Wrapping everything up!

Southern California, trust me, distracted driving and road rage is pretty common over here, but I'm a pretty obsessive multi-tasker. :p
IMHO - Hang up and drive. That OTHERS are distracted drivers with road rage is a solid reason to be more attentive and diligent, not an excuse to join them in that behavior.

Back to a technical solution...

1. Will Mycroft work on a connected Pyra?
2. Can Mycroft be asked/tasked with reading email & IMs out loud and taking replies via dictation?

That, and the right to operate any sort of heavy machinery in public spaces. If you're that attached to your phone, use it to call a taxi!
I feel like it should be a choice. The judge should ask which you'd rather lose, your phone, or your driving license. My boyfriend thinks driving license should be the only option, which as I type this I'm starting to agree with, because if someone does that they might be more likely to do other bad things while driving.
IMHO - Hang up and drive. That OTHERS are distracted drivers with road rage is a solid reason to be more attentive and diligent, not an excuse to join them in that behavior.

Back to a technical solution...

1. Will Mycroft work on a connected Pyra?
2. Can Mycroft be asked/tasked with reading email & IMs out loud and taking replies via dictation?

Oh, yes! Mycroft is great, I hope he'll work on the Pyra.
IMHO - Hang up and drive. That OTHERS are distracted drivers with road rage is a solid reason to be more attentive and diligent, not an excuse to join them in that behavior.

Back to a technical solution...

1. Will Mycroft work on a connected Pyra?
2. Can Mycroft be asked/tasked with reading email & IMs out loud and taking replies via dictation?


I never understood if you can have a local server, or if you have to stick to their service
I'm always amazed at how civil people are on these boards. I really do enjoy this community. @Jonathan Duncan, I would say that if your work makes you feel like you have to do stuff like type while you are driving, you might want to consider what your job is asking of you for time commitments, and scheduling. Not saying your job is like this, but I've worked places where I felt totally fine, and then realized that I was grinding my teeth down due to stress. Like I didn't even know I was stressed, but clearly I was.

While I'd love an OSS text to speech engine that can be offline, I think right now what would get the best results would be to send the voice data over Wifi or a 4G network to a service that processes the sounds and sends back the text. I was going to worry about the amount of mobile data that could use, but even using the ... 20 year old rule-of-thumb for mp3s of 4MB per minute of audio, a voice command is only going to be a few seconds long.

It looks like Mycroft uses Mozilla DeepSpeech, which I imagine is related to Mozilla Common Voice (linked above). I'm not sure how responsive the pyra could be for processing voice data using DeepSpeech.

More back on topic..
I am really excited with the news about testing and that it sounds like production will start in December. My last prediction was I would probably get my Pyra around February or March, that feels optimistic, it'll probably May or something. Hopefully the cases will get released from holding soon.
I agree with @Splintercat, you need to look at your two jobs, and examine why they make you feel the need to do that. Because it's dangerous, I'm worried you could hurt yourself, or someone else. Or at least get a big fine.
Very good news! :D

I guess the plastics firm is just overloaded with stuff. There is no other reson, why they would delay there own bill. But you never know, what goes through people.

I think that some prototyps for christmas would be a big surprise.
Hey: Hope dies last, don't it?;)
So, Thermococcus gammatolerans are life-on-Earth's last hope. ;)

Don't you worry. As Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park said: "Life finds a way"
It will continue, with or without us. :D


Btw: Has somebody seen the rails? :p
Don't you worry. As Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park said: "Life finds a way"
It will continue, with or without us. :D
Yeah, give it some time, and there'll be a lifeform digesting plastics.
Heh, I'm kinda ready to claim my Pyra without a case... Hdmi out with a USB hub, yah I think I can run it without a case...
Heh, I'm kinda ready to claim my Pyra without a case... Hdmi out with a USB hub, yah I think I can run it without a case...

There's always the 500 clear cases, better than nothing.

Sure, but that doesn't really seem fair for someone to just get case-less or clear case units ahead of others when some people have spent double the price for a prototype unit that hasn't been shipped yet, nor to the 200 or so that risked putting their money down real early in the pre-pre-order.
There's always the 500 clear cases, better than nothing.
I'll take one! Function over aesthetics, that's my moto... well, as long the case is not some variation of pink or purple or something. :p
Sure, but that doesn't really seem fair for someone to just get case-less or clear case units ahead of others when some people have spent double the price for a prototype unit that hasn't been shipped yet, nor to the 200 or so that risked putting their money down real early in the pre-pre-order.
It's been several months, but I did spend $375 on pre-order at DragonBox for a standard edition 4GB model... All the way back in April...
How long has the Pyra been in development now?
Has there been any official listing of case colors yet?
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