1Ghz Club, new badge

I ordered my Pandora about 3 years ago and have not received it as yet. I did get one off of Ebay and am pleased with it. I did contact Open Pandora Sales and upgraded my existing order. They told me I was 108 in the que. Can't wait to get it.
Wheyhey! Badges galore :)


bronze_preorder.png pre-ordered

silver_preorder.png pre-ordered and waited

gold_preorder.png pre-ordered and waited a lot

bronze_donation.png donated a bit

silver_donation.png donated more

gold_donation.png donated lots

bronze_specialhw.png has hacked around with tv-out cables or suchlike

silver_specialhw.png has limited-edition hardware/pandora from OP (including 1GHz models)

gold_specialhw.png has made major, previously undocumented (and successful) modifications to a standard pandora

bronze_osuidev.png minor/superficial contributions to the stock OS

silver_osuidev.png large/significant improvements to the stock OS

gold_osuidev.png massive/low-level Os work, including porting new OSes

bronze_gamedev.png one or more games (or two or more ports)

silver_gamedev.png four or more games (or six or more ports)

gold_gamedev.png eight games/twelve ports

bronze_appdev.png as above

silver_appdev.png "

gold_appdev.png "

bronze_investor.png small investment

silver_investor.png bigger investment

gold_investor.png guess what?

bronze_respected.png four members put this user up for a respect badge

silver_respected.png eight

gold_respected.png 16

(in these last three, moderators/staff count for two votes)


Probably not enough admin time for this lot though
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I donate mine to the real heroes.

Craigix - for being level headed in the face of uncertainty

Barney - for telling the truth.

Hehe - I agree with your post whole-heartedly, though I'm not known as Barney around these parts... assuming you mean me, Mr YakYak inhabitant :-)

And if anyone's handing out dev badges, I'll take one :-p

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Love your badge ideas, Binky!....

In fact, I think there should be a badge for those that come up with creative badge ideas!...

And one for the person we have to hire to administer this badge system :)

Wait! 'Open' badge administration system, just hack the badge you are entitled to in to your avatar!

Bingo readers!
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^ Craig, is it possible to have two avatar spaces for that? That might help. :P



For people who help/contribute in ways not covered in the other classes

(badge designer would probably count for a bronze on of these)

Possibly each user could have a voting page on thier profile where any other user with more than 100 posts or 2 months' membership could vote towards that user getting a badge (or lots :) )
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(badge designer would probably count for a bronze on of these)
Is that a hint? hahahah!

Can you make me a badge for Senior Executive Used Underwear Designer? Thanks Binks
Nicely spotted :)

'Senior Executive Used Underwear Designer' wouldn't fit, So I abbreviated it :P



@SONY Do you mean the word or a picture? Not sure if it would really fit in with the other badges representing achievements or status though...
Very sexy. You know, a great addition to your avatar would be that little bra graphic dangling by a strap off the edge of the 'O' in SONY.