Gigas Engine

well, its a shame that a few idiots end up ruining my threads - was tempted to come back under a different name for a while to avoid it, im to arrogant for my own good sometimes :D
Why did you claim that it was full speed 'thanks to asm' (your own words on your own website) a few months ago then? I'll understand if you meant with a frame skip of 2 or 3...

I'll wait to see it in a few weeks.

Hang on I remember exactly why no one believed you, you said you ported the starscream 68000 emu to the GP32.

Do you still stand by that claim?

CPS1 games would fit, but CPS2s range from 10 to 20 meg compressed (the 10 or so that I checked out at least).
In the CPS1 there's a 10MHz 68K processor and a 4MHz Z80 (at least that's the spec of Strider). How different is that to an Atari ST (bear in mind how good CaSTaway is)?

Uncompressed, Street Fighter 2 takes up 7.3 Megs leaving very little room for two cpu engines and all the CPS1's ram, but the aforementioned Strider requires less space (5.8, leaving enough? I don't know). Does the whole romset need to be copied at once the way Mame does?

I'd trully love to see CPS2 emulation...I might then upgrade my ram to 32 meg!
I believe it would be possible to pull it off, RAM is the big issue though, so i think we can discount all the massive roms.

I remember callus ran ok on my P75 back in the day.

It might be possible to make custom drivers for each rom (the smallish ones) depending on how they access their own rom when running to try to combat the ram limitations, but it would be pretty complex and probably not worth the pissing about unless it was a commercial project. The more I think about how that would work the more complex it seems to get.

What would be great is an ARM based 68k emu in asm which was open source.

I think loopy was talking about that idea a while ago for the GBA, would be nice.

Daz_Genetic posted on Feb 16 2004 at 07:32 PM said:
It's always the same.. The GBA SNES emulator was also "Fake!" until everyone was proved wrong with a release. I thing impatience just gets the better of even the most intelligent people.
althought the GBA is a lot weaker than the GP32 and just because it was released doesn't it it doesn't suck, hell, i'd rather play NES on my GP32 than a GBA, wierd ass resolution fix that they have for it is annoying

Hopefully you will get your prodjects done Pirotic, without much hassle that is :D
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I just don't understand this, Pirotic, there's been loads off discussion lately about your stuff being 'fake' but right in the middle of it you decide to chip in with a WIP of your work apparently ignoring these accusations until you are challenged and then getting angry at people for stating what has already been said

i'll update my website in a few days with some demos of them all
Now a clever person would have waited these 'few days' and made the demos available to prove all these people wrong, then you would come out on top and everyone would be happy.

Why have you been away from the scene for so long and, in just a few hours, posted a shedload of stuff here to get us all worked up?

Good luck with all your projects btw ;)
Hiya frolik, i see where your coming from.

i just created this forum post to let people know im planning visiting forums once more, and also mainly to ask for art help for Gigas.

I was unaware the news had been copied to the front page, and i was also unaware that they would quote the progress reports on my website which is how news of CPS32 got out again.

i figured all the hassle i was getting over CPS32 would of vanished by now and hoped that the people responsible were not on this forum (i used to visit another site)

i've been unaware of any previous posts made about me as i'm totally new to this site, read a few threads from the developer section about refresh rates but thats about it until now.

Im really trying my hardest NOT to talk about CPS32, but being the most populour of my projects it seems nomatter what thread i start it always ends up as a CPS32 slagging match, i try not to get pissed off as its understandable they want to try it - but if i didnt explain/defend myself people would assume i probably was lieing.

I have experiance with Starscream, and its what i learnt from tinkering with that which got me started on CPS32 - its not a direct port (why would it be) but it couldn't of been done without neils work as a starting block.

Thats pretty much all i have to say on the subject for now.

im not mad at craigx, i was accusing that GoldenEye hidden level to be a fake until i was proved wrong :P just wish people would let me get on with my other projects without always changing the discussion to CPS32.

Infact i'll answer some of Craigx's questions for a change,

CPS32 doesn't have a front-end, and i must make a different compliation for each game at the moment. some games run fine off the block (CPS1) but others can't even decompress - i tried to write hacks so when an address is accessed it triggers an event but it didnt work, i imagined it to work - for example, a little "Please Wait..." message before every fight in SF2 while it moves the character and backdrop art, but the amount of time required means it never even got of the design stage.

only 1 CPS2 game works perfectly, and a half a dozen CPS1 - i can get it full speed using hacks such as disabling rasters and rowscroll, this if of-course alongside frame-skipping - in a few games if i compile without frameskipping it actually runs faster, its strange as i wouldn't of thought the skipper would of taken up much of an overhead, and it doesn't contain any sound and probably never will. im a typical programmer in that i think sound is a waste of time, also would mean i couldn't debug it while listening to my mp3s which would be hell :D

the general procedure for testing a rom is constantly recompiling with different combinations of settings and hacks until it eventually gets somewhere. if i were to release the project i'd no doubt have to code a front-end and make it read the settings from an ini, :P feels like a HLE more and more each day.

anymore questions feel free to ask in private message.

