4- I still don't get why people complains about music players, XMMS is shipped, works perfectly fine and is optimized.
Linux is all about choice, so I don't understand why you don't understand that other people may prefer some other software to XMMS

XMMS has no full screen interface and I don't really like the Winamp style of interface too much personally.
The thing is, somehow sound support when you compile other software from souce via sbopkg is broken, and I don't understand why. It would be nice to find out what is happening.
2- Oracle Java install, although not recommended, is described here
I cannot access that link right now, but is there a particular reason why it's not recommended? Does it break anything ?
5- You say in the cons that there's no repository of binaries. _There's_ a repo with Pandora-optimized programs containing more than 400 packages !
Yes, but that 400 applications is dwarfed by the amount of non-binaries repo that is proposed by Sbopkg.
Many of the software I compiled and mentioned in the article is not available in Gslapt. That's not an issue, but it's worth pointing out.
6- You also say that 'boot time and shut down time for Slackware is much longer than SZ'. Boot time is the same with a good SD card. Only shut down is slower.
I have both SZ and Slackware using 10x SDHC cards, and slackware definitely takes a bit longer at boot. And you are right, this is even more noticeable during shut down.
Again that's not really a major issue since we can use the sleep mode to keep the Pandora on most of the time anyway.
7- Can you elaborate why 'Slackware not as “plug and play” as Super Zaxxon' ?
It is actually plug and play if you only use PNDs. But then, using Slackware would have no real point if you limit yourself to PND usage, you would be better off using SZ if that's the only thing you do with it.
The power of slackware is unleashed by SBOpkg, and using sbopkg is definitely not for casual users - most people would be put off by having to manage dependencies by themselves.