Release Yabause


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Yabause, a Saturn emulator.

And here a video of a game from ingoreis

There is 2 version here.

The Qt version feature a nice GUI, with many things configurable.

The SDL version is an experiment featuring a very limited GUI with mostly nothing configurable.

Better use the Qt version to start with. The SDL version should be a bit faster.

Both version use Software rendering only (for now, I may try a GLES|2 version, but not sure).

Yabause can use a Saturn BIOS, or use HLE to emulate bios. On Qt, BIOS is easily configurable, but for the SDL version, the BIOS must be named "sega_101.bin" and be put on appdata/yabause folder.

History log


Build 01


  • Initial Build
  • Qt & experimental SDL version
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It can really move any games at playable speed?

Man, I still have a saturn. Has been many years since i turned it on but it had great exclusives, including the best bomberman version ever made.
I don't want to sound impolite, but since the Saturn had strange hardware, would it possible to emulate a bit via DSP?
I have some issues to report regarding it:

1. I cannot get it to load .cue/.mds files (with no bios configured, it tells me that it cannot initalize itself and with a bios configured, it just gets stuck at the startup menu/black screen0.

2. Lunar: Magic School (aka Magic School Lunar)'s audio in cutscenes is being played twice most of the time.

3. The mouse is being displayed while in full-screen mode.

4. There is no way to use the nub as a joystick.
I have some issues to report regarding it:

1. I cannot get it to load .cue/.mds files (with no bios configured, it tells me that it cannot initalize itself and with a bios configured, it just gets stuck at the startup menu/black screen0.
.cue should be somehow supported. Not sure at all about mds. For .cue, check that you don't have any error with case of the files...

2. Lunar: Magic School (aka Magic School Lunar)'s audio in cutscenes is being played twice most of the time.
Probably a speed issue. Nothing I can do except try to speed it up.

3. The mouse is being displayed while in full-screen mode.
Yes. On the SDL port, I will mask (I had forgot to do it).

4. There is no way to use the nub as a joystick.
Mmmm, technicaly, it is possible to configure one of the nub as joystick, but, are you sure you want that ?

What would be your setup (which version of yabause, qt or sdl, and which nub).
1. They still don't work even with the proper casing for the image name in them. Its log is stating "Unsupported cd image".

3. I'm using the QT port.

4. I would like to use the left nub as the joystick.

Also, its .out contains the following errors:

Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /mnt/utmp/yabause/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
Unable to find an X11 visual which matches EGL config 0
Could not initialize OpenGL for RasterGLSurface, reverting to RasterSurface.
Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
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4. Instead of the D-Pad.
Ok, but in that case, you will not be able to use the Left Nub to click.

I can put in place the leftnub / righnub files mecanism in the launch script. After that, Joystick should be assignable in the Qt version (I'll check later).
I have some issues to report regarding it:

1. I cannot get it to load .cue/.mds files (with no bios configured, it tells me that it cannot initalize itself and with a bios configured, it just gets stuck at the startup menu/black screen0.
.cue should be somehow supported. Not sure at all about mds. For .cue, check that you don't have any error with case of the files...

2. Lunar: Magic School (aka Magic School Lunar)'s audio in cutscenes is being played twice most of the time.
Probably a speed issue. Nothing I can do except try to speed it up.

3. The mouse is being displayed while in full-screen mode.
Yes. On the SDL port, I will mask (I had forgot to do it).

4. There is no way to use the nub as a joystick.
Mmmm, technicaly, it is possible to configure one of the nub as joystick, but, are you sure you want that ?

What would be your setup (which version of yabause, qt or sdl, and which nub).
2. Using the SH2 Dynamic Recompiler option in the Advanced tab of its settings seems to fix this issue.
when you have a Cue,then you have a Bin...just start the Bin not the Cue File.

That worked here,but not all Games are Combatible to start ;)
Wasn't Saturn one of those "too complex to get running at a decent speed on Pandora" console along with the 3DS? 

Ah yes, it was: 

Any possibility of more work being done on it?
for pandora? it will never be fast enough anyway.

:D  Congrats ptitSeb!
so you see two 2d games running at like 10 fps and with heavy frameskip and thats good enough fot you? enjoy your 5 fps 3d saturn games then.