Now that my site seems to be getting hits again (not fully intentional but i dont mind) i'll revamp the site to contain an FAQ about my projects, and i'll also release new demos of Gigas and Lemmings.

Welcome back, Pirotic :)

As always, I offer any help I can :)
I hope you still have the demo map I sent you a few months ago (I'd love to see it in action :))
EvilDragon posted on Feb 17 2004 at 12:14 PM said:
Welcome back, Pirotic :)

As always, I offer any help I can :)
I hope you still have the demo map I sent you a few months ago (I'd love to see it in action :))
Hiya mate, yup - your map looked rather cool in action, far better than any of mine.

and i've added you to the credits role, so what'll you do with your new found fame?

lol, im just teasing.

thanks for your help tho.
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Aaahh! I'm famous, I'm famous ;)
Do I get an Oscar? ;) Hehe ;)

So, if you need more maps, I'll help as good as I can.
As long as it comes to graphics... I see if I have the time to do something...
Updated the site to feature a few downloads and the first WIP of lemmings.

the new content for Gigas 0.4.0 demo isnt ready, so i've just gone and copied the old 15-day content across, so despite the engine being alot better its pretty much the same as the months old release in terms of content :P oh well, it'll do for the meantime.

and yes, the cynical will probably just say i haven't worked much on it since - but i'll release a proper demo in a few weeks time which will use all the features i've coded but didnt use in the 15-day demo (cos it wasn't coded back then!)

Chess, can't compile current release until i finish off the AI - so i've dug out the old 0.1.0 edition which is about 3 hours work. pretty pointless release.

Lemmings - This one is up-to-date and represents the current progress of the project, main problem is i haven't ported any of the maps over so its not really playable, also disabled applying actions to the lemmings as i haven't completed the 'building' and 'umbrella' functions.

Erm, please read the readme's before using, etc etc.

Really dont like releasing WIP versions - as i know they suck, but oh well.


- Pirotic

if you have any problems with them let me know, they shouldn't crash despite being WIP, oh and Evil Dragon - you can see your map, i included it for you but didnt have time to add collision detection and move a couple of the tiles to the correct layer - will do tho.
Sorry to say this but i still think he's a fake after whats happened and from just trying these so called WIP it really doesnt make me even think he's done anything.

But thats what i think so just ignore it.

:P Nin, if you want to start paying me then i'd be more than happy to put more work into my projects, cheeky beggar ;)

the only reason i've released WIP's is because im fed up people saying they are all faked, and the reason i never wanted to release WIP's in the first place is because most people wont notice the differences as i dont have the time to make new levels every time to show off the new features..

u just sorta proved my point :P

maybe my next program should be a 'troll filter' for internet forums :D

also what on earth is your definiation of fake? you've downloaded them, you've played them, you didnt like them - that makes them 'crap', but how on earth can they be fake when u've bloody tried the things.

:P the more i read the less i understand
it took under 4 hours to make that version of the chess engine, if you read the readme.txt you'd of known that - its a yonks old version as i cannot compile latest build until i finnish the AI, and im busy working on Gigas atm.

as for lemmings not working, how about you actually help and tell me how it didnt work so i can fix it? or do you mean about the buttons being disabled in which case u'll just have to wait a few weeks for me to finish it.

:P i dont have a whole army of coders up my sleeve, i tried training some monkeys to do it but i ran out of peanuts..
not working as it just goes blank when the fxe is launched

it does nothing at all besides make the screen flicker every 6 secs or so.

and the chess game does nothing it shows a pic then u can move a cursor owww

i dont really care about any of this anyway i know what i know s im going to bed

the last thing i coded were hotspots, which act like triggers for customizeable events, they are triggered by either walking inside a zone or pressing a certain key inside a zone and can be scripted to do anything from changing map to adjusting a variable.

so i can now have it so when you walk into a door it changes map to the inside of the house, or when you step on a switch a door opens elsewhere, or when you walk upto your wardrobe your characters outfit changes etc, its pretty flexible and allows for all sorts of puzzles and interactive elements, you can even do crazy stuff like using hotspots to shrink and enlarge your character so they can fit thru gaps (stole that idea from Mario and Luigi).

the biggest hurdle is just the amount of work which is required, if i were just making an RPG i'd probably have got alot further, but because im making an RPG maker i have to allow every feature to be customized. i can't just hard-code a fancy intro for example, i have to make it possible to create a fancy intro using only the scripting features ands in-game animation routines.

The engine is nearing completion now in terms of features, i'm having to start focusing on content for the demo/example RPG which is taking up alot of time as im not very good at art and take ages to create maps.

the other RPG editor which has since been halted had a team of 3 coders when i was offered a coding role in it, i turned it down however to carry on working on gigas.

Sorry to hear you had problems with lemmings, just tried emulating the file off the website and it worked ok - im pretty sure i tested it on hardware before i uploaded it too, if anybody else can give it a try i'd be grateful, ideally just want to iron out crashing bugs and compatiblity problems ready for the finished build.

the current release is pretty pointless as the maps dont use any of the features, but it'll stop people calling me a fake (hopefully)

i've decided to just ignore any abusive posts in future - im in the process of buying a house and becomming a dad so i really dont need anything else to get depressed about at the moment.
