games will the PS3 have? And how will they handle with the new controllers?
Sony: CELL PROCESSOR! Journalist: err.. yes that is the hardware, but what is the software?
SONY: ...Cell processor?
Journalist: No, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames..... Sony: ....cellll......procccc...essor? Journalist: I give up.
Journalist: SECURITY!

Journalist: And now nintendo, What is your Nintendo revoloution offering?
Nintendo: We do not wish to reveal anything at the moment, for fear of our innovations being copied by our competitors, but I assure you it is very innovative. Journalist: Can you name any game titles being released for it?

Nintendo: We would but our competitors might steal our characters and games too. Journalist: But those are all your trademarks and that's not possible... Nintendo: Yes it is, we will not reveal anything, but it's really innovative and fun.
Journalist: will it have online play of any type?
Nintendo: Online play is just a fad, with those silly american and korean children playing "Space Craft" and such. Oh ho ho!

Journalist: So what IS the big innovation behind your console?
nintendo: The console itself is innovative!
Journalist: ...*blink* You don't even have a sketch of the damn case design yet do you?
Nintendo: (hangs head in shame) No.

Journalist: And you, microsoft, what info can you give us about the Xbox 360? Microsoft: I EAT THE TALKING BEES BECAUSE I'M GEORGE WASHINGTON CHRIST! Journalist: Excuse me?
Microsoft: GO TO THE WEBSITE, Ilovebee- no wait, I mean the colony to find out!
Journalist: But I want information about your system, games, and features.
Microsoft: Never! PLAY OUR MIND GAMES! The red walrus jumps at midnight! WRITE THIS DOWN!
Journalist: Okaayy...... (writing down never to interview this rep again)
Microsoft: ALPHA TANGO FOXTROT! www.ebay.com! Search for a specific item made of blue plastic that has our next clue etched in!
Journalist: Security! GET THE TRANQUILIZER!

[don't get angry at me, I just wrote it for fun]
lol tis funny
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