Firmware Is Out

Does this fix the audio sycning in the movie player? Thats the feature I really want right now. (by feature I mean fix)

I still don't see many reasons to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4 if only the things on the front page are fixed, really it just seems like the battery light comes on to me plus a few more levels of battery power.
reallynotnick posted on Feb 17 2006 at 05:47 PM said:
Does this fix the audio sycning in the movie player? Thats the feature I really want right now. (by feature I mean fix)

I still don't see many reasons to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4 if only the things on the front page are fixed, really it just seems like the battery light comes on to me plus a few more levels of battery power.

yes indeedy it does.

thank the heavens - video playback was getting %50 of my gp2x time and when 1.3 destoyed it i nearly cried.
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Im having trouble writing a script to Over Clock my gp2x and go directly into the game (seems to be what you have to do in 1.4). How do I accomplish this? It seems that my version of CPU LCD tweaker exits back to the menu regardless of the script you put it in.

Checked the dev wiki nothing seems to be there about it yet. :(

Any help would be great. :)
Aimless_E posted on Feb 17 2006 at 11:54 AM said:
Im having trouble writing a script to Over Clock my gp2x and go directly into the game (seems to be what you have to do in 1.4). How do I accomplish this? It seems that my version of CPU LCD tweaker exits back to the menu regardless of the script you put it in.

Checked the dev wiki nothing seems to be there about it yet. :(

Any help would be great. :)

Never mind guy's I got this one

RTFM! geez! :)
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Could the boot times vary based on the SD card you have, or if there is no SD card in the unit at all? Just a thought.
Wohoo! This look's quite promising!

Going to update form 1.1 to 1.40 today!

But, how is it working?

Read a lot about it in previous replays but, still.

After a while of testing, everythings working fine?
In my case, using fully charged 2600mhz batteries on a GP2XV102, effected my boot time only by a few seconds. So power may indeed have something to do with it, I'm guessing not by much though. I'm going to try some 2100mhzs I have laying around after they charge up to make sure.

Not that it bothers me that much, we are talking about 60 seconds here. But If everyone else is getting 20-30 second boots I really would like to find out why, and what if anything can be done about it.
CoinOp posted on Feb 17 2006 at 06:32 PM said:
In my case, using fully charged 2600mhz batteries on a GP2XV102, effected my boot time only by a few seconds. So power may indeed have something to do with it, I'm guessing not by much though. I'm going to try some 2100mhzs I have laying around after they charge up to make sure.

Not that it bothers me that much, we are talking about 60 seconds here. But If everyone else is getting 20-30 second boots I really would like to find out why, and what if anything can be done about it.
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CoinOp posted on Feb 17 2006 at 03:56 PM said:
Julius posted on Feb 17 2006 at 09:53 AM said:
I really hope Robb (right?) releases a custom updater of it soon for all of those (like me) who can't update with the GPH updater :(
He made one for the Beta 1.4.0 fw. So, I'm guessing that it shouldn't be too far behind.


just did a diff on the final kernel img and its identical with the beta one from

so robsters "beta" updater should automagically do the right thing :-)

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