Xgp Gameabout Webzine Interview

C B Felterbush posted on Aug 21 2005 at 11:25 PM said:
This to me seem like a question worth pondering. It is gamepark's goal to put a full and playable version of quake 3 on the XGP and we saw game ports like doom and such on the GP32.

Is it a possibility that the XGP will take the homebrew game and game port preference while the GPx2 takes the 8-16 bit emulation??

It might split in that way, we might see devs trying to bring ports of many of the more poplular games and creat their own games for the XGP while the gpx2 takes the emulation side.


LOL I suspect with Linux & SDL the GPX2 will be portarama, just not opengl enough for quakeIII but quakeI perhaps II Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior real possibilities.

really the only source engine not sounding feasible is quakeIII, and hell thats the least suitable for a handheld.
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ahh but wouldn't the hinderence of a 3D card of any type make it nearly impossible to run many of thoes apps. Duke nukem 3D is a game that I don't think could be ported to a systme like the GPx2/ i may be wrong but the XGP seems like a more likley platform for a game like that to end up on.
C B Felterbush posted on Aug 22 2005 at 07:03 AM said:
ahh but wouldn't the hinderence of a 3D card of any type make it nearly impossible to run many of thoes apps. Duke nukem 3D is a game that I don't think could be ported to a systme like the GPx2/ i may be wrong but the XGP seems like a more likley platform for a game like that to end up on.

Sure with the new opengl conversions would look nice on XGP, but the bare code likes 2D. http://dukenews.fragland.net/portal/, and the original already works on PPC.
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way to go mr Lee Woo-Suk! The guy's obviously off in dreamland....homebrew is what made the GP32 sell....they must be totally blind.

Imagine if Sony made the PS3 an enhanced DVD player with PS2 controllers and no games support....

Gamepark are focusing where the profits are high but none existent for a company such as themselves with little recognition beyond the GP32.
I am not talking about 2D games or even early 3D games like Doom or Wolfenstein. Not Quake 1 or 2 but rather something like Unreal Tournament. Now I realize this is a lot to ask not knowing the system specs but it has some really new and powerful hardware, hell they are waiting on parts that aren’t even out yet. I expect it will be able to play quake 3 and UT.

I don’t think the GPx2 will be capable, but I may be wrong. If I’m not, then it seems to me that people will be more likely to try porting newer more demanding games to the XGP. Also I continue hearing that the XGP won’t be open source so it won’t have emulators, but anyone with a brain knows that the GP32 was closed source. So who gives if the XGP is as well? If it is the more powerful of the two then I expect it to get the most attention. The PSP is closed source look at the emulation success on it. Only problem is if you want to play emus on the PSP it pretty much kills your chances of being able to play 90% of the commercial games. Which to me makes the XGP worth looking into.

I don’t want to buy another PSP to play the emulators so I will keep it for the commercial games and cross my fingers that the GPx2 or the XGP satisfy my
emulation needs. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
who's to say that the xgp will get cracked anyway? i know it's likely, but if a handheld such as the gizmondo can elude the hackers, maybe the xgp may go the same way if GP are hellbent on protecting it's source.
Who's to say it won't, the GP32's was leaked one might think
the same will happen to the XGP. Then they might be Ironclad
and lock that bitch down tighter than a knats ass.

I think as it is just un upgrade from the original it may be hacked easier.
I guess with time we will see which way the wind blows.
C B Felterbush posted on Aug 23 2005 at 11:29 PM said:
Who's to say it won't, the GP32's was leaked one might think
the same will happen to the XGP. Then they might be Ironclad
and lock that bitch down tighter than a knats ass.

I think as it is just un upgrade from the original it may be hacked easier.
I guess with time we will see which way the wind blows.

Yeah but who would want to play emus with an analog stick and stretched out on a 16:9 screen anyway? What is the point when you have the GPx2 that is better suited for emus? And if you want 3D just get a PSP.
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Dave you don't get what I'm saying. I think the GPx2 will get the most emulators, it is the best platform suited for emulation, and I think you have proven you are quite the emulator whore.

I am saying I think it may be possible to port better 3D games to the XGP than either the PSP or the GPx2. And devs. that develop original games that are truly homebrew it may be an advantage to have the widescreen and analog control.

