Gpx2 Unvailed!!

Drag posted on Jul 29 2005 at 04:13 PM said:
woogal posted on Jul 28 2005 at 08:14 AM said:
BaDToaD posted on Jul 28 2005 at 11:30 AM said:
So far I don't think I've read a positive comment from a dev. Any devs out there that are impressed with this thing?

(silence and tumbleweed!)
I'm impressed, but then most of the stuff I dev doesn't even push the gp32's hardware much (gameplay is important to me, not 3d, speed, buttons, screensize, resolution, and most of the other crap that people seem to be bitching about). The main thing I'm excited about is more memory and storage space for gpQuake (the low memory in the gp32 is the cause of almost all gpQuakes problems). 200mhz is a little lower than I would have liked (300mhz would be nicer), but it should still allow for a decent speed in quake, and maybe the 940t will give a good speed boost too. Also SD is much faster than SMC so those poor load times will disappear and I might be able to add in zlib compression on .pak files again. The only thing I would have like to have seen added is bluetooth, but even so it's still a very nice looking machine and I can't wait to get my hands on one.

I can't really understand why there are so many bad comments about the gpx2. The gp32 is still selling well, and the gpx2 should be both better and cheaper, so anyone who would have been looking to buy a gp32 is going to rush to get a gpx2. Ok, so maybe a lot of people won't be upgrading, but there's still a market for a device of this kind of spec and price.

I like the gp32 because FINALLY we have a system that won't succumb to SUPER AWESOMELY WOW graphics and horrible shit gameplay. It does 2D games, and it's WAY easier to make a really awesome 2D game than it is to make a 3D game.

No you have a system that plays other systems 2d games good. Have you played any of the commercial Gp32 games? For the most part they are bad. Only 1 or 2 out of the bunch are any good. If you take away every game the GP32 emulates for any system. That leaves you with commercial and homebrew games. The commercial games mostly suck, and that leaves 2d homebrew. So whats the difference between this and the GPX2? I'd like to see something different, not the same thing repackaged and revamped.
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when do you ever see anything new with a successor to any system. All we usually get is more power, no more innovation. it is par for the course.

The only company who try things a little different are nintendo. Virtual boy was a flop, ds has good early sales, but will they continue?, revoloution could easily go against them. Many have already said that it could be their last console if it goes wrong.

so you can understand why if the large companies usually do it, the small fledgling companies like GPH won't risk shaking things up to much.

I for one am really excited about the launch of the new gpx2, more so than any of the new gen home consoles coming next year.

My pre order is placed and i have just bought a couple of 1gb sd's in preparation!!
Angel, you do realize though that in order to get 3rd party commercial support, they can't really have it open source, right? And if you want to play the kinds of games you'll find on a PSP or DS, then why don't you just get a PSP or DS? Almost every 2nd or 3rd system made by any company is a new repackaged, revamped version of its predecessor. Look at Gameboy pocket... was that not a repackaged revamped gameboy? Gameboy color was just a repackaged revamped gameboy pocket. GBA was a repackaged revamped version of gameboy color. The DS is finally something "unique," but you can still stay it's a repackaged revamped GBA... except that this time it actually has the same number of "features" as the previous one because it won't play game cartridges older than GBA. The SNES is a more powerful NES(no backwards compatability though). Genesis = more powerful Master System. Isn't your computer a repackaged revamped version of an older computer you used to have at some point? That's the way EVERYTHING is. Why are you complaining about it? This thing is more versatile than its previous version. It's also more powerful. It can play more types of media files. It's more powerful which means more systems can be emulated than before. You will also be able to fit many more things on the media storage device it's using... and on top of all the things that make it better than a GP32, IT WILL BE CHEAPER! What reason do you have to complain? How often can you buy a genesis for less than a master system? How often can you buy ANYTHING for less than it's predecessor? a 2005 Toyota Camry will cost more than a 2004 Camry... I see no reason to complain unless this thing truly does suck ass... which none of us will know until we get our hands on it. Stop complaining and give it a damn chance. Or at the very least, complain about stuff that matters, like the fact that the place where all your plugs will go is on the right side of the machine(except for the headphone jack). That means that if you want to use an A/C adapter, it'll get in the way of your hand. THAT actually matters. It doesn't ruin the gameplay, but it can make it more difficult and uncomfortable.

