You'll hate this post. And you'll love this post.

Request wouldn't work. It takes about 3 hours to set up a mold for production, and we got 7 molds.
So it's 21 hours setting up just to get one color.

We might make 2 or 3 different colors for the launch, probably.
Since I don't know the exact process of the color setup: Normally the granulate is poured into the extruder and from there on pressed on. So theoretically it should be be possible to change the the color while running, resulting in some cases having changing colors. Might give some intresting or ugly results...
Wellcome to the boards PSC

Well its not that worse than i first tought, this way there is more time to tweak more from the case and its also proofs, that they take care about the case..
I dotnt know which colour i will shoose, if you offer green or blue:
Green is Unimog Colour so this coult fit my needs, but otherwise maybe this could look wuyrd
Blue is my old fafoured collor, my 3DS Handhelds are all blue..
Well lets wait which collour to offer..
But more interesting is the toughtness of the Pyra Case for mee,
Looking forward for your next newspost,
Have fun in greece :)
That company has a lot of customers (even some major ones in Germany) and exists for a long time.
Their CEO is a perfectionist and does plastic injection molds longer than I am old
What does he think about the Pyra as it comes to molding? Was it the most complex case they ever did?

I have my new 3DS here, and I'm actually horrified by the build quality... so far, I've ever only used it at home, it's the first time I took it with me.
The matte surface has some ugly scratches already, so edges even look worn-out like they're a few years old already... honestly, that case is VERY cheap.
Something I don't want!
Wow, that surprises me. I've always seen the Nintendo Handhelds as very durable and well done products, I've seen and touched most of them in natura and they look and feel very sturdy and valuable actualy. Not sure about the New 3DS but on pictures it always looks perfect. ;)

BTW: Forgot to mention: We'll try using a very hard rubber material for the nubs which will give them a better grip (especially as we keep the structure) :)
Great idea! Making the part completely out of rubber is much better and reliable than just rubber coating. And it doesn't influence any tolerances.
Seems like it'll look premium!
And these special effect coating looks good, there should be some special edition cases.
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We might make 2 or 3 different colors for the launch, probably.
I have a question to anyone who knows more about the Pyra hardware than I do:

Would the Pyra hardware permit persistent storage of information about the case color/design upon factory installation?

I'm asking for... reasons.
@christoph: seems like my english isnt that good to understand your question,
(Was bedeutet deine Frage nochmal?? )

I ditnt find, that the Case Quallity on New 3DS XL is bad, its works good for me, ok there is this gab in the hinge but compared to the Pandora, this thing is top notch quality..
So whit Pyra better Case Quality will be better than New 3DS XL, this still can be awesome :)
Exciting to see how the Pyra is being crafted into existence in what looks like it could be the mythical forges of Hephaestus!

Durable, matte, and more than one color option. Excellent!
(I would suggest to have the colors black and dark red)
The pink Pyras are coming.

You are all lucky I am not in charge of picking the colour...

I see a peach-pink there that is absolutely *perfect*

I would LOVE a waterproof case! All my equipment is rugged (my phone can be put into the washing machine and cooked with noodles...). :)
Or at least resistant, to be able to use it in the rain without concern...

Wouldn't you need lots of special rubber plugs for all the ports then?
Though this looks nice


I'm afraid it will end up like this after a while :-/


And I don't like the fact that it would leak light everywhere...
If it's going to be clear plastic I would be happy to pay the 30€ for something else.

The plastic looks very sturdy, and I expect we would have seen scratches with the wrench guy hitting the plastic, so I don't think it would turn out like this. But it's not everyone's cup of tea to have transparent...

Anyhoo, I'd vote for black, white, and dark red to be the 3 colors, if we get three, otherwise black and red for two.

Excited about matte. Thanks ED for making sure this thing will look good!
Yeah Polycarbonate and ABS are very different from the plastics used in things like jewel cases (Polystyrene, or Polypropylene), and generally don't scratch quite so bad. What's clear to me is we will NEVER reach consensus about something like colour. These are HIGHLY subjective issues... man you thought the keyboard thread was bad imagine removing all objective points and basically reducing the discussion to "I like this" or "I don't like this". Nightmare.

Whatever colour ED chooses I just hope he considers doing runs of custom colours of replacement cases so that those of us who feel strongly enough can change the case to suit our liking. I have no problem with taking things apart.
So, with a few more weeks of case production and getting a few more of the prototype boards working - roughly 2 Months then?

*dives for cover
@christoph: seems like my english isnt that good to understand your question,
(Was bedeutet deine Frage nochmal?? )

I have a question to anyone who knows more about the Pyra hardware than I do:

Would the Pyra hardware permit persistent storage of information about the case color/design upon factory installation?

I'm asking for... reasons.

Eine Frage an alle, die sich mit der Hardware der Pyra besser auskennen als ich:

Könnte man im Herstellungsprozess der Pyra das jeweilige Gehäuseaussehen in der Hardware hinterlegen (so dass es eine Neuinstallation überlebt)?

Ich frage aus... Gründen. allow Pyra software to use the case color of the Pyra that it's running on.
...damit könnte Pyra-Software die jeweilige Gehäusefarbe nutzen.
Thanks for the answer christoph,
This reminds me a bit on my Ipod Nano: the available color of the menü is according to the case collor , if you have a blue ipod, you only get blue menü designs..
I ditnt think this should be something whe wants for the Pyra, i wants my Green Pyra whit blue desctop design or something..
And diverent OS for every collors, i dotnt know..