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  1. triksR4rabits

    The Joystick...

    I agree; it was not a very good joystick, it was far too loose and many units had trouble hitting diagonals. Took a long time to get used to, though I must admit once I did it was much better. Pretty easy to mod to. It seems as though the gp2x joystick is the opposite of the gp32's; very...
  2. triksR4rabits

    More Mods

    funny how people are voting for DaveC and he's not even around atm :lol: Anway, I think a bunch of people on this board would make great mods. Mark DaveC Vimacs (in no particular order) and many many more. I agree that we need some more mods; these boards have blown up since the release of...
  3. triksR4rabits

    Emulators For Cell Phones?

    most appreiated axeman and spray; will certainly look into vnes, thanks so much
  4. triksR4rabits

    Emulators For Cell Phones?

    I recently purchased an Ericsson w600 walkman phone, and was wondering if anyone knew if there are any emulators available for it. I heard pico-drive worked quite well on specific phones, but I have basically zero knoledge of cell phone apps and such. any help or advice would be appreciated
  5. triksR4rabits

    Psx Running On The Gp2x

    lol. poor davec, you guys should lay off him a little. He has been very helpful in terms of providing feedback and testing; every community should have at least one staunch pessimist :) and Zottdt- this sounds MOST impressive! I wish you luck; you are making us gp32'ers a most jelous bunch :)
  6. triksR4rabits


    some of my favorites that have yet to be mentioned- gpfinalwar (comand and conquer clone) gpsodoku Drunken Frogger and Drunken Arcade Master highly recommended- Lacuna. the minigame project, another world and many many more
  7. triksR4rabits

    Opensnes Savestates

    where are these savestates from? your pc or a previous save using osnes? if you are using a savestate from your pc, I don't believe its compatable with yoyo's osnes (many thanks go to Ressy for the excellent sound clarity). Sram, however, is compatable (or so I've heard; I have yet to try it)...
  8. triksR4rabits

    The Minigame Project V1.6f

    wow quiest- the Minigame Project is turning out to be quite the homebrew title! great stuff! one suggestion/comment- the game dousn't boot from wind-ups. I've noticed this in many fenix games, and it is rather odd- some games (such as racemaniac's scorched gp) boot fine from windups, while...
  9. triksR4rabits

    GP32 Neogeo Pocket Color Emulation Status

    my 2 cents- Rlyeh (who's name can be very difficult to spell sometomes lol) is not very active on these boards. If you really would like to know how active he is with his projects, perhaps email or pm him? it's certainly worth a shot. Rlyeh is not one for announcements, but he sticks by his...
  10. triksR4rabits

    Tuskenraider2k Should Have Guru Status

    I second the motion :) I don't know how he hasn't recieved it already; lynx was thought to be near impossible to emulate, now its nearly fullspeed with sound. Excellent stuff Tuskenraider2k
  11. triksR4rabits

    That Godamned Riaa Is Winning

    soulseek = ace and all the ones you mentioned work for me...
  12. triksR4rabits

    Sega Saturn

    Guardian Heroes. Best. Game. Ever. declaration really hit the nail on the head; those were all my favs
  13. triksR4rabits

    Gplynx V0.4

    this is great! thanks so much for the update! gonna test this more later...
  14. triksR4rabits

    Drmd Version 4.0

    if your looking to play the titles that have been affected (eathworm jim 1&2, streets of rage 3, etc), then your better of waiting for a new version of this beastly emu. Otherwise, go for it. REESY- your work is very impressive; thank you very much for what you have done for this scene. The new...
  15. triksR4rabits

    I Will Make A Website For You Guys

    I don't undersatnd why the hell everyone's shitting on this guy; he's offering to make a website for those who either can't or are too busy to. What's wrong with that?
  16. triksR4rabits

    Any Gpfinalwar Mods Available? it looked as though it was coming along nicely
  17. triksR4rabits

    Any Gpfinalwar Mods Available?

    As far as I know, you are correct. Too bad too as I was looking forward to the Dune mod that was being produced. GPfinalwar really is one of the best and coolest homebrew titles out there; it deserves more attention
  18. triksR4rabits

    Spotlight Interview With Franxis

    Awsome interview, very informative thanks for all your work Franxis
  19. triksR4rabits

    Anyone Else Saving Up?

    20 and in college. my $$ is reserved for beer and weed, so no x2 for me, at least until next year
  20. triksR4rabits

    Best Videogame Soundtracks

    Actraiser for snes had an amazing score. Donkey Kong Country for snes too