Look... if they were just putting the GP32 stuff in new cases and making it work with SD cards... then you'd have a reason to be bitching about it being repackaged. Do you seriously mean to tell me that you DON'T like the fact that you won't be missing any of the GP32's features in the new machine? what the fuck? I'm looking forward to this new machine, and I can't see why others of you aren't. Seriously, if you want it to be a Jizzmondo, PSP, or DS, then go friggin' buy one of those.
Vimacs posted on Jul 29 2005 at 05:23 PM said:
they sayd they make the black ones and propably others later :-)

smart move. the black one looks far better.
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They said on the suggestion board that they decided to make black units only. Now we are likely to get a lot of "is that a fake PSP?"

Just custom paint it. It is uber-easy.
1. Take the damn thing apart.
2. Tape the screw holes.
3. Airbrush/Spray paint/Model Paint the case.
4. Take it to a local body shop and ask them to overcoat it the next time they do a car. I paid the guy in 2 hotdogs and a bad of chips to do my snowboard. :)

It has been 2 seasons of rough riding and the clearcoat is still perfect except for some scuffs and such.
I already have a DS,PSP,GP32, Pocket PC. that is why i'm not really interested in this system, i have things that can do everything this thing can do. I expect this to have little to 0 commercial support. I don't expect it to do anything more than the GP32 based on other posts in this forum.

You can't compare the GP32-GPX2 to Gameboys.

You had the Gameboy/Gameboy Pocket/Gameboy color. There wasn't a change, except cosmetically, the specs were unchanged. So this is a bad example. The GBA was not a revamped Gameboy Color. That is the point of next Gen consoles. To do something better than the previous, but from what i've read in this thread, and there are alot of replies saying that this machine is not going to emulate that much more than what we already got on the GP32, it just seems that the only thing this machine will actually do much better is play movies.

And your right, nobody knows for sure until it is released. But both sides have no arguement until it is released. You have the people saying it will be crap, and you have people saying it is the greatest thing ever. It could be steaming pile of shit or it could be really good. Nobody knows.

I don't think i'm being negative at all, i'm just trying to understand the logic, and logically it doesn't make sense that this would be the next gen GP32. As for your comment about it being a GP32 in a new case, well people have modded their GP32s with 32/64mb ram chips and can go 200mhz+ so other than 2 more buttons and more colors on screen, i guess this could be considered to some a repackaged GP32.
Why would you need to tape the screw holes? I never tape the screw holes for anything, and I never have trouble... also, couldn't you just buy a can of clear coat at wal mart or something and take care of that yourself?
No you have a system that plays other systems 2d games good. Have you played any of the commercial Gp32 games? For the most part they are bad. Only 1 or 2 out of the bunch are any good. If you take away every game the GP32 emulates for any system. That leaves you with commercial and homebrew games. The commercial games mostly suck, and that leaves 2d homebrew. So whats the difference between this and the GPX2? I'd like to see something different, not the same thing repackaged and revamped.

SDL/Linux out of the box adds a whole new dimention to homebrew scence Linux has ooodles of stuff from the bad to the very good. And this is the first machine gp powerful enogh to do this.

As for comercial games, if you develop for the gpx2 you are not developing for 10,000 your developing for (fails to pull a number from somewhere), phones, pocketpc's and other handheld devices and this market is growing, hell you can play it on your pc too

Video and music possible but stetching things a little have finally come into there own.
i dont see how you can say its not more powerfull, it haves 2*200mhz arm9 (at least 2* as fast as gp) and 32mb ram(4 times more than gp32). and it also haves a fpu now wich means that we can get WAY better performance espacialy with 3d, also floating point is easyer to programm than fixed point math. Also gph allready sayed that this one will have some commercial support.

Its better/faster, cheaper, have more fetures.
I cant see how you can be worried about it at all.

