Smashgp Characters

Anyone played with my character yet? I based it off Mario as it was my first experience at doing this.

I hope to do a couple of arenas and maybe another character shortly.
Anyone played with my character yet? I based it off Mario as it was my first experience at doing this.

I hope to do a couple of arenas and maybe another character shortly.

Yer man, very balanced character. Fits in nicely with the other characters.

i would make some characters myself but i dont have a clue where to start!!!
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I have tried to test the new character, but my SmashGP started to make strange sounds and it resets :o . I know I´m not the only one with this problem, did anyone experienced the same?
yes I have had this. I think its a lack of memory problem. If you have too many characters the memory read will "1kb". Limit the number to three or four and see what happens.
Errrm, I'm not too sure. As I played with him, some random noises accur. Quite loud and soon after my gp rebooted.
does anyone know how to make a character do an attack that involves them moving? Im trying to put megaman x's dragon punch in but all he does is do the attack without going in the air. any help? thanks
Thanks for testing my character. That just leaves the sounds themselves left to be updated. I'm sorry it messes up on some people's GPs, I'm no coder, I just follow the instructions as best I can.

Do the graphics show up ok? What about if the sounds are not present in the folder?? I was thinking of re-recording the sounds. It might have been the lame piece of shareware I used (??)
does anyone know how to make a character do an attack that involves them moving? Im trying to put megaman x's dragon punch in but all he does is do the attack without going in the air. any help? thanks

I think you have to select "Moving Hit" as the type of hit, and select a negative Y axis value and a positive one for X (if it has to move forward). I think that should be enough.
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ill try that thank you. I've been using a moving hit but im not sure if I set a posative value for x ill have to look at it.

edit: that worked I wasnt putting the values high enough to make much effect. thank you.
Hey, I think it's cool how I can make my own characters to play, and after thinking about it, I strated to make my own. I'm making a Sword Kirby character, not a regular Kirby one, as I don't know if it's possible for him to suck up enemies and steal their powers. Anyway, I don't know when I will be done, or if I ever will be done, as I have no clue to what I'm doing, besides the guide that came with the download, so I'm sure I will have a lot of questions. After I finish, if I do finish, all the moves, I will work on sound, and was wondering if anyone could get sounds for the Kirby character. Anyway, I hope I will do this right, and he becomes a good character.

EDIT: Actually, I have a question right now. For the first and second jump, what should I put for both the X accel and Y accel? Thanks.
I've been using it for a while now, and after I saved it, and then loaded it back, it seems some of my actions have the wrong pictures on them. Is there something wrong? I push "apply" after finishing every action... Please help.
I was having this problem too. I dont remimber exactly what I did to solve it, but I put the correct frames back where they were supposed to go for the moves that were messed up. Right after I did that I pressed apply and then saved it. I also noticed that if you select an move that has no frames put in it yet and then select one that does it sometimes messes both of them up. Sorry I cant be anymore clear this problem kind of stopped happening to me. I also wanted to post that I finished megamanx and sent it to evildragon to put it up in the downloads.

edit: Oh ya for the jump values put something like 100-200 for the x value and -6000 to -8000 for the y. those numbers should work play around with it and see what works best with your character.
I've been using it for a while now, and after I saved it, and then loaded it back, it seems some of my actions have the wrong pictures on them. Is there something wrong? I push "apply" after finishing every action... Please help.

For jumps, the Y value must be negative (see Mario example). If the images doesn´t appear, maybe you have images with a name longer than 10 letters.
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oh i forgot about that. when i was making megaman i took sonic out because for some reason they were conflicting. if you take sonic out it works fine. I'll try to fix it.

add: I played around with it and found that if you switch the order and put sonic after megaman then sonic will have the problems while walking. not sure why this is happening though.
Ah, thanks. A lot of the files were over 10 characters, and I shortened them, and it should work now. Unfortunately I didn't realize this until I was done everything, so now I'm going to do it ALL over again. Oh well. Hopefully it'll look good when it's done.

EDIT: For each sprite, must the background be the light blue? Thanks.