Gigas Engine

i said i thought the cps2 emu was fake...altough i didn't send you and im's stating this......
i do apology's and say to you now.....
keep up the good work!!!

p.s. i'm a hippo-crit.
Lemmings works fine on my GP32.
You cannot do much, but scrolling works fine...
And the lemmings fall down and run around pretty smooth.
ok craigx i gotta say something about you:
i believed that you were a really nice person so PLEASE be nice ok? :P
if pirotic software would (WOULD!) be a fake we would see it in the next few weeks or months anyway so please craig shut up ok? (don't missunderstand that craig i still like u a lot =) ) pirotic is doing great work on his software (as u did with your GREAT doom port) so let him work and don't guess if it's fake or not.

i personally fully support piro because i'm really looking forward to giga and lemmings (lemmings yay!) so piro go on please u can ascent to the gp32 heaven of coders (even though you do not want to be there because craig is already there xP) but in heaven there are doors for sure so you can close them and live in peace ... damn thats such a bullshit ... anyway

good luck (for u too craig :) )
Vollgasasi posted on Feb 17 2004 at 06:07 PM said:
don't missunderstand that craig i still like u a lot =)
*Childish giggles*

Good luck on ur projects and welcome back to the scene dude B)
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thanks guys, glad to hear lemmings worked ok on your GP32, wonder why the other chap had problems, its not even clocked high so it can't be the 166mhz glitch.

press erm, Select i think, so the debug menu comes up - then you can draw your own doodle-map using the A and B buttons, once you've drawn it press select to start the little critters falling again, not brilliant but its the most fun you can have with it until i implement all the actions.. that bloody building action is a pain in the ass :D tried to write it into the animation routines but i think i'll just opt to hard-coding it in instead (such a perfectionist, lol)

been working on the new Gigas demo for most of today, im pretty happy with the art-work i've come up with so far, i think my mistake was trying to do 'Squaresoft' style artwork which is so detailed and takes so long, i have nowhere near the talent to pull that off!!! - now i'm opting for a clean retro look (Pokemon meets Earthbound) and its not to difficult :D but then again i haven't started drawing the characters for my game yet so who knows..
Gigas looks like it'll be a stormer when its released. (from a SNES RPG head) Will I be able to do sprites and maps in Photoshop/PSP and put them into this? I'm not a natural born coder and only recently got into the graphics of Doom Wads etc. I guess when Gigas is done will there be some kind of level editor??

Keep up the good work, and I know how hard it is to juggle home life with stuff like this....
It'd be cool if you allowed people to just use their own sprites for characters, just give people the specs on what format and dimensions they need to be and what to do to animate them for specific actions.

...As for lemmings not working, I havent tried it yet but I notice there are a few creations that people have that work on their GPs that dont work on mine, for instance I've heard of people trying out the Genesis Emu and playing things with it but I havent gotten it to work yet, not even badly it always reboots my GP which I dont understand because it runs OpenSnes at 166mhz without crashing. Maybe there are slight differances in the GPs besides just the ability to hit 166 or not? :huh:
Lemmings doesn't run on my GP32 either, shouldn't be a clockspeed issue: I can OC to 166 without problems. Am using aquafish multifirmware and have tried under Wind-ups and Euro-firmware, no luck :(.

It just completely locks up, doesn't display anything. Will download agan and try again, maybe something went wrong with my files.

Edit: Tried again, Lemmings still fails, Gigas loads and runs and so does Chess. Both looking very nice and promising, can't wait to see more :)
i have aquafish bios 2 ...
tried gigas and lemmings
after loading screen keeps white... any ideas?
anyway.. thanks for your great work!

so, tested both on geepee... and both worked there.. perhaps a problem with real hardware.
im waiting for the next releases... :)
I just tried out Lemmings, works fine for me (even the "test stages") Nice work on on the lemming terrain movment!

I'm using the original firmware incase anyone's curious.
no lemmings doesnt work for me either..... white screen after loading bar.

Gigas engine looks good though. Cant wait to use further versions.

Keep up the good work on these projects. :)
sorry to hear about all the white-screens, Gigas is currently running at 99mhz and Lemmings is 120mhz, dont know if thats the problem or not - i only own one hardware unit so its impossible to figure it out other than trial and error.

i'll change them both to 133mhz for the next release, i think the only reason i clocked them down was due to that annoying flicker, once optimized they can hopefully both run at 67.5mhz which should save battery life.

