GP32 I Want To Make Games, Where To Begin


Still Fresh
Nov 6, 2004
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I want to start making games, platformers and RPG's. I have some amazing idea's. But one problem, I know not a single bit of code/programming, apart from ideas and drawing little doodles I have no idea where to begin. I know its really hard and stuff, but ive been drawing level maps since I was 6, im now 17 and still havn't bothered to start actualy making games.

My dads a computer programmer for BT so he has lots of books on C++ and stuff so that helps.

Need help, I have no idea where to begin. Links to web sights and would be appreciated. I've already downloaded giga's engine but Don't have GP yet, but will do in a couple of months.

Thanks for any help
If your talking about straight C programming, learn Basic/Visual basic, then C/C++ and maybe even dos programming. Then download a dev kit (devkitadvance devkitarm...) and an sdk (Official, Mr. Mirko's). Do a search for it.

About gigas... Learn some RPG maker on your pc (Rpg Maker 2k, etc.) then go for it. Or just go for it. Its easy enough. But, Gigas doesn't have a lot of features yet. It still has enough to make games.

Or there's also Zot. Try it, if your already a computer power user. Or figure out something similar like Game Maker for pc.

I'm a beginner also so get more information.
his dad's got loads of books on c++ remember... don't put him off.. :P

if i was you, i'd try out a bit of c++ on the PC first... read a bit, maybe take a part-time course (i did a bit of c++ and it's actually not that bad if you start off with the basics...) don't think you can just dive into GP32 c++ programming... it's a hassle :S

GIGAS won't do much for you yet, because there's no PC version...

if you can't be arsed with proper programming, give ZOT a try... skeezix's bomberman entry in the recent competition has had good comments about it, plus it's script-based (a type of programming) *plus* i think it's easy to get working on PC so you can test things out before you get your GP, with minimum hassle... (i may be wrong about this, however)

or there's FENIX, which I believe is a game-oriented programming language... I know nothing about this, so if you find out more about it (via google?), please let me know :P:P:P... but one thing I *do* know is that some very impressive stuff has been created using this method...

i'm not a programmer... not even close... you could try searching the boards for where the #GP32DEV irc channel is, and if you're going the c++ route, I'm sure some people there will give you some advice...

hope this helps...
Thanks alot for your help, I think ill start reading and download those programmes. Let the games begin.

Have I posted in the wrong place tristen. What was that post about im kinda new here.

Again thanks :)
Sorry, I assumed you knew about IRC. IRC is used for chatting. Get mIRC from (Or any other IRC client that takes your fancy, Google is your friend), then select any EFNet server, fill in your information (Nickname etc.) press connect and wait for your client to log on. Then type /join #gp32dev and you'll receive a warm greeting ;)

Edit: Oh yeah, and the 'devvers only' was for our channel #gp32DEV Occasionally, non-devvers come in and ask for silly things. Go to #gp32 for that.