Babelfish'd translation of the release notes on the website:
43 [ Common knowledge fact ] the GP2X F-100 up-to-date firmware 1.4.0 version was updated. 06|02|17 239
How are you the game park hall ting su is.
The GP2X the F-100 up-to-date firmware 1.4.0 version was updated.
The function improvements to refer to a lower part contents, it wishes.
1. Eastern image remaking hour CPU it will grow and lek it will control it will be able to extend a possibility and a dry cell battery use hour. (It will grow, lek the possibility fringe land from the SD and the NAND selection screen with the Y button selection)
2. The battery remaining amount insufficient hour red instruction back lights.
3. The SETTING it added the LCD menu in the lower part menu of the menu.
(The user will be able to change a direct LCD set.)
4. It amended the bug where the outside market speaker is output with the wool scull.
5. Is and phone use hour su thu ley the bug where five left right sound are output in opposition amendment
It became.
6. Battery remaining amount indication five cross-examination.
7. North pyu U efficiency was strengthened.
- Until north mark maximum 5 thing store possibility
- Font color, background color fringe land possibility
- TTF (True Type Font) support
- The whole line possibility and currently the portion indication which it is reading
8. Ig su flow le function reinforcement
- The file selection of the condensed water is possible.
- The elimination, copy and movement of the file which it selects are possible.
9. Eastern image regenerator function reinforcement
- It was from a portion which it sees before the function which it sees was added.
Using my Babelfish-ese skills:
(1) it looks like they've done some things to increase battery life (though they mention something here about pressing the Y button on the NAND/SD screen? Clock speed controls maybe? Weird place for them).
(2) The low battery light is back (and should work)
(3) LCD setting controls in the Settings menu
(4)Fixed a bug where the speakers would output sound with headphones plugged in(?. I'm guessing)
(5)Fixed a bug where stereo channels were reversed (don't know where)
(6) Battery indicator now has 5 levels of power remaining
(7)I think this must be something to do with the eBook reader. Looks like TrueType font support, better line wrapping(?)
(8) "The file selection of the condensed water is possible".

Not sure what that means, but it looks like the Explorer allows copy/move, now. Neato!
(9)Some kind of fix to the image viewer.