Mame4all For Gp2x V1.0

Franxis said:
I also see a lot of beneficts to this new MAME port: The complete MAME is there, with all the command line options and frontend options, to be used and improved in the following versions. Also this version could be easily upgraded to support more games... An the most important thing: Almost all games run better than in the previous version and it occurs NOW (without optimizations done to the source code yet). I think the following versions will improve the speed easily...

You really did the right thing starting fresh and not hacking too much the original MAME code. This is a *much* better starting point :)
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Franxis said:
- DrZ80: I have fixed the DrZ80 compatibility today, it has now good compatibility (neo·geo, bubble bobble and a lot more).

This is a fantastic news... :lol: ... Perhaps Empire City runs better... (now incompatible with DrZ80... :unsure: )

Thanks mythical Franxis. :D
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josh f said:
Laser said:
Can someone advise the best way (or even if it's possible) to filter out the rom-sets you don't want?
look at the gamelist readme file that came with the emu, itll tell you the name of the game, and the rom name you need to run it.

Thanks for the advice. :)

Pardon me if this is me being really stupid, but I'm afraid I'm not able to try this on my GP2x at the moment. For the previous version of MAME GP2x, I found that adding or removing a single zip-file "rom set" would not cleanly isolate that game. It seemed that some other games would rely on some of the contents of the zip file I had removed or, weirdly, the game name would still appear in the list of available games but would not work.

Is this no longer the case with this new version, or am I missing something really obvious?

I ask this not out of idle curiosity, but because I can't believe I'm the only one who doesn't want to fill his flash card up with a couple of gigs of ROMS, over 50% of which he will never play. (i.e. Differing versions of the same game, genres you don't like, things that run too slow, etc...)
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If you have a properly built romset, say from a torrent for example, just putting in one rom should not bring along other clones or the same game in a different region. For instance, simply copying should produce only the master version of donkey kong in the rom list. I have always done this to save space myself.
naples39 said:
If you have a properly built romset, say from a torrent for example, just putting in one rom should not bring along other clones or the same game in a different region.

Ah, thanks. If that's how it supposed to work, it makes it easy. :)

There must be something screwy with my romset for the previous version. :blink:
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thunder cross 2!!!! :) tnx Franxis, in my gp2x (fw 3.0, gmenu2x) the emu frezzes when i pause the game, thndrx2 works fine, the sound gets a little choppy sometimes (just a little) I'm using drz80 and cyclone.
Can anyone tell me how to get back to the roms list when playing a game, I've checked the readme but the one I have is in Spanish! It used to be the L+R and press directional buttons I think.

Also, Outrun will not play! I get to the part when you choose the music and then it just crashes, anyone got the best settings?!

NickLoTurco said:
Also, Outrun will not play! I get to the part when you choose the music and then it just crashes, anyone got the best settings?!
Outrun works for me. I run it with cyclone+DrZ80, cpu clocks at 80%, ram timings on, and at 260mhz (the fastest I can go).
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NickLoTurco said:
Can anyone tell me how to get back to the roms list when playing a game, I've checked the readme but the one I have is in Spanish! It used to be the L+R and press directional buttons I think.

Also, Outrun will not play! I get to the part when you choose the music and then it just crashes, anyone got the best settings?!

Check the readme.txt file (it is in english!!!).

Out Run plays ok!. If you have crashes, lower the overclocking... I use 275 MHz in several other applications, but i don't know why in MAME4ALL in can only use up to 250 MHz... At higher clocks the emu freezes randomly for me...

shinra said:
thunder cross 2!!!! :) tnx Franxis, in my gp2x (fw 3.0, gmenu2x) the emu frezzes when i pause the game, thndrx2 works fine, the sound gets a little choppy sometimes (just a little) I'm using drz80 and cyclone.
Lower the overclocking, anyway i will try it myselft...
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I've been trying mame4all more and getting more out of it. when you release this WIP version I should be able to get rid of mame 5.1. I think i was playing the newest most demanding games and trying the vector games when i said i wasn't getting too much out of it. configuring controls in dual stick games is now much easier with access to the full mame listing of controls. 4:3 mode is very nice for games that obscure a bit of information in normal mode yet you don't really want to have to rotate your gp2x to play.

looking forward to see how fast games run with drz80
Franxis said:
New version tomorrow?
Sure, why not... ;)

I can't await the update. Thanks for the info!

BTW I can confirm your problem with the overclocking on my F-200. But it seem to be random. Sometimes it happened at the start of a game and somtimes you can play a long period without crashes. Strange...

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Franxis said:
- DrZ80 compatibility fixed.
- Vector games fixed.
- Bubble Bobble fixed.
- High Scores fixed.

New version tomorrow?
ARGH! :blink: WONDERFUL :lol:

P.S. I play Mame 1.0 to 280 Mhz without problem for hours and hours on my F100 ;)
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It's quite hit and miss for me but definately a good starting point! Some games are zoomed right in and can only see a small proportion of the playing screen i.e Popeye! Anyone know what the problem is?
NickLoTurco said:
It's quite hit and miss for me but definately a good starting point! Some games are zoomed right in and can only see a small proportion of the playing screen i.e Popeye! Anyone know what the problem is?
These are high resolution games. Use the 4:3 scaled mode.
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