Web About My Mame Port

This is really going to be great! GNG looks excellent (difficult but amazing game), awesome work Franxis. And nice artwork as ever from Antiriad. :)
fade posted on Feb 23 2005 at 12:07 PM said:
This is really going to be great! GNG looks excellent (difficult but amazing game), awesome work Franxis. And nice artwork as ever from Antiriad. :)

Yep its amazing news !!! I cant wait for that day to see it released ! Plus theres another MAME emulator which will be released probably same time after so we're spoilt for choice at the moment.

I cant wait to try games out with the emulator, theres so many to choose from so there should be a good selection which do work well.

Ghost n Goblins was a game i totally loved, way too hard on the Speccy/C64 but if theres a 'coin' button on the GP32 theres going to be a lot of games you can keep pouring the 'money' into to complete.

Not long now till i can finally play the arcade version of Bombjack on the GP32 ! Sweet !
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You Sir, are a GOD!!

Top of my list is 1942, Bombjack and Commando!
Han posted on Feb 23 2005 at 11:51 AM said:
Yupp, I love the game. One of the few arcade games I got really good at. But unfortunately I have never got past the boss at the end of level 5. Have you ever completed it?

I completed the arcade version once using MAME (on a PC) and you're right, you do have to do it all again. I've got a feeling though that it ends after you've done it the second time...

Hopefully Franxis emulator will have save states (at some point), and we'll all be able to complete in on our GP32's!
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Handheld Mame..... If this works as well as it looks like it will (and there's no reason it wouldn't, those early to mid-80's games were tiny even in comparison to Genesis, and MultiPac works a treat) it'll be the dawn of a new age for all us old fogies.
I'm talking gyruss, mappy, pengo, galaga, qix, donkey kong, defender, berzerk, bosconian........ games from the golden age, 80-85 or so.
I'm salivating.
alyinsanfran posted on Feb 23 2005 at 04:37 PM said:
Handheld Mame..... If this works as well as it looks like it will (and there's no reason it wouldn't, those early to mid-80's games were tiny even in comparison to Genesis,

I dont know the full 'ins and outs' but all because an arcade machine from the early 80's ran on a 4 mhz processor doesnt mean it'll easily be able to run on a GP32 etc.

I used to use my Pocket PC for years for emulation, i had a 233 mhz one, then a 400 mhz one and MAME games on that ran terrible. Finally when there were 400 mhz PPCs with faster chips (PXA255) then suddenly I could run MAME games.

But at the time you had people saying 'why doesnt this 4 mhz old arcade game work on my 233 mhz PPC'. Its just not the same.

The GBA i think runs on a lower processor but that doesnt mean it'll run 100% on the GP32. Like i say i dont know the full techie stuff behind it but i do know that if a game was originally on a 100 mhz processor it doesnt mean it'll be 4 times as fast and run perfectly on a 400 mhz laptop etc
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Gruntfuggly posted on Feb 23 2005 at 03:20 PM said:
I completed the arcade version once using MAME (on a PC) and you're right, you do have to do it all again. I've got a feeling though that it ends after you've done it the second time...

Hopefully Franxis emulator will have save states (at some point), and we'll all be able to complete in on our GP32's!

Yes, the game ends after you complete it a second time, as far as I have read anyway. But this pretty much made me give up my plan to complete the game with just one credit :D ... So yeah, lets hope for savestates :)
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nem posted on Feb 23 2005 at 05:18 PM said:
*Prays that Bubble Bobble is one of those games that work 100%*

im looking forward to playing virtua fighter :)


ok Mr.DO and dig dug will do :)
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psj3809 posted on Feb 23 2005 at 04:42 PM said:
alyinsanfran posted on Feb 23 2005 at 04:37 PM said:
Handheld Mame..... If this works as well as it looks like it will (and there's no reason it wouldn't, those early to mid-80's games were tiny even in comparison to Genesis,

I dont know the full 'ins and outs' but all because an arcade machine from the early 80's ran on a 4 mhz processor doesnt mean it'll easily be able to run on a GP32 etc.

I used to use my Pocket PC for years for emulation, i had a 233 mhz one, then a 400 mhz one and MAME games on that ran terrible. Finally when there were 400 mhz PPCs with faster chips (PXA255) then suddenly I could run MAME games.

But at the time you had people saying 'why doesnt this 4 mhz old arcade game work on my 233 mhz PPC'. Its just not the same.

The GBA i think runs on a lower processor but that doesnt mean it'll run 100% on the GP32. Like i say i dont know the full techie stuff behind it but i do know that if a game was originally on a 100 mhz processor it doesnt mean it'll be 4 times as fast and run perfectly on a 400 mhz laptop etc

MAME code was written to work on fast PCs with alot of memory. It was written for compatability and no care was taken to make it efficient because they didn't need to on the PC. The end result is that MAME code makes spaghetti code look good, it is a bloated mess. The newer the version the more the bloat. This is why he made the choice to port an older version as it would run faster than if he ported a newer version, and it was a wise choice.

