Would Sega Saturn Be Possible?

kram posted on Jul 22 2004 at 05:43 PM said:
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! :o It's suppose to support all games 100% speed and music.

Er sorry but no!
Saturn is not going to get emulated on the GP32, I don't care what anyone says. And it's definitely not 'fairly easy to emulate' LOL ;-)
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PAUL103DOGS posted on Jul 22 2004 at 08:54 PM said:
who said anything about sensible? i said straightforward. i only asked cause some people have said N64 and psx was possible.
N64, doubtful. PSX... maybe but it would run about 1/4 of the speed I'd reckon.

And by the way I don't mean frameskip 3, I mean literally 1/4 of the speed ;-)
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timeslip posted on Jul 22 2004 at 06:13 PM said:
DaveC,Glad to see a fellow floyd fan!
Yeah, and only a true Floyd fan would actually know it was from Floyd at all. It is not a real obvious line :)
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I hardly see the sega cd or 32x emulated on anything less then a 220 GP32. Although I do see ways of simplifing Sega CD emulation. Mainly remove video files from the iso to cut file size by a huge margin.(Sonic CD is 94 MB video, 21 MB data), and by converting the soundtrack(stored in CDA in on game disks, MP3 for computer emulators) into 16 kbps midi (which is suffient for video game BGM from my experience) you can get Sonic CDs soundtrack down to 5MB. Using Midi should in theory eliminate the need for sound emulation leaving the main hurdle being dual M68k processors. And Emulating a SH1 on top of a M68k doesn't seem very likely. Emulating the dual SH2 processors that saturn runs on alone seems on the verge of impossible. At lease the soundtrack being saved as a regular soundfile and placed as needed can be used to overcome sound emulation on cd based systems(or at least I think it could)

Sorry if this post is hard to read/off topic.
Rico posted on Jul 22 2004 at 11:02 PM said:
How come there aren't any Saturn emus out, and how come it took so long for Chankast to emerge? Emulation is a weird thing.
The Saturn is meant to be a bitch to emulate and it wasn't very popular sadly...

There are several emus though, girigiri is the best but Sega bought it and sold isos to the Japanese to run on it. Someone was trying to improve it but Sega won't let them. :(

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Jeffery Mewtamer posted on Jul 22 2004 at 11:47 PM said:
I hardly see the sega cd or 32x emulated on anything less then a 220 GP32. Although I do see ways of simplifing Sega CD emulation. Mainly remove video files from the iso to cut file size by a huge margin.(Sonic CD is 94 MB video, 21 MB data), and by converting the soundtrack(stored in CDA in on game disks, MP3 for computer emulators) into 16 kbps midi (which is suffient for video game BGM from my experience) you can get Sonic CDs soundtrack down to 5MB. Using Midi should in theory eliminate the need for sound emulation leaving the main hurdle being dual M68k processors. And Emulating a SH1 on top of a M68k doesn't seem very likely. Emulating the dual SH2 processors that saturn runs on alone seems on the verge of impossible. At lease the soundtrack being saved as a regular soundfile and placed as needed can be used to overcome sound emulation on cd based systems(or at least I think it could)

Sorry if this post is hard to read/off topic.
Do you code? Just because a unit can go to 220 doesn't mean it will still be able, or practical to emulate.

No, the saturn will never be emulated on the gp. Ever. In fact, the first person that makes me a saturn emulator will have the honour of seeing me eat my own leg... and elbow.

*Waits for general's crazy new saturn emulation theory (which I won't understand a word of).*
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I dont believe that Saturn emulation is possible.

However, I would never flame such a questioner. This is the sort of response that would have greeted anybody asking about GBA emulation on the GP32 or SNES on the GBA about 9 months ago.

and look where we are today, and look how stupid the flamers look now.

As Rico said, emulation is a weird thing and can surprise you.
Lamest question in a while! YAY BTW I'm not someone who ruled out GBA. Mega CD would probably possible. Only problem is the SMCs size. How can you ask about a saturn emu when Megadrive and SNES aren't emulated at full speed. Common sense.
1) No more flames or I turn into a green beast with anger. Or maybe from whatever was leftover in the fridge. Either way, it will not be good.

2) Yes it IS technically possible, but yet again it is not FEESIBLE. People were saying a PSX and N64 were technically possible, just not feesible. I'm only using bold, underline, and caps here to assure EVERYONE of the truth behind this post: misinformation. I believe you read something somewhere where the person was either mis-informed, or you came out with the wrong idea.

