Still Fresh
Yes, move black stones 
I was wondering: if you cheesed your way through those levels (I am considering doing that, too), and later on managed to finish it properly, will the "cheese win" in the statistics be removed?Tobriand said:I mean, I've cheesed my way passed them, but I'd rather like to go back and do them properly!
Haven't gotten to the full clear in 90 yet, but I'll sign the plea for a good strategy on H1...Izomiac said:Ah, it seems that other people have been having trouble with those two levels. I had to cheese the press one, and I've been stuck on the 90 second Full Clear for like a week (I've been busy).
same here...i got really close but still can't get it.PSyMastR said:I can't beat Puzzle C7 (or is it C8, I forget which).
I get so close every time. I have tried like 2000x variations.
I got a hint on that one from Hao (A r k) a few pages back in this thread...edd said:I'm stucked at the puzzle ,I can't imagine how to put this green close to the others without "diamonds" them before "diamonding" the reds...E-3.
Heh - Exactly like me, thenedd said:Thank you
<spoiler>I've tried by the past to be quick, but here you have to be really quick. Cool, E4, now.</spoiler>
Hi! First of all sorry, I just returned from Japan a while ago, was making some changes to the upload but I've just uploaded the saves (check now if it's correct)! And about creation date and all, remember that files are saved on the GP2X (which has no clock).edd said:Is the upload function broken? I've uploaded my save many time since few days and my infos are still the same on the website...
Is it normal that my esav file hasn't any creation date or modification date (even if I put it on my hard drive)? -but it works to play-