Also all that emulator talk is a bit stupid, the gp also allways had some great homebrew games and ports, wich will be able to advance at the new gp.
And emulation is also getting faster, no doubt about that. have you ever used snes at 250mhz at the current gp? its near perfeckt, and with more ram and fpu it will for sure be faster on this one than on a overclocked gp, wich is more expensive and harder to get.
Why would you need to tape the screw holes? I never tape the screw holes for anything, and I never have trouble... also, couldn't you just buy a can of clear coat at wal mart or something and take care of that yourself?

I guess you really dont have to mask the holes. I always did it so that paint/clearcoat wouldnt get in there and make it harder for the screws to go in/thread. That's your choice.

As far as the consumer brand clearcoat, it just doesn't hold up as well. I have used it on applications and it wears off to the paint if it gets scratched. Plus you would need at least a dozen cans to match what a body shop can do. Temperature changes can ruin the process if you do multiple coats as well.

You can do it yourself if you have an air compressor/paint applicator, but I still feel my original idea is the cheapest/easiest. ;)
i'm not worried about it, i'm just not getting my hopes up, its an easier let down if you never got excited about it in the first place. And then you have the people that expect this thing to run N64 and stuff like that, i would never expect it. From what i would expect it to do, it's not worth it for me.

And you'll probably shoot me for this, but the Gizmondo, other than the screen, is looking better than this, it may have a larger user base which means could be cracked easier, better commercial support, better everything if it does get a good scene going and it sells for $199.99 according to EB games. But again, you don't know, nobody knows until this is actually released. Everything at first looks good on paper, i'll wait til its in peoples hands and they've had time to tinker with it before making any more conclusions.

Angel posted on Jul 29 2005 at 01:22 PM said:
I already have a DS,PSP,GP32, Pocket PC. that is why i'm not really interested in this system, i have things that can do everything this thing can do. I expect this to have little to 0 commercial support. I don't expect it to do anything more than the GP32 based on other posts in this forum.

You can't compare the GP32-GPX2 to Gameboys.

You had the Gameboy/Gameboy Pocket/Gameboy color. There wasn't a change, except cosmetically, the specs were unchanged. So this is a bad example. The GBA was not a revamped Gameboy Color. That is the point of next Gen consoles. To do something better than the previous, but from what i've read in this thread, and there are alot of replies saying that this machine is not going to emulate that much more than what we already got on the GP32, it just seems that the only thing this machine will actually do much better is play movies.

And your right, nobody knows for sure until it is released. But both sides have no arguement until it is released. You have the people saying it will be crap, and you have people saying it is the greatest thing ever. It could be steaming pile of shit or it could be really good. Nobody knows.

I don't think i'm being negative at all, i'm just trying to understand the logic, and logically it doesn't make sense that this would be the next gen GP32. As for your comment about it being a GP32 in a new case, well people have modded their GP32s with 32/64mb ram chips and can go 200mhz+ so other than 2 more buttons and more colors on screen, i guess this could be considered to some a repackaged GP32.

"based on other posts in this forum..." But the people who made those posts don't really know what it will be able to do, so you shouldn't go by what they say. Based on what Gamepark Holdings themselves have said, I'm looking forward to the GPX2. I'm still gonna wait a bit to get one just to make sure it's not a brick, but I plan on getting one.

