Craigx - why are you making up that i had Qsound working? i've said tons of times the emulator doesn't have sound - i did start to write code to get sound working with CPS1 but never finished it, i doubt i'll ever get it running full speed so no point in completing the sound, unless i can get a consistant frame-rate it'll sound like the inside of my head exploding.
when i first released news of CPS32 it was only a few weeks of work and most of the features i talked such as Qsound never ended up materialising. i never promised it would work, just said it was what i was currently working on - i gave it a shot and while in many peoples eyes i failed as it will never be playable, from a technically viewpoint i succeeded, i knew fuff all about CPS1&2 when i started but i've learnt a fair bit in the process, plus like i said - it does play a couple of games to an extent (SF2 on CPS1 and Ghouls and Ghosts runs well with frameskip)
i suppose it depends on your definiation of fake, if by fake you mean it isnt as fully working as i made out - you'd probably be right, while i show screenshots they dont portray that only a handful of games load, most of which with glitchs and hacks, i can't just download any rom and load it and 'volla' it boots -its a painstaking process getting a rom working and releasing it to the public in its current state would be a total waste of time, and i'd probably get tons of slack as i initially it'd run full-speed etc
while i should hope a few would understand, many wouldn't of bothered reading the readmes and just bombared me with e-mails that it doesn't work!
Im considering releasing it as source-code only, that should stop the idiots downloading it

, but then you'll probably just insult my code writing abilities
Cheers to everybody supporting my other projects tho!