Drmd Gp2x Version

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reesy
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Reesy posted on Dec 10 2005 at 02:06 PM said:
I like it :) I'll see what I can do, I'm not that experienced with Linux but hopefully I can get something like you suggested working.

Reesy I'm amazed you didn't come up with that idea yourself :) I guess when you write such fancy coding the simple things sometimes get overlooked!
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I'm not used to coding these emulators on top of operating systems. I've coded for the GBA and GP32 which do not have operating system. So if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

So its very likely that I will miss an obvious solution, but luckily other people don't.
suggestions for .ini (just floating ideas of things people would possibly need):

something that disables certain graphics layers (for debug purposes)
Mapping the controls or the buttons needed to be pressed to save/load states.
how about the ability to press a button that swaps controls from joypad port 1 to port 2?
Stretch/no stretch
default CPU speed and frameskip
Reesy posted on Dec 10 2005 at 07:46 AM said:
Tell you what this is what I'll do for the next version.

I'll add functionality to read in a ini file of some sort. In the ini file you can specify the path to find the megadrive roms. If the ini file does not exist it will use the default directory of /roms/megadrive.

Using an ini file means I don't have to worry about setting up an interface for entering text which would be alot of work just for a simple configuration setting.

Does that sound okay? Can you think of anything else that could go in this ini file?
Let me know now.

Yes thanks. I was thinking the exact same thing. That would be great. As all my other Emu's are in /Games/Emulators/*
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Are we goinmg to standardize there on that path?


I always use Roms_System (ie: /roms_c64) on SD and CF for various devices, but nom atter.. as long as we standardize, so that multiple emus can use the same rom pool :)

Exellent job Reesy!!!!

Now that DRMD has reached the GP2X, will there be any plans to have DRSMS for both SMS & GG on the GP2X?
skeezix posted on Dec 10 2005 at 08:51 AM said:
Are we goinmg to standardize there on that path?


I always use Roms_System (ie: /roms_c64) on SD and CF for various devices, but nom atter.. as long as we standardize, so that multiple emus can use the same rom pool :)


Some people including myself may not like throwing everything in one pot. I think the script or .ini idea is the way to go, IMO. Everyone do it his favorite way on his machine.
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Reesy posted on Dec 10 2005 at 07:46 AM said:
Does that sound okay? Can you think of anything else that could go in this ini file?
Let me know now.


Button configurations? :)

If this is already configurable in DrMD, then ignore me, I'm an asshole.
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While playing beyond oasis/story of thor, there was a temple door, and I saw main character being drawn behind the door. The name entry screen has funny behavior when I press right. Anyway, it's the best emulator I've seen in a while and little glitches like that stands out because it's almost flawless otherwise. :)
Heya, thought I'd say thanks for another brilliant release Reesy - best compatibility yet, I think - as well as dropping in some bug information (probably to do with the Vsync code's efficacy on new firmware, I suspect - certainly, it's to do with how the screen is drawn).

Brief bug report:

Using firmware 1.0.1
- Menu doesn't flicker (as expected)
- Games *do* (although to varying extents) - not always noticable unless the unit is held fairly close to your face, but not, unfotunately, so close that no-one would ever play like that. Games with a fair bit include Uncharted Waters 1 and 2, Nobunaga's Ambition... fair few more but those are the ones I remember for certain. Sonic, idd, doesn't flicker, but:
- Sonic 1 (possibly others) show up the interlacing on the screen VERY badly... just run in any direction, and sonic suddenly looks like he's become a lot more spikey, as does everything else.
- Quite a few games - Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition springs to mind, but is by no means unique - have a single line offset by about half a screen drawn at the bottom of the screen. Could be a cyclone bug, though, as it certainly doesn't happen on every game.

