Heya, thought I'd say thanks for another brilliant release Reesy - best compatibility yet, I think - as well as dropping in some bug information (probably to do with the Vsync code's efficacy on new firmware, I suspect - certainly, it's to do with how the screen is drawn).
Brief bug report:
Using firmware 1.0.1
- Menu doesn't flicker (as expected)
- Games *do* (although to varying extents) - not always noticable unless the unit is held fairly close to your face, but not, unfotunately, so close that no-one would ever play like that. Games with a fair bit include Uncharted Waters 1 and 2, Nobunaga's Ambition... fair few more but those are the ones I remember for certain. Sonic, idd, doesn't flicker, but:
- Sonic 1 (possibly others) show up the interlacing on the screen VERY badly... just run in any direction, and sonic suddenly looks like he's become a lot more spikey, as does everything else.
- Quite a few games - Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition springs to mind, but is by no means unique - have a single line offset by about half a screen drawn at the bottom of the screen. Could be a cyclone bug, though, as it certainly doesn't happen on every game.
Could be any or all of these will vanish when moving over to HH, or that I have a faulty unit (although I'm pretty certain I don't - I've only had flickering in any sense since the 1.0.1 upgrade, although I did have waves before then), but hey. Its certainly worth telling you about them