Will these systems ever get established beyond on the GP32 a "proof of concept", is anything at all? I will give a probability of 99% right here and right now of NO. Just look at GPAdvance as an example. These people have been cramming out versions like they were tastey pancakes and still we can't really run much on the emulator. The GBA is far, far, far more inferior to the GP32 then the Saturn is. This isn't because the GBA emulator authors are stupid, this is because even developing a GBA emulator can be extremely difficult (even though the two share the same processor architecture!). There are pitfalls simple "specs" will not encompass which just make some tasks darn out 99% impossible.

I'm not trying to bat your idea away as a "stupid question" here. In fact, I'll move it to "Cool ideas and other wishes" where nothing is really a question, it's a wish. So wish away ;)
Jeffery Mewtamer posted on Jul 22 2004 at 11:47 PM said:
I hardly see the sega cd or 32x emulated on anything less then a 220 GP32. Although I do see ways of simplifing Sega CD emulation. Mainly remove video files from the iso to cut file size by a huge margin.(Sonic CD is 94 MB video, 21 MB data), and by converting the soundtrack(stored in CDA in on game disks, MP3 for computer emulators) into 16 kbps midi (which is suffient for video game BGM from my experience) you can get Sonic CDs soundtrack down to 5MB. Using Midi should in theory eliminate the need for sound emulation leaving the main hurdle being dual M68k processors. And Emulating a SH1 on top of a M68k doesn't seem very likely. Emulating the dual SH2 processors that saturn runs on alone seems on the verge of impossible. At lease the soundtrack being saved as a regular soundfile and placed as needed can be used to overcome sound emulation on cd based systems(or at least I think it could)

Sorry if this post is hard to read/off topic.

I remember I made a topic about that.

But everyone's retarded answere to that was:

"There aren't enough games for it, so nooo!"

I would donate to see this project be done, but noooo, people say wired shit and make off wired stupid comments.
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kotd posted on Jul 22 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
Lamest question in a while! YAY BTW I'm not someone who ruled out GBA. Mega CD would probably possible. Only problem is the SMCs size. How can you ask about a saturn emu when Megadrive and SNES aren't emulated at full speed. Common sense.
well megacompression and dynamic loading its possible
i've seen like a 700mb dc game compressed into like around 50mb
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diablo2 posted on Jul 23 2004 at 07:05 PM said:
kotd posted on Jul 22 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
Lamest question in a while! YAY BTW I'm not someone who ruled out GBA. Mega CD would probably possible. Only problem is the SMCs size. How can you ask about a saturn emu when Megadrive and SNES aren't emulated at full speed. Common sense.
well megacompression and dynamic loading its possible
i've seen like a 700mb dc game compressed into like around 50mb
I have not hear of such a thing. However you can extract the audio tracks and make them into MP3s this will cut down the games size immensely. Only problem is the audio needs to be uncompressed when you have an ISO of the cd. Dynamic loading would not do anything when the game is 600mb. If its compressed it wont work full stop. It has to be uncompressed to work.Please fill me in on this megacompression if it exists, any links?

Forgot to mention. You don't need dynamic loading for megacd because it used a 1x cd rom drive. The SMC has a faster read than a 1x cd rom so it wouldn't be a problem.
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I will start wroking on a Sega Saturn emulator as soon as I finished the PS2 emulator for the GP32, maybe I will make a Gamecube emulator for the GP32, but Sega Saturn, that should be SO easy to run on the GP32. The games for the sega saturn are not THAT big, why not shove 5 cards in at the same time, IT MIGHT WORK LIKE A SEGA SATURN EMULATOR WOULD.
Titcher posted on Jul 24 2004 at 10:48 AM said:
It your after mega compression, go for UHARC or 7-zip.
Thanks will check it out. THough it still would have to be uncompressed to work so yeah...
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kotd posted on Jul 24 2004 at 05:06 AM said:
diablo2 posted on Jul 23 2004 at 07:05 PM said:
kotd posted on Jul 22 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
Lamest question in a while! YAY BTW I'm not someone who ruled out GBA. Mega CD would probably possible. Only problem is the SMCs size. How can you ask about a saturn emu when Megadrive and SNES aren't emulated at full speed. Common sense.
well megacompression and dynamic loading its possible
i've seen like a 700mb dc game compressed into like around 50mb
I have not hear of such a thing. However you can extract the audio tracks and make them into MP3s this will cut down the games size immensely. Only problem is the audio needs to be uncompressed when you have an ISO of the cd. Dynamic loading would not do anything when the game is 600mb. If its compressed it wont work full stop. It has to be uncompressed to work.Please fill me in on this megacompression if it exists, any links?

Forgot to mention. You don't need dynamic loading for megacd because it used a 1x cd rom drive. The SMC has a faster read than a 1x cd rom so it wouldn't be a problem.
well its not called megacompression
just enough compression for when i unrared it i was like wow that is insaine

edit: and maybe you could dynamically uncompress it also
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