Would Sega Saturn Be Possible?


Apr 15, 2004
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i was just wondering if the GP32 would be able to emulate the sega saturn, i've heard people say it was possible for it to emulate the PSX but never heard mension of the saturn. also is the saturn more difficult/ complex to emulate than the GBA, what with all the fancy hardware in the GBA. :o
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! :o It's suppose to support all games 100% speed and music.
Saturn had 2 processors.. there arent that many good pc emus for it I dont think.. esp open source ones.
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! It's suppose to support all games !00% speed and music.
If this is true... sweet!!
The Saturn had some quite impressive specs:

* CPU: 2 x 32-Bit RISC SH2 at 28.6 MHz, 32-Bit RISC SH1 at 20 MHz. 25MIPS
* Memory: 16 Mbit Work RAM, 4 Mbit Audio RAM, 256 Kbit Backup RAM, 12 Mbit Video RAM, 4 Mbit CD Buffer RAM, 4 Mbit IPL ROM.
* Sound: 16-Bit CISC 68EC000 (11.3 MHz), PCM & FM sound sources, 32 channels, 16-Bit Sampling, Sampling rate 44.1 KHz max, Audio DSP
* Graphics: 16.77 Million Colours Sprite Enlargement, Reduction, Rotation, Transformation
* CG Capability: Polygon Specialized Hardware Texture Mapping, Flat Shading, Gouraud Shading, Wire Frame
* Scroll: 5 Screens (Scaling, rotating, enlargement, reduction)
* CD Drive: Intelligent 2x. Data Transfer Rate (DMA to RAM), 150 KB/sec. (Normal), 300 KB/sec. (Double speed), Maximum Capacity - 660 Megabytes, Audio CD play with reactive display, CD+G compatible, CD+EG compatible, CD Single compatible, Photo CD compatible, Video CD compatible and Ebook compatible
* 2D Graphical Capabilities: VDP1 processor handling sprites, polygons and geometry VDP2, processor handling backgrounds, 5 simultaneous planes with two rotation planes, 32,000 colours from 24-bit palette.

So I don't believe there will be an emulator for it for Gamepark. :rolleyes:
kram posted on Jul 22 2004 at 05:43 PM said:
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! :o It's suppose to support all games 100% speed and music.
Lol :lol:.
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U cant emulate the saturn directly but if you run the up and comming dreamcast emulator u can use the dreamcasts saturn emulator

kram posted on Jul 22 2004 at 05:43 PM said:
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! :o It's suppose to support all games 100% speed and music.
I think that is going to be released a bit after the Xbox emulator which is comming out tommorow with full speed F/S 0 and sound plus the ability to connect to Xbox Live through the port on the GP32 :D

Common people use your brain. No it is not possible, at all ;)
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DaveC posted on Jul 22 2004 at 07:11 PM said:
kram posted on Jul 22 2004 at 05:43 PM said:
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! :o It's suppose to support all games 100% speed and music.
I think that is going to be released a bit after the Xbox emulator which is comming out tommorow with full speed F/S 0 and sound plus the ability to connect to Xbox Live through the port on the GP32 :D

Common people use your brain. No it is not possible, at all ;)
tbh... thought he meant for pc :blink:
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cozmic posted on Jul 22 2004 at 06:12 PM said:
Maybe an atari jaguar emulator would be possible.. i hope. :P

I guess it's twice as powerful as a snes.
Nope nope. The Jaguar is a bitch when it comes to emulate it, almost impossible, even for the PC. There wasn't a single serious project out after almost 10 years.
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DaveC posted on Jul 22 2004 at 06:11 PM said:
kram posted on Jul 22 2004 at 05:43 PM said:
Actually Sega Saturn is fairly easy to emulate. Team Bazooka Joe is currently working on one and they said its about 95% done and should be released within this week! :o It's suppose to support all games 100% speed and music.
I think that is going to be released a bit after the Xbox emulator which is comming out tommorow with full speed F/S 0 and sound plus the ability to connect to Xbox Live through the port on the GP32 :D

Common people use your brain. No it is not possible, at all ;)
thanks for being an idiot. much appreciated. i thought it was a straightforward question yet you had to be weener about it. thanks to civilised people who answered the question. ;)
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Actually, it wasn't a sensible question, because we've only barely got good emulation of the Saturn's predecessors (Megadrive, and in terms of generational hardware the SNES) and no emulation of early PCs.
How come there aren't any Saturn emus out, and how come it took so long for Chankast to emerge? Emulation is a weird thing.