Exam Results This Week...

back in september i applied to law and had a confirmed place at southampton and a reserve at sussex.

i then decided i didn't want to do law so declined all of my offers.

by that time it was too late to reapply so i'm now looking at getting into somewhere decent via clearing or reapplying for next years intake.
is it true, that if you log on UCAS.COM after 12 tonight, they will tell you whether you have been accepted or not. Not your results, just if accepeted or not.
Thats the rumour I've heard. Apparently the Uni's have all had your results for a week already.

Glad I dont have to worry about this anymore.
Ill just go in to piss off my computer teacher :P

Dont think he liked me after comming in drunk. Then in the last week just running around the building looking for kat :lol:

I hate him with all my heart though and so do the rest of the college, good teacher but a complete and utter bastard.
Absolutely brickin it. I get my wires off at 11, same time as you can start to collect results so I can finally open my mouth for the first time in 6 weeks. But then straight to collect results. I don't know how I'm going to break the results to my rents, I've kinda braced them for the shock but they still expect alright results.

I'm not planning on going to Uni for a few years/ever so the results don't matter too much. It's just that family with kids the same age who are in amazingly expensive schools are going to phone to see how I get on and to brag about how good their kids results are.

It wouldn't be so bad but I've always had good results up until college where it's so much more relaxed so I kinda ditched.

Off to Newquay on Saturday to smoke/drink my sorrows away...

Hoping for

Physics - C
Maths - C
Business Studies - C/B

I'd cry with happiness at 3 cs. Seriously.

I'm more likely to get:

Physics - D/E
Maths - D/E
Business Studies - C
Here's something your teachers might not tell you:

A friend of mine got a C in Geography. If you feel you have been hard done by, you can get a re-mark. It' cost £15 I think. If they chage your mark, you get the £15 refunded, if they dont, you lose the cash. (It might be the other way around). Either way, this friend of mine got upped 13 points from a C to a B. So it might be worth it if you need it.

I'd say good luck, but it's all done now, so it's wont help you. Even if you dont get your required grades for your first choice UNI, dont be disheartened, they may still let you in.
indeed you can log onto ucas at 12:01 tonight and view the clearing lists and through the track section, see if you've been accepted.

and yes the unis have had your results for a week!

i'm starting to get the numb feeling in the pit of my stomach now, i fucking hate waiting for things. I'd love to come away with AAB, its very possible i could get it, but at the same time i could have slipped down to CCC.


Kop_007 posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:37 PM said:
Here's something your teachers might not tell you:

A friend of mine got a C in Geography. If you feel you have been hard done by, you can get a re-mark. It' cost £15 I think. If they chage your mark, you get the £15 refunded, if they dont, you lose the cash. (It might be the other way around). Either way, this friend of mine got upped 13 points from a C to a B. So it might be worth it if you need it.

I'd say good luck, but it's all done now, so it's wont help you. Even if you dont get your required grades for your first choice UNI, dont be disheartened, they may still let you in.
u got it the right way round

a lot of times they are paranoid so they mark em up

I was the only one in my BS class to get an A for January module, so nearly everyone else sent theirs for remarking and got a grade higher
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its odd how many peoples grades go up with remarks, sometime by huge amounts.

i suppose when you consider the recent press of the marking bodies its understandable, if i'm anywhere near borderline on any of my exams, they're going straight back for a remark!
"The exams are getting easier"

Does anyone else hate all the losers who say that?
Dozer posted on Aug 18 2004 at 05:22 PM said:
Absolutely brickin it. I get my wires off at 11, same time as you can start to collect results so I can finally open my mouth for the first time in 6 weeks.
WHAAAAAT!? I thought you could arrive as early as 9. Shit.
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Kop_007 posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:47 PM said:
"The exams are getting easier"

Does anyone else hate all the losers who say that?
meh, its true, don't have a problem with people saying it really.

you can't deny that the people who put the effort in though are working at least as hard, if not harder, than those who sat the old harder exams.

its all relative.
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Rico posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:49 PM said:
Dozer posted on Aug 18 2004 at 05:22 PM said:
Absolutely brickin it. I get my wires off at 11, same time as you can start to collect results so I can finally open my mouth for the first time in 6 weeks.
WHAAAAAT!? I thought you could arrive as early as 9. Shit.
its the schools perogative, mine opens at ten, if theres any good courses on clearing though, i'm going to start hammering on the door earlier.

stay cool rico.
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spray posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:50 PM said:
Kop_007 posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:47 PM said:
"The exams are getting easier"

Does anyone else hate all the losers who say that?
meh, its true, don't have a problem with people saying it really.

you can't deny that the people who put the effort in though are working at least as hard, if not harder, than those who sat the old harder exams.

its all relative.
It's true.

But I'm of the view that nowadays, we have so much access to information and extra teaching material that while many of today's youth is not genetically smarter, they 'know more' (so to speak). If you see what I mean.

Say, 15 years ago, the only source of a childs knowledge would be a teacher, experiences of people and books. I suppose not much has changed, but you catch my drift.
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