Developers or distributors use copy protection because they do not believe this theory about sales. They believe that it's more likely that without the protection they would have 2000 people paying and 10,000 pirated copies, which is 1000 less sales.White Demon posted on May 2 2006 at 09:14 AM said:In the second example, MORE people have actaully BOUGHT the game than in the first example, and none of those 10000 people who obtained a pirated version would have bought the game anyway, really, so any possible money loss there is irrelevant. But, because there is no DRM, a whole 1000 MORE people have actaully BOUGHT the game, earning the developer/publisher MORE money than in the example where the DRM exists.FluffyPanda posted on May 2 2006 at 09:40 PM said:In other words, what difference does it make to the "little guys" if 3000 people pay for their product and nobody can pirate it, or if 4000 people pay and 10,000 more pirate it. I'd be happy with the second, but people obviously think "oh no! there's 10,000 lost sales, we're totally screwed."
Iorgy77 posted on May 2 2006 at 04:54 PM said:NO DRM = NO GAME!
Now I know where my cash will be going on gp2x games. This is the kind of marketing model that a primarily hobbyist device deserves.MSweeney posted on May 2 2006 at 05:58 PM said:We plan to release all of our products with no copy protection for about $5-$10 a game.
As noted, we will release silly little fun games, for very cheap prices.. go ahead and pirate it if you want, heck, go ahead and pay extra if you want =)
Not sure which country you mean, but I do know that the supposed "anti-piracy" mechanisms for old Amiga 1000 games in the mid-80s were highly obnoxious (I remember some games came with colored glasses you had to put on to read the startup codes out of the specially printed manuals, to discourage photocopying!). There's nothing new about copy protection.MSweeney posted on May 2 2006 at 09:58 AM said:Also I don't buy the 'lost sales due to piracy' crap - Its just another excuse for greed upon greed, which is the reason our country is going down the tubes anyway IMHO.
Fishbong posted on May 2 2006 at 07:47 AM said:Treated as a criminal?
You mean they´ll put us in jail?
That´s got to me the most stupid comment i read today. :lol:
Who is "we"? Do you have a website I can check out? I'd be interested in looking at what you're working on.MSweeney posted on May 2 2006 at 09:58 AM said:We plan to release all of our products with no copy protection for about $5-$10 a game.
Ravnos posted on May 2 2006 at 09:18 AM said:Fishbong posted on May 2 2006 at 07:47 AM said:Treated as a criminal?
You mean they´ll put us in jail?
That´s got to me the most stupid comment i read today. :lol:
Not quite so stupid if you live in the United States. Do you know what the DMCA is? Do you know that it makes it a crime to circumvent copy protection for any reason, even fair-use backups? The content industries tried to bring in a similar law in Canada last summer but that Parliamentary session ended before it could pass. Don't be surprised if similar laws begin popping up in Europe, either. This sort of thing is in the WIPO treaty, and all signatories are supposed to have similar copyright and IP laws.
Who is "we"? Do you have a website I can check out? I'd be interested in looking at what you're working on.MSweeney posted on May 2 2006 at 09:58 AM said:We plan to release all of our products with no copy protection for about $5-$10 a game.![]()
may not be different, but still isnt right.. and for the record, i dont own nor buy games for any of those consoles.So what if it is locked to an SD card? How is that different from a PSP UMD, NDS cart, PS2 DVD, XBOX DVD etc..?
A music album takes 40-80mb in mp3.. we will take a high value
A music album costs $15 to $20.. we take lowest
mp3 album = 80mb, $15.
So lets take this guy, local nerd joe. joe has a nice server, with a 1 terabyte raid, filled with music albums.
joe has: 125000 albums
joes albums are worth $187500
joe spend 2 years getting this.
Conclusion: if joe couldnt have downloaded this for free, joe would each day spend $256 in the local music shop..
but at the end of the day, lets not forget that joe also likes to play pc games, xbox games, playstation games and watch videos... (hint: he has a few more of those fileservers)
nubie posted on May 2 2006 at 08:07 PM said:You guys suck, quit bringing up DRM, it is ONLY being used to prevent Piracy of legal games, this console is completely unrestricted, you CANNOT compare it to PSP, XB, XB360, PSX, PS2, N64, NES.
Redeeman posted on May 2 2006 at 11:20 AM said:nubie posted on May 2 2006 at 08:07 PM said:You guys suck, quit bringing up DRM, it is ONLY being used to prevent Piracy of legal games, this console is completely unrestricted, you CANNOT compare it to PSP, XB, XB360, PSX, PS2, N64, NES.
it may be why they do it, but in reality it doesent accomplish this at all, however they do succeed in annoying customers, and even stopping some from buying..
and if we should get real.. those who have the mentality to only pirate games will pirate only, they wont buy no matter what, so in reality the game developer/retailer looses no money, however when he apply the drm, he counts me out as a buyer, thereby loosing money.. now i know stealing games in no way can be justified by not buying them anyway, however the reality is that the company doesent really gain money by it.
sure, if they could come up with a way to with 100% certainty stop pirating of their games, and the price is locking to one sd card, or locking to an uuid for the console, it would seem fair, however when they dont AT ALL stop piracy, and they at the same time annoying legitimate customers, thats just something i cant accept, i wont contribute to it, simple put, i wont buy.
well for example, now with networking capabilities i may wish to put the game on my server..Why does it annoy you to have a game on an SD card? I am not annoyed that I have games on cartridges.
which in fact is scary, since the big guys have analysts, lawyers and stuff, which if they did just abit of research, would find out that copy protection doesent really protect anything, those guys just implement it because it looks good on paper, for share holders and such "we protect YOUR investment!!!oneone111!!!". however in this case, it isnt a big guy with $10000 bills in his bathroom instead of toilet paper, which have to please 100 internal lawyers, lawyers of the share holders, and other people, about protecting stuff, and therefore it should be relatively easy to conclude that DRM isnt viable, as it looses customers, and doesent stop thieves, and after all, it is there to stop thieves right?Remember that DRM is usually a requirement; ie: If your console doesn't do DRM, the big guys won't even look at it.. period. Its only the little guys that even have an option here which is what makes it interesting
We've already got it: EUCD (EU Copyright Directive)Ravnos posted on May 2 2006 at 06:18 PM said:Do you know what the DMCA is? Don't be surprised if similar laws begin popping up in Europe, either.
You may think so, but it is by no means provenGP2x = GP32 posted on May 2 2006 at 07:24 PM said:I think DRM is neccasary to avoid a massive loss of profit. Or corrercial failiure in other words.
Surely that's this one:nubie posted on May 2 2006 at 08:07 PM said:I didn't vote because my option didn't even exist.
I would buy any game I deemed worthy, DRM or no DRM.
In what way? I tried to cover the possible stances: Less likely, more likely, no change. I saw two reasons for no change: don't want to pay or DRM doesn't bother me.thelamer posted on May 2 2006 at 08:24 PM said:Talk about a leading survey , it is completely unbalanced and suggestive . These answers are worthless .
Exactly. With an xbox or ps2/3 DRM is a given, and useful for a certain length of time. For the gp2x things are less clear. Much like with GalCiv2 there is a very select audience for gp2x games and piracy is a lot less likely to become a huge problem.skeezix posted on May 2 2006 at 09:07 PM said:Remember that DRM is usually a requirement; ie: If your console doesn't do DRM, the big guys won't even look at it.. period. Its only the little guys that even have an option here which is what makes it interesting![]()