Please stop ... this board has grown dark lately, too much nastyness, even if it's perceived as just playful jabs ...
Ban him.Please stop ... this board has grown dark lately, too much nastyness, even if it's perceived as just playful jabs ...
Well stop pissing on other peoples work then. And acting on your high horse about stuff you don't really know that much about. It annoys people.OOOOhhh you guys are so fucking clever with your wit. You should all be standups somewhere.
I have had it with your shit. You want me gone fine, have a mod ban me I don't give a shit anymore.
Please stop ... this board has grown dark lately, too much nastyness, even if it's perceived as just playful jabs ...
Are you kidding me? I've been cussin since I was just a wee lad. Those kids aren't seeing anything new here.People under the age of 16 visit these forums, please show restraint in your choice of words, you can be just as insulting without the need to swear.
Well stop pissing on other peoples work then. And acting on your high horse about stuff you don't really know that much about. It annoys people.OOOOhhh you guys are so fucking clever with your wit. You should all be standups somewhere.
I have had it with your shit. You want me gone fine, have a mod ban me I don't give a shit anymore.
Are you kidding me? I've been cussin since I was just a wee lad. Those kids aren't seeing anything new here.People under the age of 16 visit these forums, please show restraint in your choice of words, you can be just as insulting without the need to swear.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
Mothermother fuck
Mothermother fuck fuck
Motherfuck Motherfuck
Noise noise noise
1 2 1234
Noise noise noise
Smokin weed, smokin weed
Doin coke, drinkin beers
Drinkin beers beers beers
Rollin fatties, smokin blunts
Who smokes the blunts?
We smoke the blunts
Rollin blunts and smokin um
And acting on your high horse about stuff you don't really know that much about. It annoys people.
I believe you called Stella unplayable.I never pissed on anyones work. So what I made some suggestions, I can't help it if all of my posts are not just ass kissing. Tough shit.
Seriously... it's getting annoying... All the DaveC hate, all the flame... we used to have real useful threads and posts just a week ago! I only started visiting like 2 or 3 weeks ago and in a quick amount of time it has deteriorated. We're (I don't have a gp2x just yet, but as soon as I pay of my CCsPlease stop ... this board has grown dark lately, too much nastyness, even if it's perceived as just playful jabs ...
Haha, I think it would be very sad if we had a thread for this.*nee-naw* *megaphone* This is the thread hijack police. You have 10 seconds to leave the thread or revert it back to its original topic, or we will open fire. 10... 9...
Ooh! You know what I wanna see? Oswan or something ported. I like the Wonderswan. If it's less powerful than the SNES to port, then maybe we could be playing FF4 fullspeed with sound!
I believe you called Stella unplayable.I never pissed on anyones work. So what I made some suggestions, I can't help it if all of my posts are not just ass kissing. Tough shit.
Edit: I am not even flaming, just pointing out what you said.
Here is more of my "opinion" in another topic.