This is what I would like in the XGP a flurry of game ports and original titles.
I think the XGP will be a better and more open ended media player than the PSP, and frankly the titles on the PSP are just barley mediocre. <_<
x68000 posted on Aug 23 2005 at 11:39 PM said:
who's to say that the xgp will get cracked anyway? i know it's likely, but if a handheld such as the gizmondo can elude the hackers, maybe the xgp may go the same way if GP are hellbent on protecting it's source.
Who's to say it needs to get cracked? Gamepark haven't said they are not releasing an SDK.
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Felterbush, I see what you're saying. There's just too much we don't know yet about XGP, but from the little we do know, it seems like it won't be as powerful as PSP. Nor will it be any better for 2D emulation than the GPX2. In fact the controls and screen may make it worse. It will have pretty powerful 3D though, so a PSX emu or even N64 might be sorta possible. Really hard to say.

I'm willing to not write the XGP off yet, but like most people here it doesn't make much sense so far.

Also for 3D, the GPX2 won't be too hot. Maybe a smooth Quake 1 port depending on how useful that co-processor turns out. But without 3D acceleration, it's won't go very far with 3D. Anyone wanting 3D is best off getting a PSP - it's very powerful and will have an abundance of commercial games over time from every genre.
Well, until firmware 2.0 is cracked on the psp, the XGP may get a few of the PSP wannabe homebrew devs people as it could be easier to obtain than a 1.50 psp.
Squidge, true dat.

Unless XGP needs to be cracked as well. ;)

Oh hell - truth is I can't keep buying all these damn handhelds!!! Soon I'll have more than I have fingers and toes - I'm hoping to NOT want an XGP! LOL! :P Aargh!!!
One for every day of the month!! :blink:

I am really more intrested in 2D games anyway shooters and oldschool RPG's are my bag. I went clear through Fire emblem 4 without loosing a charactor. Hard shit.
so a perfect SNES, Turbo Graphix, Genesis, and god willing a working NeoGeo.

Yup, I'm not really into 3d stuff myself either. Leave that for the desktop PC to do.

Then again, I much prefer coding, hacking, and stuff rather than playing games at all.
What I get from the interview is this.

Gamepark originally put out the GP32 hoping to fight the GBA on it's own turf, when it failed at that the system was a failure in their eyes. To have it rescued by homebrew and emulators was a supreme embarassment and something they want to avoid with the XGP. that said it seems they may just have to go that road again unless they smarten up.

The XGP is basically a Portable Xbox after this interview, A PC without a keyboard. The best they can do at this point is to collect a boat load of PC games and port them over as this is the only thing you cant really get (short of Doom wads for the GP32). They might get a game like Splintercell, but they'll more likely get a few other lesser known FPshooters and some weaker PC game publishers. They will never take a spot in the realm of regular portable console games the way the PSP, DS and GBA do right now.

M$ figured it out long ago that they can't compete with Sony in things like RPGs and other popular japanese genres so they focused on PC gamers who love online Death matches in FPshooters and sports games to build their user base. For the XGP to not go down the same road as the GP32 they need PC game ports because that's the only thing you cant' get on the other handhelds.

Yeah the XGP will probably get hacked and people will run some Emus on it but they aren't likely to be as enjoyable to play or they could be Emus for systems that are just too hard to make work effectivly like PS1 or N64, making the enjoyment meager at best.
Who knows this early in the game what will happen to the XGP, hell it may never even make it out. But I'm an underdog kind of guy, I read Japanese so the Sega DC is a favorite of mine. I would like to see the XGP make it out, then garner up enough interest to bring a few devs with some skill over to it.

If the PSP can play a PS1 emulator then I think it will be easy for the XGP to. I say that only because I think that by the time they get it on the market (which is rumored to be second quarter next year) that the spec sheet will show it to be more powerful than any handheld out. :)

This is clearly hypothesis and since the info on the XGP is so hazy as of late it could be way off. I just think it makes since that if the system comes out nearly a year after the PSP that it will be quite a bit more powerful. I think they will upgrade the processor to something in the area of 500-600Mhz or dual it like the PSP(2-333Mhz) with two 350+ processors. When and if this happens it will make some waves, if not they just as well throw in the towel. Cuz a 200mhz kicker even if using a new state of the art DMB is still an old rickety machine, half the power of the Gizmondo. And you might as well stick a fork in it, it would be dead right out of the box. :(