if you lose your download, normally they email you a code the first time you download something, simply save the email
and then just download it again
Of course it's advantage of box version. You'll get always deluxe version of a game with VIDEOS [ for example, 250mb of movies for game or sneek peak from production or even interview with author ] or with some DELUXE LEVELS that not fit [ because its to big ] in standard online version. This is the main purpose of creating the box versions of a game for pandora. Among other things youll get few gadgets with every game. Take a look at it from that side.
lol, i just lost all respect for you
i sometimes wonder who are the people who watch the extras
250mb, what 5 mins on a broadband connection, and my broadband is shit, (do you have dial-up or something, have you not noticed that games get maps as dlc, levels shouldnt be too large)
also like someone said, the developer will be wanting you to but online, why do you think all companies such as insurance, airlines, playstation store etc, offer discounts :/
the video can be downloaded or shown on youtube if you really want one
also someone said about getting selfspace
were talking boxed versions not high street
you might get into a very very few high street stores, normally the ones filled with hippies and goths who buy dolls, just to rape them that night
fair enough someone said stylus, good idea, the best one here
but then again the stylus is licensed, even better pandora gets more cash, but would a developer go through the hassle and cost of it just for a few people doubtful
also extras could be sold by third parties no problem
Will you buy BOXed versions of Games for Pandora WITH EXTRA FEATURES?
the fact is extra features are unlikely for boxed versions, people are voting yes to the extra features and not questioning the likely hood of it, they dont give a damn about a box