Serial Porter
Here is Yabause, a Saturn emulator.
And here a video of a game from ingoreis
There is 2 version here.
The Qt version feature a nice GUI, with many things configurable.
The SDL version is an experiment featuring a very limited GUI with mostly nothing configurable.
Better use the Qt version to start with. The SDL version should be a bit faster.
Both version use Software rendering only (for now, I may try a GLES|2 version, but not sure).
Yabause can use a Saturn BIOS, or use HLE to emulate bios. On Qt, BIOS is easily configurable, but for the SDL version, the BIOS must be named "sega_101.bin" and be put on appdata/yabause folder.
History log
Build 01
And here a video of a game from ingoreis
There is 2 version here.
The Qt version feature a nice GUI, with many things configurable.
The SDL version is an experiment featuring a very limited GUI with mostly nothing configurable.
Better use the Qt version to start with. The SDL version should be a bit faster.
Both version use Software rendering only (for now, I may try a GLES|2 version, but not sure).
Yabause can use a Saturn BIOS, or use HLE to emulate bios. On Qt, BIOS is easily configurable, but for the SDL version, the BIOS must be named "sega_101.bin" and be put on appdata/yabause folder.
History log
Build 01
- Initial Build
- Qt & experimental SDL version
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