Gigas Engine

ok i read all those threads and now im too believing its fake...
Pirotic why dont thou just say everyone that cpc32 was fake and continue with your real projects.
That would make things alot easier.

or if you say again and again that cpc32 was real give out a private beta to guyfawkes or someone you can trust - then we'll see its real.
if you dont do that (what i think you do <_< ) this will be a good reason why this is fake.
Please, guys.
I understand the hazzle about the CPS-Emulator.
I also understand why most of you think it is fake.

I don't know if it's fake - it probably exists in a really slow and unplayable state and Pirotic just exagerated a bit (maybe also a bit more...)
Probably it doesn't even exist - I don't care.

THIS is the thread about GIGAS and NOT about the CPS emulator!
If you want to flame him, open a new thread in the Off Topic Area and call it "I wanna flame Pirotic!".

The 15days version of Gigas worked - as does the new lemmings engine he wrote (in my opinion it's pretty advanced - all works except of the commands. And the levels have to be created).

If Gigas or the Lemmings engine is fake - well, then we will never see these nice programs.

But if they AREN'T fake and Pirotic leaves again because of some flaming and hassling about the CPS-Emulator, that would be pretty sad.

So, forget about this CPS thing for now, okay?
Thanks for listening.
i know most abou this discussion about cps32 fake or not...
and i dont care anymore... why cant we just forget it???
Its better for the community... pirotec gave us some great proves of his work.
And it would be not very good for the community, to lose him again. i could understand when he leaves again.. when you go on flaming him.
Craigx - why are you making up that i had Qsound working? i've said tons of times the emulator doesn't have sound - i did start to write code to get sound working with CPS1 but never finished it, i doubt i'll ever get it running full speed so no point in completing the sound, unless i can get a consistant frame-rate it'll sound like the inside of my head exploding.

when i first released news of CPS32 it was only a few weeks of work and most of the features i talked such as Qsound never ended up materialising. i never promised it would work, just said it was what i was currently working on - i gave it a shot and while in many peoples eyes i failed as it will never be playable, from a technically viewpoint i succeeded, i knew fuff all about CPS1&2 when i started but i've learnt a fair bit in the process, plus like i said - it does play a couple of games to an extent (SF2 on CPS1 and Ghouls and Ghosts runs well with frameskip)

i suppose it depends on your definiation of fake, if by fake you mean it isnt as fully working as i made out - you'd probably be right, while i show screenshots they dont portray that only a handful of games load, most of which with glitchs and hacks, i can't just download any rom and load it and 'volla' it boots -its a painstaking process getting a rom working and releasing it to the public in its current state would be a total waste of time, and i'd probably get tons of slack as i initially it'd run full-speed etc :P

while i should hope a few would understand, many wouldn't of bothered reading the readmes and just bombared me with e-mails that it doesn't work!

Im considering releasing it as source-code only, that should stop the idiots downloading it :P, but then you'll probably just insult my code writing abilities :D

Cheers to everybody supporting my other projects tho!
Tobriand posted on Feb 19 2004 at 07:34 PM said:
DoberMann posted on Feb 19 2004 at 01:05 PM said:
Listen to Evil Dragon! He's right and he's an adult. So kids - STOP FLAMING!
Hear hear
He's not just an adult, he also looks very clever! So listen to the great Evil Dragon!! We should support Piro. ;)
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i think hes telling the truth about the pc gigas engine as i seem to remember hearing about it some time ago....
however if you search for it now on google it is very difficult to find out about it however i did find this...

I think that is good proof that this is no fake and you can download the pc version from the site above to see for yourself (i am writing from school so haven't tested the pc beta version myself yet)...

I downloaded the Lemmings game off Pirotics site and it looked pretty good to me, considering it isn't finished....
:D wow, not even i knew any downloads existed for Gigas - like the site mentions, it was hosted via HappyApathy but when they went down i couldn't be arsed to find new hosting.. 0.6.0 is pretty upto date i suppose, considering the final version was 0.7.0 - dont be fooled by the version tho, it was completed - just needed tons of tweaking and rewrites which i figured would take upwards of 3 revisions to get done.

you wouldn't believe the amount of unreleased software i have sitting on my hard-disk :P i tend to code as a hobby and dont care too much about public perception, the GP32 scene however needs hobbists to stay alive which is why i tend to release stuff if i think its suitable.

in all fairness, Craigx never said gigas didnt exist - just CPS32 :D

moved into my first house today, feels pretty weird... morgage and all :blink:
Hey Pirotic.

I have a couple little questions.


Is the battle engine exactly the same as the one in Final Fantasy?

Will we be able to make games with a job system like in Final Fantasy 5?

I read about how you can edit the game as your playing, wil the changes made by the player be permenent? I dont lke the sound of that because it will make games less fun because you can just put items right near you when you need them. I think you should make it so the maker has a choice of making the game so it cant use that mode unless they beat it once.


What do you mean on your site when you say that you are going to use the engine for a seperate project? Are you going to make a worms, liero, or scortched earth clone? Or something new and original?

Well, thats it.

Good luck with your new house and morgage!

