Please, Enough With The Mega Man Already!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
*EDIT* Disclaimer... I've already apologized for this post, so please, keep that in mind when you read it before you give me any more tongue lashings :D I was going to just erase the original content of this post but... well the mistake had already been made no use trying to cover it up :-P

Okay I'm not trying to come off ungrateful or as a whiner or anything... but come on guys... seriously, enough with the MegaMan Smash GP characters already!!! I don't understand why so many people (or it just one person who is just way too obsessed with Mega Man?) are only using Mega Man sprites to create Smash GP characters.... I mean sure Mega Man is cool and all but there is a whole wide world of video game characters out there that would make great fighters for Smash GP... as it stands right now though something like 75% of the characters available are Mega Man characters :( Might as well email the guy who devved Smash GP and let him know to officially rename it Mega Man Wars GP instead.

Seriously I kid... but I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to see other charactrers get made for Smash GP... Maybe one of the Belmonts from Castlevania? Just an idea... please... really though... ANYTHING but another Mega Man....
:( I KNEW someone was going to retort with that.

well, simple answer (and you should have seen this coming), because I'm not a coder, or a devver, hell I dont even know where you guys get the sprites from or how you rip them or whatever, let alone how to program them into a game. And really, I dont have any free time at home to do it even if I knew how.

but the real question is, why is someone going to the trouble to just make mega man characters again and again? are no other characters appealing?
Then why don`t you try learning. It shouldn`t be that hard. If you can take screenshots and use Paint and a mouse, you should be able.
I don`t think there is much (any?) coding involved in making a char, so stop complaining and atleast try it.

I am not able to draw any good picture in Paint or any other program, but I was able to rip (a lot of) sprites for my current game.

So, if you didn`t try it atleast, stop complaining...
trooper posted on Mar 21 2005 at 05:07 PM said:
@ bast525

Well, You could make your replys to posts shorter, That shoud give you plenty of time to make smashGP characters. :P


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This topic is almost as bad as "Damn those homebrew games" in the LOL files.
Seriously people like megaman, it's a good game and making playble characters from there to smash gp will encourage more people to play both of them. Megaman sprites seem to be one of the most hacked/ripped sprite online, so why not if they are there.

As to the person you're refering to, he created like 4 out of 7 megaman sprites. He's even promised to look into the sprites I pointed him to of the orginal SSBM sprites.
It's up to that person what he uses his time to create/do so leave them up to it. Rather then complaining at those who can, learn to do it yourself. You don't know what it's like to make them, they could have been whipped up in a couple of minutes for all you know.
So let me get this straight, you're basically saying you'd rather have no new characters instead of MegaMan characters? Why don't you just let people make whatever characters they want, or maybe politely request some, instead of shooting your mouth off?

It was onionfrog who made the smash chars, so obviously he likes Mega Man, and he made a set of characters for them. It's been said enough times... if you don't like it, don't download it.
I don't bum megaman but I'm not to bothered what comes out of SmashGP, the more the merrier. I'll never understand why people bone that series so much, probably because they strife to make sequel after sequel like Nintendo did with Mario.
lol, i would make plenty charas, but my favourite anime/manga/game heroes are either ranged fighters or no fighters at all.
But i promise to make no megaman stuff, if u stfu, bast
If people want to make megaman characters let them. They are doing it on their own free time and getting paid nothing. If you are upset about the characters that are out for the game instead of complaining to the people who are making the character for themselves but letting other people download them make your own. It really isnt that hard. It takes a little time and practice but mostly you just import pictures and input numbers for attack power. I like megaman and I released megaman x (im still finishing it and will re-release with new sound). I think its great that people are making more characters.
I'd assume that it's simply just easier to make Megaman sprites, heck it seems like it would be the first choice seeing as it's basically a perfect source for characters.

Fighting games have loads of frames, Action games may not have enough frames for approriate movements, and many of the compatable characters have generally already been made. Contra, Samus, Mario, kirby? Who else is left that you can actually GET sprites of?

Make some suggestions.
LHC posted on Mar 22 2005 at 01:51 AM said:
no more releases plz, remove all available downloads and kill all developers

Okay. Gonna close down the archive. Who needs it anyways (wheee - we just passed the 100.000 downloaded files border ;))
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Gee, Onion, you seem to be trying to say something.. *laugh* I think a bit more variety would be nice. Not too picky about it. I was thinking maybe an animated Pac-Man like character would be nice to see. I figure if a new character doesn't appeal to me, I just wont download it. It's not like Pokemon with it's "Gotta Catch 'em All" slogan.
At least you are suggesting things kindly, as feddon and aperion did... :)
We dont have variety? :o
With 21 characters?(Only 6 of which are megaman related...) :rolleyes:
I'm gonna do: Mr. game and watch, Link, Falco and Nakoruru.. next weekend.... :)

People can go ahead and just not use my characters but its rude to start a topic bitching about what ive done... Just stfu and use the characters that you want to... (This is mainly directed to bast) <_<
shinneri posted on Mar 22 2005 at 03:42 AM said:
I'm surprised, bast, you're usually a pretty cool, reasonable guy.

But that's okay, we all have our little lapses in judgement every so often. ;)

LOL yeah I didn't know I was going to be opening such a can of worms with this one. It didn't seem that bad to me as I was typing it but now I go back and read it and yeah it's no surprise the replies it's getting. True, t'was a lapse of judgement on my part, I got home from work and was very tired, logged on and was like "what? more mega man characters?! DOH!"

Well I do apologize for coming off so rudely about it... I do like Mega man games in general, and of course do love Smash GP... I just forgot for a second the cardinal rule of homebrew anything and that is that since everything is free there really isn't room or reason to complain.

Well I'm man enough to admit when I am wrong... very sorry guys I really meant no offense to anyone, especially onionfrog I'm sorry for this post :D as shinneri stated and most of you who've seen me posting around here for a while know I am usually one of the more reasonable posters but this time I slipped...

Now I just got ta remind myself to stay away from the forums when I'm very tired :D :P
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