Missing Forum Post?


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
Visit site
I did a rather lengthy review of Rick Dangerous ages ago, in fact I think it was the 2nd review ever to be posted, and now it's gone!

Anyone shed any light on this? I'd really like it back....
I did a full search and nothing seems to come up. I also searched the reviews board. Nothing. Finally searched site just in case - nope :( No sign of it. Could have been lost back when we had those MySQL problems, I guess...
Yo rico, i love yer personal photo! :P
...As for the topic i wouldn't know and dont really care. just get the game and review it yourself.

P.S.: I also think the dancing brown tomagatchi [if that is what it is]is the bee's knees! :lol: [don't care for dancing baby <_< ]

<_< :( :) :D :P :angry: :blink: :huh: :lol: :o :ph34r: :rolleyes: :unsure: ;) B)
@rico: well thanks for looking, I think you're probably right and it may have dissappeared along with a bunch of other posts. never mind eh

@phycho: wtf is a phycho??? are you high?
You can ask a mod for a name change (... i think) just PM one of them


already asked this before. Rico mught ig he had access to the database or something or other he said.
I don't have access to the database as such, just the forum search functions like anyone else.

Yo rico, i love yer personal photo! :P
...As for the topic i wouldn't know and dont really care. just get the game and review it yourself.

P.S.: I also think the dancing brown tomagatchi [if that is what it is]is the bee's knees! :lol: [don't care for dancing baby <_< ]

<_< :( :) :D :P :angry: :blink: :huh: :lol: :o :ph34r: :rolleyes: :unsure: ;) B)
*checks moron list*
- Misspelled nickname
- Giant signature full of annoying post
- Overuse of all smileys
- Invalid BBCode in signature
- Spam
- Random, off-topic observations
- Blatant ignorance of topic starter's post (he WROTE the review you idiot)
- Off hand insult at topic starter
- 25 posts

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sounds like a gay guy saying psycho.hahaha :lol: rick dangerous was to hard for me to beat Icouldn't even finish the first level. <_< :) :lol: