Any Ideas For Going Rolling?


Apr 13, 2004
Ok me and my friend wanna roll this one girl(one of our friends) but we can't think of a good idea. Anyone got any ideas on what to do? We are trying to not vandalize too much(in other words we dont wanna paint the girls car).
Klown posted on Oct 11 2004 at 06:30 AM said:
Rolling? That's a slang term for popping E's right?

put the whole post into context and it sounds as if they wanna get back at her
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Deleted User posted on Oct 11 2004 at 03:53 PM said:
Klown posted on Oct 11 2004 at 06:30 AM said:
Rolling? That's a slang term for popping E's right?

put the whole post into context and it sounds as if they wanna get back at her
sounded like they wanted to have a threesome to me.
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Its like when people throw toilet paper all over another persons trees, egg their house, put flamingos in their yard, etc.
Roll her? :blink: Is she that fat?
I have an idea.

Get some thin metal wire and put a hook or something on the end of it, put it on the knocker on her door and pull it down to the gate post. Fasten it to the post. Do the same to her back door, well same principle but you put it on the handle.

Now start throwing eggs or ammo of choice at her house, when she tries to get out she will find that she can't, unless she climbs out a window, if she does so pelt her with eggs.

mattmagoo posted on Oct 12 2004 at 03:33 PM said:

Willy Wonka reference is family guy = best ever

Wonka: Peter did yu tocuh the candy
Big purple Peter: Screw you Wonka
lol I was just watching that on my gp32 :P
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nah what you want to do is go to her house late at night with a bunch of mates and then pick up her car and move it 50 meters down the road! lol that'll really confuse lol! wait! does she have a car? if not another good idea is to draw a body on her driveway you know like the ones the do in police movies around the dead bodys! have fun! :P
Aldur posted on Oct 14 2004 at 05:19 PM said:
nah what you want to do is go to her house late at night with a bunch of mates and then pick up her car and move it 50 meters down the road! lol that'll really confuse lol! wait! does she have a car? if not another good idea is to draw a body on her driveway you know like the ones the do in police movies around the dead bodys! have fun! :P

Lol thats a good one.
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Klown posted on Oct 13 2004 at 08:18 AM said:
Knock on the door. When she opens it, chloroform her. Drag her into your basement. Tie her up and disembowl her while filming it..
Don't forget good old-fashioned rape while you're at it.
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