Gameboy to Gameboy Pocket... it was made smaller. They had to change something inside in order to do that. It also ran on only 2 AA batteries instead of 4... and I never heard complaints about shorter battery life in the pocket, so something else was different. And Gameboy Color was the same thing as a pocket with a color screen. Also, since you're saying that the GPX2 won't be able to do anything extra or better(except play movies), then why is it NOT a good comparison for the gameboys? Gameboy pocket did nothing extra or better than Gameboy, and the same is true of the Color except that the games were in color then. Sounds like a good comparison to me. And assuming that gamepark holdings isn't completely full of shit, GBC to GBA is also a good comparison for GP32 to GPX2. They're planning on releasing emulators to play the systems we can play on the GP32 right now. It is AT LEAST as powerful as the GP32, so anything GP32 is capable of doing the GPX2 is also capable of doing. It's also more powerful, so it should be able to emulate a few systems better than the GP32 can as well as emulate some new systems the GP32 couldn't emulate. GBA plays all old gameboy games plus some new games made specifically for the GBA. Old gameboy games are like the systems we already have emulated, and new GBA games are like the new systems that couldn't be emulated before. in addition to that, it will be able to play more movie formats and play them better than before. It will have battery life that's about equal to the GP32's. It will also be able to play more audio formats than the GP32 could. While video and audio might not be a big deal, they're still improvements from the predecessor and should still be considered. The GPX2 is an upgrade, just like pretty much every system always has been in relationship to the system that came out before it made by the same company. I loved the GP32 for what it can do, so naturally I'd want another system very similar to it that can do more. I don't want something completely new... like if they threw out the ability to play music and movies and in their place gave us a GPS function. that would be stupid. If you loved the GP32 so much, I can't see why you would hate the GPX.

Your last comment about the changes people made to their systems making the new thing a repackaged GP32 would be valid if perhaps the GP32 was originally packaged the way the people modified them. But it wasn't... they modified them. you just said that. So that part isn't even true. GPX2 will come packaged much more powerful than the GP32 came packaged. 133 vs. 200, and you're also looking at a 2nd processor that, according to gamepark holdings, can be used for "general purposes." correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't that mean that it can be used to do anything the main one does? Just considering the first processor, it's already almost 60% faster, which is quite a nice upgrade in my opinion.


One more thing... what exactly do you mean by "better" commercial support? you don't know what GP will have(okay, most likely not as much and probably companies that aren't too well known, but still, you never know), and you don't know exactly what Jizzmondo has/will have yet, so you can't really say that. From the stuff I've seen so far about the Jizzmondo, I couldn't possibly care less if the GPX2 gets that commercial support or not. I don't want to play Crappy 3D games anyway. I'd rather play good classic 2D games. Now for all I know(and this is probably the case), you might prefer newer 3D games, and that's fine. But I wouldn't expect the same stuff you'll see on PS2, X-Box, and Gamecube to show up on the Jizzmondo.

bah, just remembered something else... Gamepark Holdings also said that with the 2 processors, it will actually run faster than a single 400mhz processor would(whether that's true or not, I couldn't tell you, I don't know jack shit about hardware). If that's the case, then hooray! If not, we know it can't be any worse than 200mhz.
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I look at it this way, I bought the GP32 because it was a cheaper solution than the portable media players that were already out and coming out (most of these run for 300 dollars or MORE). While I wasnt too keen on the 15 fps Xvid movies and the 128mb SMC limitation I still have fun with it. The 99% perfect NES, SMS, GG and constantly improving Genesis emulation was just a bonus for me at the time that I charged it to my credit card.

The PSP has a larger screen a better video quality but also has a larger price tag and it's Memsticks have a ridiculous level of un availability. I suppose you could just kick back with a video game for a while instead of watching a TV show you d/led, The games are fun enough and look mighty cool on that huge screen but if I wanted it as just a Media player I'd probably be a little annoyed atleast untill they let you use other codecs. (they seem to be working towards that.)

The GPX2 will use SD cards which are cheaper and the system will run like a half dozen codecs more than either the PSP or original GP32 and possibly cost under 200 bucks (USD). Meaning I could get a 1GB SD card and put more videos on it than I currently can for either of the other two I have, and if they 8 hours play time on 2 AA batteries isn't a gross over exaggeration it'd be more than ideal.

Yeah, I wouldnt mind a few homebrew games and emmulators too but as I said the whole reason I got into the GP was because I wanted a decent affordable portable movie player that didn't use DVDs. Anything else I get from it will be a pleasant bounus.
I wouldn't really want to buy one of these until either noiz2sa, gpspout, akanoid and the 4 nazca games (tron,dreams,runners and sphears) are ported over to it, or until a year after it has been released so it gives time for homebrew games to be released.

