"the Wii Is A Piece Of Sh*t"

The basic point is that neither the PS3 or the Wii currently have many triple A titles. We are still waiting for GTA, Gran Turismo, the Final Fantasies, MGS from Sony's machine. And we are still waiting for the Mario platformer, the Metroid, the Mario Kart, the Super Smash Bros, the Fire Emblem for the Wii.

Both consoles will be waiting a while for their major titles. Just like it was with the PS2.
declaration posted on Mar 13 2007 at 07:09 AM said:
The basic point is that neither the PS3 or the Wii currently have many triple A titles.
The point that was proven was that the PS3 has B+ and A- titles, whereas the wii has Zelda only. The rest are B- and C+ titles.

declaration posted on Mar 13 2007 at 07:09 AM said:
Both consoles will be waiting a while for their major titles. Just like it was with the PS2.
Lair is planned for release in a month and a half. GTA is slated for release in October and will surely be a major blow for the wii in terms of fence-sitters confused about what console they want.

Those are 2 killer games. What will the wii have to combat their sales?

I know I come off as pro-sony, which I am tbh. However I DO have a wii, and while I feel it is quite shitty now, I would love some killer games to come out...I just don't see it happening any time soon.
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However daclassicgaming master, GTA4 will also be out on the 360 at the exact same time so its not really gonna be a major blow for wii in terms of fence sitters as people will be able to go out and buy a cheaper machine upon which they can play the exact same game that is out on the PS3 but without having to pay £150 more for a console. Im also hoping that everyone remembers that MGS4 isnt a PS3 exclusive as it was announced a while back that it will be coming to 360 due to the costs needed to develop it and so this way the developer may be able to get back more money. And of the 2 games u mentioned Daclassicgamingmaster, only one will be out in the immediate future which is Lair. Thats one game going up against about 10 to 15 wii games that will be getting released within the same time frame. Ok most will be god awful with tacked on controls that dont work but the rest will be good. Id rather have a wider choice of games than a select choice whereby the majority of titles will be coming out on the 360 as well as the ps3 but at a cheaper price band.
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 13 2007 at 03:11 PM said:
However daclassicgaming master, GTA4 will also be out on the 360 at the exact same time so its not really gonna be a major blow for wii in terms of fence sitters as people will be able to go out and buy a cheaper machine upon which they can play the exact same game that is out on the PS3 but without having to pay £150 more for a console. Im also hoping that everyone remembers that MGS4 isnt a PS3 exclusive as it was announced a while back that it will be coming to 360 due to the costs needed to develop it and so this way the developer may be able to get back more money. And of the 2 games u mentioned Daclassicgamingmaster, only one will be out in the immediate future which is Lair. Thats one game going up against about 10 to 15 wii games that will be getting released within the same time frame. Ok most will be god awful with tacked on controls that dont work but the rest will be good. Id rather have a wider choice of games than a select choice whereby the majority of titles will be coming out on the 360 as well as the ps3 but at a cheaper price band.
ganepark you seem to be thinking I'm comparing the ps3 to the 360. I am not.

If GTA were to be released on ps3, 360, ps2, xbox, and psx, it would STILL be a blow to the wii as it's NOT coming out on the wii. So yes, it WILL be a major blow to the wii as those fence-sitters I mentioned could buy either a PS3 or a 360, but not a Wii. Conversely, it will be a major blow to the ps3 as Sony lost a major exclusive title. You're confusing my position and putting words in my mouth.

As for Metal Gear, no, I do not recall. I recall rumors, not fact. Please link me so I avoid potentially sounding foolish.

Perhaps you are referring to assassin's creed? There's another one Sony lost exclusivity to.

As for Lair, early May is the release date. What killer games are projected for that month on the wii? Maybe a few Bob the Fucking Builder and Spongebob games. yeah. Those are awesome.

I may like Sony and I may love my PS3, but I'm not a blind, ignorant Sony fanboy, thank God.
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In before banning of the discussion of comparisons of the latest generation consoles and random permabanning of people
I think you may be overestimating how many people will be deciding between a PS3 and a Wii. The price of the Wii means it appeals to non-gamers but also to hardcore gamers (like you and many others on here) wanting a second console.

GTA4 isn't gonna stop many people buying a Wii. Metroid, which could be out at a similar time, if done well, could make a lot of gamers buy a Wii.

We'll just have to wait and see. Much depends on how Konami and Square treat the Wii.
declaration posted on Mar 13 2007 at 08:41 PM said:
GTA4 isn't gonna stop many people buying a Wii. Metroid, which could be out at a similar time, if done well, could make a lot of gamers buy a Wii.
Again, you are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm not saying it would stop people from buying a wii, it would just push them towards a 360 or PS3. You're right though, this all depends on timing. Nintendo needs to release something to combat the GTA riots, otherwise those fence-sitters I was talking about will opt for the console with the killer, much anticipated game. If however, ninty throws out something within that same time frame, the situation will be VERY different.

It shall be interesting to see.
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What DaveC said is right, the Wii is crap because its too weird.

But this Hecker guy is stupid. Obviously he's blaming (rather rudely and unprofessionaly, I might add) all the problems on the CPU. I guess he must be a Fortran programmer writing in Java, because I cant see how good AI would require a crazy fast processor.
I could see, if its far enough along, Super Mario Galaxy coming out at roughly the same time as GTA4. That would put a spanner in the works of Sony and microsoft. It'd be interesting to see which game would win that battle. Its either that or Metroid Prime 3. Either way it'll be interesting to see sales figures for that battle if it happens.

Oh and daclassicgamingmaster, i didnt say that there would be any killer apps in the same time frame as Lair is said there will be a few good games, like SSX Blur or something. The rest will be god awful ports of PS2 games or just plain terrible wii exclusive games. I think whats annoying most people about the wii is that most developers are just porting PS2 games to it with tweaked controls without even trying to make the games visually different. What has annoyed me about it was Twilight Princess. I got it on GC before xmas as i was told I wouldnt be getting a wii, however i did, and in comparison the GC version of the game was much better visually. Ok the Wii version allowed for Wide screen but all that did was stretch the textures and the graphics and made it look worse than the gamecube version. Like I said to a friend, they probably got the versions mixed up and didnt notice until it was too late.