Blah - that is a VERY biased and uninformed oppinion, which unfortunately, is all too common among hardcore PC gamers. First of all, comparing PC's to consoles is retarded. Consoles almost always come out in the $300 price range and only go down from there, often hitting $100 or even less by the end of the systems life span. You ain't gonna buy a good gaming PC for $300, and certainly not for $100. A good gaming PC will cost you somewhere in the range of 3-7 times more dough, depending on how far you take it... Plus, new PC games are constantly upping the bar, so that within some 6 mos, your 'new' system is already starting to fall behind and not run the newest games at their highest performance levels. Whereas consoles USUALLY have a viable lifespan of around 5 years, and that's five years in which you really don't have to do anything to it, and are pretty much guaranteed that even the latest greatest games will run just fine on it. But you PC guys always fall back on "but it runs better!" "but it has better resolution!"... yeah, and for 3-7 times the cost, it better damn well run and look better!
Secondly, how can you POSSIBLY even THINK to say that all console games do nothing more than look good but suck to play??? So millions and millions of people must be f'ing idiots to think that games like Halo 2, Metroid Prime, Zelda Wind Waker, Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, etc. etc. etc. are actually good games to play? Stop kidding yourself. These games don't sell just because they look good.
Then there's the PC's GREAT amount of diversity, right? Seriously, what was the last big PC release that wasn't an FPS, MMORPG, or RTS? Sure, you do find other genre's covered on PC... just barely. I find that most hardcore PC gamers think these are the only types of games worth playing, find that long periods of online gaming sessions are a great substitute for actually going outside and/or interacting with real people, and just don't see the point of playing any game that doesn't have shooting, blood and guts or just overall massive amounts of killing or destruction. Kind of a scary thought, if you ask me.
Seriously.... PC does have great games, of course it does, and yes, it's very likely that high end PC's will always have some kind of performance edge over consoles (as long as you keep upgrading it every 6-12 mos
)... well DUH... but to say that consoles and console games all suck is just retarded... stop trying to justify your purchase (probably a pretty sizable investment in that gaming PC I bet) by trying to make other people feel that they are stupid for owning or wishing to own 'lesser' machines. To each their own.