Could be any or all of these will vanish when moving over to HH, or that I have a faulty unit (although I'm pretty certain I don't - I've only had flickering in any sense since the 1.0.1 upgrade, although I did have waves before then), but hey. Its certainly worth telling you about them :).
did i read correctly, its possible to set a custom directory for roms? cause that would be great, i keep all my roms in /root/Games/Sega Megadrive

but then in /Sega Megadrive i have sub dirs like

/Beat Em Up
/Real Time Strategy
/Role Playing Game

would it be possible to navigate through directories or are we restricted to putting all our roms into 1 directory?

its good to have sub dirs especially if you have a lot of roms
Tobriand posted on Dec 10 2005 at 11:35 AM said:
Heya, thought I'd say thanks for another brilliant release Reesy - best compatibility yet, I think - as well as dropping in some bug information (probably to do with the Vsync code's efficacy on new firmware, I suspect - certainly, it's to do with how the screen is drawn).

Brief bug report:

Using firmware 1.0.1
- Menu doesn't flicker (as expected)
- Games *do* (although to varying extents) - not always noticable unless the unit is held fairly close to your face, but not, unfotunately, so close that no-one would ever play like that. Games with a fair bit include Uncharted Waters 1 and 2, Nobunaga's Ambition... fair few more but those are the ones I remember for certain. Sonic, idd, doesn't flicker, but:
- Sonic 1 (possibly others) show up the interlacing on the screen VERY badly... just run in any direction, and sonic suddenly looks like he's become a lot more spikey, as does everything else.
- Quite a few games - Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition springs to mind, but is by no means unique - have a single line offset by about half a screen drawn at the bottom of the screen. Could be a cyclone bug, though, as it certainly doesn't happen on every game.

Could be any or all of these will vanish when moving over to HH, or that I have a faulty unit (although I'm pretty certain I don't - I've only had flickering in any sense since the 1.0.1 upgrade, although I did have waves before then), but hey. Its certainly worth telling you about them :).

Sonic looked fine for me. Hm...
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Alex. posted on Dec 10 2005 at 03:17 PM said:
My onyl wonder is, why in all the pictures GP32 and GP2X head to head the 32's screen is so much darker and dimmer? I thought the GP2X had the same screen as the GP32 Blu+

No, the 2x and BLU+ displays are different . The colors and saturation are much better on the 2x. I also have not believe it but now i have compared the two screens side by side with DrMD. And i'm really impressed how much better the 2x-display is.

But i found something strange while testing DrMD on GP32 and GP2x. Why is the GP32 faster then the GP2X? I use the same adjustments on both units (frameskip 0, sound 22050khz, region USA, FPS ON) and downclock the GP2x to 166Mhz like the GP32. Now when i start a game like SONIC i see a 3-8 FPS advantage for the GP32 over the GP2x. WHY?
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PSyMastR: Are you on Firmware 1.0.1? And equally, are you using the clockspeed changer beforehand (I'm running at whatever speed it is supposed to be running at) since turning up your clockspeed is said to eliminate scanlines...

If yes and no, then try again - and bring the GP2x closer to your face (you may play with the device a slightly healthier distance away, for example). If you still can't see them, then I'm flummoxed, since I'm certain I'm not imagining things.
Im using 1.0.1, with the clockspeed changer. Ooooh. I have to bring it like 3 inches from my face to see them. o_O!
Minkoff posted on Dec 10 2005 at 08:00 PM said:
Probably becase the GP32 had no OS.
right, that sounds logical. thanks

Phil posted on Dec 10 2005 at 08:17 PM said:
kids these days...

:angry: i'm not a kid and i'm not complaining anything. i was only wondering why the supposed "faster" hardware is slower under same conditions. so until you have something usefull to say like Minkoff please be quiet.
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caddy77 posted on Dec 10 2005 at 03:43 PM said:
Minkoff posted on Dec 10 2005 at 08:00 PM said:
Probably becase the GP32 had no OS.
right, that sounds logical. thanks

Phil posted on Dec 10 2005 at 08:17 PM said:
kids these days...

:angry: i'm not a kid and i'm not complaining anything. i was only wondering why the supposed "faster" hardware is slower under same conditions. so until you have something usefull to say like Minkoff please be quiet.
I believe that was directed at minkoff. The OS has nothing to so with it. Your forgetting drmdx is the 1st release for the gp2x. Give it time. perfection will come on swift wings :)
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