PPSSPP 1.2.1 : Pretty Damn Good Even on Open Pandora

Actually, Pirates! runs better on my Pandora than on the GPD XD.
The GPD XD has stuttering sound while loading, the Pandora doesn't :)
Is it possible for you to get sound out of the system via the headphone port (or alternatively the TV out port). I was convinced the winds here had got back up while watching those videos with headphones on!

Another informative and interesting article though, thanks!
Thanks, great overview. Mmmmm, Darius Burst :) :) .. I've not busted that particular emu out in ages, but I will again soon :)

Is it possible for you to get sound out of the system via the headphone port (or alternatively the TV out port). I was convinced the winds here had got back up while watching those videos with headphones on!

The first video (or at least one of them) was taken when I had air conditionning on, so that's probably why there was so much noise in the background :P
Actually, Pirates! runs better on my Pandora than on the GPD XD.

I just tried Pirates! and indeed it performs very well on Pandora. Very good game on the go :)
Might be worth mentioning what sort of Pandora these were tested on.
Thanks for the article, ekianjo.

I have got a question, how far did you played FF3? I noticed long ago that the game ran almost perfect but didn't want to play it because I was sure that later in the game (specially with bosses) fights would include much more effects introducing delays and making it less comfortable to play. Or you just tested the first few minutes?
Thanks for the article, ekianjo.

I have got a question, how far did you played FF3? I noticed long ago that the game ran almost perfect but didn't want to play it because I was sure that later in the game (specially with bosses) fights would include much more effects introducing delays and making it less comfortable to play. Or you just tested the first few minutes?

Good point... I did not play it for very long indeed - I went until like 30-40 minutes in the game and it played very well until then, but indeed I cannot guarantee it works perfectly later on.
30 minutes playing only to write the article shows a lot of commitment with yur blog. I really appreciate your work. Thanks again.
Great article! Man, I assumed Disgaea was going to run as bad as that first scene throughout so I kind of gave up on playing it on my Pandora - gonna have to give that another go soon.