If MAME code was written clean and mean it would likely run full speed with full sound at 133 MHz for all older 8-bit games. It is a software limitation and not a hardware thing.
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KidQuaalude posted on Feb 23 2005 at 12:52 PM said:
tix posted on Feb 23 2005 at 10:47 AM said:
mmmmmmmmmm Teeeempeeeeest !!!!!!!!!

my thoughts exactly! :D cant bloody wait! been waiting a long time to play tempest on the gp32 :D :D :D

Allow me to chime in as well ... HOLY f$^$% TEMPEST!!!

* sighs *

Thank you.
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I can't $#%^@^@$ wait either.

Does anyone know if version 0.34b7 ROMS will run in this emu? On Franxis' web sit, it says it's a port of MAME 0.34.
Relax !!!

My MAME port needs MAME 0.34 final version ROMs. I will post the ClrMAME Pro DAT in my webpage tomorrow probably.

I know there is a mess to convert your MAME Romsets, and i personally don't have all MAME roms that should be played in my port. I will try to complete my list. But it is the only reasonable way i though to get a fast and good mame port... Maybe i was wrong or maybe i was ok... I don't know. I will have to compare with another future ports.

Some more information:
- Ghosts'n Goblins runs now at 80% aproximately with sound at 166 MHz with frameskip 2.
- Old classics (Pacman, Galaxian, Frogger, etc) run perfectly.
- Tetris runs perfectly.
- Bomb Jack runs perfectly.
- A lot of roms run perfectly now at 166 Mhz with frameskip 1-2, but i will try to optimize the emulator for 133 MHz also.
- It has a nice rom selector, a configuration menu to select the clock frequency, frameskip and some other interesting options.
- It does not have savestates.
- It runs some 68000 games, but slow (Karnov, Snow Bros).
- There are some games that do not run: Black Tiger and Bubble Bobble. I have not tested all mame roms, but there not too much more...
- It does not run neogeo games.
- It does not run cps1 or cps2.
- It does not run system16.
- It does not run vector games.
- It runs as a orientation roms < 600 kb zipped roms.
- I will try to do not waste the time until march 5 2005. I will try to optimize and to improve all i could. I'm trying to colaborate and to help the spanish party MadriSX/MadriDC. This is the reason i have decided to release the first beta in that party.
- This will be the first beta version, there is a lot to improve yet...
- The beta will be available on the webpage on march 6 2005 for everyone.
- I don't know if you have seen emame for nokia ngage mobile phones... I have compare both ports, and my port for GP32 is now significatelly faster than nGage.
- I don't know how much i will improve the emulator until march 5... We will see...
- I'm sorry to have you waiting, i understand your wishes... I'm the first person i has been needed a mame port for months, but march 5 is a fixed date, i promised.

Regards and thanks for your encourages...
Franxis posted on Feb 23 2005 at 11:33 PM said:
Relax !!!

My MAME port needs MAME 0.34 final version ROMs. I will post the ClrMAME Pro DAT in my webpage tomorrow probably.

I know there is a mess to convert your MAME Romsets, and i personally don't have all MAME roms that should be played in my port. I will try to complete my list. But it is the only reasonable way i though to get a fast and good mame port... Maybe i was wrong or maybe i was ok... I don't know. I will have to compare with another future ports.

Some more information:
- Ghosts'n Goblins runs now at 80% aproximately with sound at 166 MHz with frameskip 2.
- Old classics (Pacman, Galaxian, Frogger, etc) run perfectly.
- Tetris runs perfectly.
- Bomb Jack runs perfectly.
- A lot of roms run perfectly now at 166 Mhz with frameskip 1-2, but i will try to optimize the emulator for 133 MHz also.
- It has a nice rom selector, a configuration menu to select the clock frequency, frameskip and some other interesting options.
- It does not have savestates.
- It runs some 68000 games, but slow (Karnov, Snow Bros).
- There are some games that do not run: Black Tiger and Bubble Bobble. I have not tested all mame roms, but there not too much more...
- It does not run neogeo games.
- It does not run cps1 or cps2.
- It does not run system16.
- It does not run vector games.
- It runs as a orientation roms < 600 kb zipped roms.
- I will try to do not waste the time until march 5 2005. I will try to optimize and to improve all i could. I'm trying to colaborate and to help the spanish party MadriSX/MadriDC. This is the reason i have decided to release the first beta in that party.
- This will be the first beta version, there is a lot to improve yet...
- The beta will be available on the webpage on march 6 2005 for everyone.
- I don't know if you have seen emame for nokia ngage mobile phones... I have compare both ports, and my port for GP32 is now significatelly faster than nGage.
- I don't know how much i will improve the emulator until march 5... We will see...
- I'm sorry to have you waiting, i understand your wishes... I'm the first person i has been needed a mame port for months, but march 5 is a fixed date, i promised.

Regards and thanks for your encourages...

That is ok, no need to rush. " I can't wait" is another way of saying that they are really looking forward to your port, and not that you are taking too long :) I think there may be a bit of a misunderstanding of slangs here. Don't take "I can't wait" litteraly :)

Take your time, the more time you take the better it will get :)

Thanks for your great work on this.
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franxis this is great news, thanks for your hard work.

I wonder if you have/will include smaller overclocking speeds like 150Mhz for us poor GP32'ers who can't quite reach 166! That would be sweet

Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh
