Release public beta test

I like the colours :) ill look into the design of the site when its more complete though, but i like the colours nice, i wouldnt want to annoy craig though by making it look too "official" since its not been sanctioned as official or anything.

people who have uploaded an application can now choose to share maintainer rights i.e.

allow someone else to upload and update to their application

allow someone else to disable their application.

however deletion of an application is still restricted to the application owner.

and only the owner can add additional maintainers.

the owner can also take away maintainer rights to users aswell.

if you have become the maintainer of an application the application will appear in the "my apps" section of your account.

you can disable the application from here if you wish and if you want to update the application just upload your updated pnd as normal and it will update that application.

"onership" rights will remain in tact so just because you have updated an application that you are the maintainer of it doesnt make you the owner.


add the ability to allow 1 unique optional field per package which the maintaier/owner could can use to add things like change-log or install instructions.

this will be limited to 500chars though.
but i already send the Content-Length i the header anyway so the browser should already know the filesize.

OK, I was looking with the Live Headers add-on for Firefox and didn't see it, but that could just be me.

milkshake said:
also for some reason it hasnt been able to extract your preview pics

do you think there path in the pxml is right ? or the files are in the pnd file? dont have time to look till maybe tomorrow.
I suspect there are some empty previews in there. Used to be that you couldn't override the previews unless there was something in there to override, so I took to adding place holders. I'd gladly remove them if that's been fixed since. Might be a good feature though to verify this stuff in the repo and only attempt to show them if they're really there.

for all those devs I have added..

the ability to allow 1 unique optional field per package which the maintaier/owner could can use to add things like change-log or install instructions.

this is currently limited to 500chars though.

you can add your additional information by clicking on "admin" next to the app in the "my apps" section.

once you have added any text, it will appear in the details page right before any preview pics.

html is not allowed.

lets know know if any errors or bugs thanks.
it doesnt keep you logged in forever unless you are browsing the website, the $_SESSION ends either when you close the web page down all together or if you are inactive for about 14-20 mins, I will try and implament a stay logged in option when i can.
first i heard of this thing today, and i'd just like to say thanks to milkshake and whoever else worked on it because it already works a thousand times better than craigs attempt and even the messy but functional repo that ed runs.

i really think we need one place for all pandora software, because i for one don't have the time or inclination to browse hundreds of pages in a thread looking for a link to something. i hope this becomes the place to get everything from! good work chap(s).
thanks for the words of encouragement :) makes me feel happy.


fixed a bug where by the download count wasnt going up at all even if the files had been downloaded.
Great job, milkshake! The whole community will really benefit from this, and I'm sure your portfolio will as well!

fixed some typos.

added character counter to comment text input and additional info text input (if javascript enabled).

added ability for moderators to delete comments.
U like the new repo , but I would like to see release dates

on the front page, right under the app name if possible. Thanks bud