British Meet-up

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30th'd prolly be OK; as I've said, I'm in France on the other 2. Course, if its better for everyone else, then by all means use those two...
I could probably do the 16th in bath, ill be taking a train from brighton for that, I've noticed theres a couple of people near me, maybe we could meet up before and get the train together?
16th in Bath sounds good to me too that and ECTS in late Aug' seem the most popular. I think we're really going to struggle to make it fit for every one on one day ('speshly ppl who have whole months booked up) how about we arange 2 and make sure at least every one intrested can make one of them ? im on hols form uni now and working on and off but id make both if they fall right.
Twimfy posted on Jul 15 2003 said:
I think the 16th is A-level results day + I've got all of august booked for other things, one of them going to newcastle.
September would've been better really, but then I start Uni then so....whatever, its just going to be one day so I suppose I can work around it.
A-levels are on Thursday 14th :)
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Rico posted on Jul 16 2003 said:
Twimfy posted on Jul 15 2003 said:
I think the 16th is A-level results day + I've got all of august booked for other things, one of them going to newcastle.
September would've been better really, but then I start Uni then so....whatever, its just going to be one day so I suppose I can work around it.
A-levels are on Thursday 14th :)
I knew they were somewhere around that day. Besides My highschool is 400 miles away so I'll get them the day after in the post.
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sorry welsh guys, but A, Wales sucks ass (most boring place I've ever been to)

Sorry deanollive but A, Bath isn't in Wales, and B - Wales doesn't suck ass anyway. I've lived all over Britain, and I still prefer Wales to anywhere else, as does by missus (who's from Kent).

So there :P
well thats a 4 hr drive for you guys in Rhyl im affraid :(

sounds good for almost everyone else though, and im sure that we could make the next one somewhere else, Manchester for instance.

Here we go....

Lets lay it on the line.

Who would come if the meet-up was held in Bath on the 30th of August?

This date seems to be when most people will be around, and Bath still seems the most popular place.

ECTS will, in my opinion, be a diveresion rather than a reason to meet. Basically, we wont want to stay in a group if we meet there, and it's not the best venue for swapping GP32 software etc.

So.... How about it?

I haven't read this whole thread as I'm way too lazy, but if anyone is near Worcester, I'll be moving into a 3 storrey(sp?) house on the 9th August, so any time tereafter shoul dbe OK. Just need to cear it with my missus.

3 minute walk from local train station.
5 minutes from city centre.

quiet, peaceful, and very spacius....
I'm almost in. I went to Bath Uni on an open-day, and it took a while. Maybe 3-4 hours to get there. Still, I'll consider it if I know some ppl who are also going.
I'll be happy if you stop calling it a British meet-up when the whole topic has been so blatantly anti-meeting-anywhere-near-Scotland that I actually killed a dog. :ph34r:
Woah there! We've just been trying to get an idea of where people are so we can be as fair as possible about where it happens! And since you are the only person so far to say you're in Scotland, I'm not suprised we haven't been talking about holding it up near there.

We wont be able to please everybody, so there may end up being several meets around the country.
Ok im up for the anti-scots meet up

j/k :P

I couldn't make it if it was in Scotland, i have to many relatives i just dont want to meet living up there. :D

But any where in England & possibly boardering on Wales and im there.
Right - I'm gonna set up a website for people to start registering their interest. It'll have a form for you to submit to register your interest and to pass on any comments. It may take a day or so to get it up and running, but will be ready soon. When you submit the form, its just to say that you'll come if you can, so dont worry about the rst of us suing you if you end up not being able to come or something :P

keep suggestions coming on here anyways.


Cheers, and see yas all soon.
Is it me but has this topic gone cold?Is anyone apart from axeman and me gonna be able to make it to bath on the 30th august?
Hi there, I know this is my first post and everything, but I have been following this board for some time now. I know you have provisionaly set the date as the 30th, but any chance you could amke it the day after as I have to work saturdays :(

I'm new to the GP32 scene, but you guys seem like a great bunch, and I'd like to come. :D

BTW, the clan I used to run with used to hold their LANs in Nottingham as they found that was the most central. Just thought I'd mention it.

Anyways, thats the first of many posts (hopefully) :blink:
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