The Gigas battle system will be similar to Final Fantasy titles, it will however be customisable - you can create your own attacks, magics skills and other such abilitys, and by scripting in a result of that new ability you can do pretty much whatever you want with it - so if you wanted to make a pokemon clone you could create attacks such as "Scratch" or "Flamethrower" which do a special effect and then inflict damage (like in the Pokémon titles), It all comes down to how many scripting features are included - which will be "not many" in the first version then alot more after that, and if anybody requests a feature which isnt in their its opened ended enough for me to add them without to much hassle.

As for the lemmings game, i have an orignal idea which would of required deformable 2D scenary and lemming-like-movement - so i figured i'd create a port of lemmings or worms - and take it from their.

:P seeing as my game has weapons - i can't recall why i picked lemmings, i think you can already get worms on GBA which might of been my reason (i'll port most of my GP32 stuff to GBA, 8x8 tiles are annoying but its not problematic)

thanks for your interest
Pirotic, do you have any proof you moved house? what kind of mortgage did you get and at what interest rate? Was it a variable or fixed rate? Did you get a cap? How many bedrooms are there? Where is it? Send me a photo, or better still a video of you actually living there.

P.S. good luck.
One thing I really don't like about rpg engines is the menu look. IMO, they all look "cheap" as if they could easily be made in paint or something. They don't seem to have many gradients like the ones for console RPGs. Am I the only one that has noticed this? Anyways, I guess it doesn't really matter as the gameplay is what really counts, not the look of the menu.
Azure posted on Feb 22 2004 at 03:48 AM said:
One thing I really don't like about rpg engines is the menu look. IMO, they all look "cheap" as if they could easily be made in paint or something. They don't seem to have many gradients like the ones for console RPGs. Am I the only one that has noticed this? Anyways, I guess it doesn't really matter as the gameplay is what really counts, not the look of the menu.
I think (don`t quote me on this) they are done like that (ie, Plain, boring, simple) to make them fast to access and clear to read. So when you are in a battle for example, You don`t what fancy colours and other such fluff getting in the way and slowing the menu down.

Just my 2p

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pubjoe posted on Feb 22 2004 at 02:44 AM said:
Pirotic, do you have any proof you moved house? what kind of mortgage did you get and at what interest rate? Was it a variable or fixed rate? Did you get a cap? How many bedrooms are there? Where is it? Send me a photo, or better still a video of you actually living there.

P.S. good luck.
lol, you made me laff out loud mate! i assure you the house is real - its just not finished yet, when i've decorated it i'll release images for everybody to see, but until then you'll have to take my word for it, im not going to release it if i get bombared with e-mails saying "how crap is your house, it doesn't work (for me), the feng shui is broken etc etc :lol:

As for menus - if i were making an RPG i'd of done things differently, i could of drawn a fancy user interface etc, but because its an RPG maker everybody will want the menu to look/work differently, different commands and such - so i'm having to keep it as simple as possible for now.

gradients dont work to well on the GP32's screen, its to dark for it to be that noticeable, the menus however are a custom graphic so you could change the colour, border add gradients if you wanted to.
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Another question here:
Is it possible to start an RPG from the scratch?
I mean, without ANYTHING already in any scripts etc.

I always wanted to create an RPG and tried doing this using RPG Maker 2003,
but when you start a new project, there are already tiles, monster groups, weapons, etc. predefined and you have to delete them one by one if you don't want to use them...
That idea for real-time RPG editing is excellent, I've never heard of it being done before (probably wrong though) but it would solve about 99% of playtesting bugs.

I hate using editors where I think "hmm... that tree would be nicer to the left a little" but can't be arsed to go through the whole; back to editor/PC business. Great idea.

But I agree that if/when the engines finished it should be lockable for quests.

BTW: If it's any use, there is a cool project called open zelda, it's all open source and coded in C. I think it'd be too much hessel to port but might be a handy reference
presumably the animations that we can use for each attack or spell or whatever will have been made by you, will they be customisable (or is this asking for to much?!?!) .

Also how is Lemmings going? Cos I REALLY love that game! can't wait for it to be finished!!!
ouch, I was about to poste that open zelda thing in the port request forum but I just saw the requirements, atleast 300mhz CPU with 64mb...

not gonna happen.
Hiya, just to answer a few more questions..

Games will be compiled into a file, which can then be locked (optional) - if locked the editing mode's are disabled until you enter the password used to lock it, this will stop people cheating, stealing graphics and script.

haven't coded that yet, atm its just compiled with the engine - first i'll code it so it can read the game files from a sub-folder, haven't coded any SMC file stuff before so i'll have to find an SDK which has some librarys for it.

As for starting a game totally from scratch - yup, with the PC version it basically came with one inbuild graphic which was a "no tile" graphic, and when you create a totally new game you get one map just filled with a "no tile" graphic and nothing else - if you ran it you'd just end up looking at a blank screen until you added stuff :D

Gigas performs the same function as RPGmaker, but it does it totally differently - Gigas is probably a little harder to learn, but faster to use.

i'll see if i can compile a version of PC gigas which works and release that just to give you an idea.