As for Gigas - yup, you can make your own graphics and maps, the map editor i use is "Mappy for Win32", the tiles are 16x16 and you can have as many tiles as you like, so long as the first one is pitch black (the null tile) it'll work fine.

you can also use your own colour pallete, at the moment it only supports 256 colours but i'll adda 16bit mode afterwards, i dont think it has as big an impact on speed as i originally thought it would.

Haven't decided on a final sprite dimensions yet, as im currently recoding from the fixed size to allow sprites of any size, just trying to think up a way for it auto-detect the size seeing as each animation can have upto 60 frames-per-second, maybe i'll have to force how many sprites you can have per line in the graphic file or something :P

Anyway, thanks for all your support - i'll be working on gigas all week to get a new demo out which shows off some its its features.

- Pirotic
Just crossed my mind... Have you ever heard of Playerworlds? Its an MMORPG creation system (that I'm fairly sure is free, if not open source) using a snessey gfx tileset that I *think* isn't ripped. If I'm right and this is the case (as opposed to PW only supplying the engine and not the tileset), then you might consider asking them if you can use it for your engine. The site is, I think...
i guess we'll all believe it when we see it....

i'm a little wary still because of pirotic not changing the site or posting for such a long time...
sebastian_insua posted on Feb 18 2004 at 09:36 AM said:
i guess we'll all believe it when we see it....

i'm a little wary still because of pirotic not changing the site or posting for such a long time...
he has updated his site.................

I also get a white screen on Lemmings........ :(
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I don't know if this is any help to anyone, but in the past when I have had the white screen thing from loading, it usually has something to do with the firmware you're running. As far as I know the Euro firmware hasnt had a problem with anything I have opened with it so far (I havent tried Lemmings yet).
ffs what is it with you guys bitching and moaning all the time. sometimes the people on this board really wind me up. it's a miracle anybody develops/codes anything for the GP32 with the way you lots behave sometimes

Pirotic - Lemmings is looking good and runs without any prbs on my GP32. Not tried the other stuff, but really looking fwd to the full release of lemmings.
Stick in there and don't let these tossers get u down :D
CraigX, I agree with your opinions on some of Pirotics projects, but the guy has done some good stuff as well- let's let bygones be bygones and give him another chance. (Apart from a few discrepencies) he's always been a polite and interesting poster, who is doing something for the scene, so can't we let all the old crap go?
we shouldn't be opinionated, maybe some of us don't believe what he says but prople are innocent until proved guilty so we'll just have to wait until we can try a working gigas engine....
I think he must be telling the truth as nobody in their right mind would fake something like this...

Hey Pirotic can you use tilesets created for rpgmaker2003 as i have over a 2000 of those on my harddrive...
And that would seroiusly be a decent feature as it would mean that every game would not need to use the same tileset (and people wouldn't have to spend ages making tilesets). see

are you aiming for an interface to make games on a PC similar to rm2k3 nad then an engine that runs inside the GP32....
how will it compare to rm2k3 will there be conditional branching, variables etc...
or will you REALLY dumb it down...

Anyway keep up the good work pirotic :D
Hiya Sebastian,

You can use the tilemaps straight from RPGmaker2k which is bound to cheer some of you lot up, only reason i never mentioned it before is that most are rips or copyrighted therefore i cannot personally use them for the demo for legal reasons.

(my own tileset is coming along ok, its not amazing but it'll do the job)

As for the 'maker' side of things, I created Gigas-Engine two years ago for the PC so i have a good idea of how it should turn out, i am however rewriting all the code from scratch to best use the GP32.

just out of interest, here a couple of shots from the PC version..



You get two editors, an Advanced Editor which is a PC based peice of software, at the moment its very ugly and just 'functional' but will allow you to edit everything on the map. Rather than using scripting i use a method called hotspots - this means you dont need to type any script and instead just pick and mix triggers/results from a pre-set list - it does the same stuff, but means editing the game is easier via GP32...

which brings me to the second editor, which is just "Gigas Editor" - this is for GP32 and is a built in part to the Gigas-Engine player, so while playing a game - if you think a tree would look better somewhere else, or a the badguys need to be moved about etc etc you can enter editing mode and change it on the fly - if you want to create animations or such tho you'll need to use the advanced editor.

On-the-fly RPG making is fun, you can even make it up as you go along if you've already created/loaded all the animations and graphics into the game via the Advanced EDitor.

hope that explains it, and proves i've actually been working on it for ages :D