I think it's a bit silly everyone just rushing into pre-ordering one and selling their gp32 with little knowledge of the new handheld, it could be very hard to program for and therefore there would be few games for it. Also the Gp32 will still have games coming often, the new handheld may not have anything for months.
Angel posted on Jul 29 2005 at 01:43 PM said:
because Gameboy/pocket/color were not next gen of each other. Just like the Atari 2600 and the Atari 2600JR, new look, smaller, but still the same inards.

They can't be EXACTLY the same. The pocket got smaller. They had to get that space from somewhere, and the color had color. In order for it to do color, something had to be changed. When did the gameboy pocket come out? At least 3 or 4 years after the original gameboy, right? Well, that's close enough to 5 years, and the cycle for "generations" of consoles is about 5 years usually... So it could be considered next-gen, but if it's not, then as far as I'm concerned, that's even worse... because after 15 years, you still have the same damn system except it's a bit smaller and has color. On the other hand, the GPX2 is coming out only 3 or 4 years after the GP32, and it's over 50% faster, has 4X the RAM, can hold like 30X more data, can display many more colors, can play many more movie formats, can play many more audio formats, and costs LESS... meanwhile, the Gameboy color cost the same or more than the original gameboy. and the same trend continues with the GBA. GBA was about 100 when it came out, SP came out a few years later(really is a repackaged and NOT revamped GBA... only difference I know of other than the case is the light) and cost about 100 again. If the micro is even 80, it's a damn ripoff. Gamepark Holdings's new system is a HUGE improvement over the GP32, probably even a bigger improvement than the GBA was over the gameboy. Just because it has the same features as the old one doesn't mean it's the same thing repackaged. If that's ALL it had, then you would be right. But that's not all it has. It will theoretically do everything the GP32 did better plus do more and cost less.

They're not gonna release it with absolutely NO software, that would be a death wish. And they're having somebody work on emulators for them. And just for the record, I'm NEVER getting rid of my GP32, not even if it becomes a brick someday. If that happens, I'll build a game console shrine, which the GP32 will be part of.
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your not getting it.

Gameboy Original/Gameboy Pocket/Gameboy Color, yes they got smaller, yes one had a color screen, but the systems were all relatively the same, still 8-bit, still same processing speed, so they are not next gen. Just like the GBA/SP/Micro. They are all different but that doesn't make them next gen.

Gameboy Original then next genned to GBA which next genned to DS.

I guess being a collector since early 90's and seeing the jumps next gen systems have made like NES-SNES-64 and SMS-Genesis-Saturn-Dreamcast i'm just suprised that it's not as much as a leap as i thought it would be, but again, i could be getting this and the XGP mixed up, which i probably am.

But enough with this, i'm not going to argue, i'm just going to wait until the thing comes out and then see what people think of it.
Magus 86 posted on Jul 29 2005 at 06:55 PM said:
They're not gonna release it with absolutely NO software, that would be a death wish. And they're having somebody work on emulators for them. And just for the record, I'm NEVER getting rid of my GP32, not even if it becomes a brick someday. If that happens, I'll build a game console shrine, which the GP32 will be part of.

I never stated that you personally were selling yours, but the amount of Gp32s on ebay in the last few days has risen alot.

Even if they do have software from the start though, there won't be that many for a while. Also emulators don't bother me, I don't ever use them as I'd much prefer to legally buy the game and use it on it's native format, I personally bought the Gp32 for homebrew and I don't see there will be many homebrew games out around launch which negates it's use for me.
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Flipside posted on Jul 29 2005 at 06:48 PM said:
I think it's a bit silly everyone just rushing into pre-ordering one and selling their gp32 with little knowledge of the new handheld, it could be very hard to program for and therefore there would be few games for it. Also the Gp32 will still have games coming often, the new handheld may not have anything for months.

It`s called support or early adopters, If everyone thought the same way, No one would buy it and it would most surely flop. It`s a catch 22 situation.

Btw, Pre-ordered mine a while ago.

SbS Studios posted on Jul 29 2005 06:36 PM said:
Just a question for anyone who pre-ordered on gbax, did you get a reply from craig?

No!, Nothing yet.

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