Wii U game sales

Yeah, but I was just challeging the "often" part of your statement. In reality, it doesnt occur often. People don't reinvent things on the Titanic.
Actually I think there is a high probability that people actually tried to reinvent things (like a life boat) on the Titanic (sadly time was the limiting factor then) - same could be said about RIM, some 12-18 months ago a lot of people deemed RIM already dead, and RIM is still alive.
In general it is hard to tell if a company tried to be inventive (again) before they closed their doors as there could have been a lot of reasons why these inventions did not turn things around after all (like no money left to realize these ideas, not enough courage on the executive side of things, time, etc.).

If only there were more games.
Why is "N" dumb enough not to start with nice launch titles any more?
If Mario Kart for example would have been out at the beginning lots of people would have bought the console.
I remember reading about an interview with Myamoto, where he said that they simply underestimated the amount of work involved in bringing "HD" Material to/on the WiiU.
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I'll probably buy the Wii U for Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Mighty Switch Force, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and "Xenoblade Wii U".

(A friend lent me the original MH3, I barely played it)

I've also heard that Batman Arkham City is ok on Wii U, since I don't own it on other platforms…

I don't buy consoles unless there are a few games that whet my appetite, the Wii U is severely lacking on that part
Go for Lego City.

First I thought it would be boring but it was so awesome.

I never laughed so much when playing a game.

The whole game makes me smiling.

Take the humor of the Lego games like Lego Star Wars and make a whole game based on it.

That's what Lego city is.
Go for Lego City.
First I thought it would be boring but it was so awesome.

I never laughed so much when playing a game.

The whole game makes me smiling.

Take the humor of the Lego games like Lego Star Wars and make a whole game based on it.

That's what Lego city is.
For me it was finally an open world game that did not involve beeing a criminal (leaving aside RPGs as I'm not into that genre), truly a great game
Go for Lego City.

First I thought it would be boring but it was so awesome.

I never laughed so much when playing a game.

The whole game makes me smiling.

Take the humor of the Lego games like Lego Star Wars and make a whole game based on it.

That's what Lego city is.
Thanks for the advice, I won't buy the Wii U anytime soon anyway.
Everybody slags off the sales of each device after a few months, first the PSP, then the 3DS, then the Vita and now the Wii U.

Apart from the Vita in that list, each has gone on to increased sales and blockbuster hits (Monster Hunter for PSP saved it's ass in Japan IIRC). I suspect the Wii-U will do just fine.
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Everybody slags off the sales of each device after a few months, first the PSP, then the 3DS, then the Vita and now the Wii U.

Apart from the Vita in that list, each has gone on to increased sales and blockbuster hits (Monster Hunter for PSP saved it's ass in Japan IIRC). I suspect the Wii-U will do just fine.
Sure, lets all close our eyes on the fact that the market is nothing like 10 years ago, and dor sure everything will be exactly the same and all companies will live happily ever after. The End.

Are you working for Disney?
Nintendo doesn't need to "win the console war", it just needs to carve out a large enough chunk to make large profit. Of course, that in turn may turn into a descending circle of diminishing returns, where they *eventually* stop being profitable and hemorrhage money, but I don't think the future is written yet.

Remember, nearer the PS4 / Xbox One launches (which I bet money will be delayed in one or more region) there are going to be people who pick up a Wii U instead (provided Nintendo can pull their finger out and produce some compelling titles that hit the shops between now and then). To say a console is doomed this early on (given a 5-8 year cycle) is just stupid.
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It will be longer.

Did you see the E3 announcements?

Super Smash Bros

Mario Kart

Donkey Kong (not with shitty bongos)

Super Mario Land

Xenoblade 2 (at least how I call it)


All those games will be awesome.
Yes, they probably will :)

Looking forward to playing them. Especially the new smash bros. I have quite a few hundred hours logged on brawl.

Nintendo doesn't need to "win the console war", it just needs to carve out a large enough chunk to make large profit. Of course, that in turn may turn into a descending circle of diminishing returns, where they *eventually* stop being profitable and hemorrhage money, but I don't think the future is written yet.

IMHO people are too obsessed about "winning" and being "number one" these days. It's always the same polarizing debate about who will "win" and how badly the rest will "lose". Then it devolves into people throwing unbased speculation one way and the other, resulting in personal insults and stuff. I see the reason for this being a result of the same issue: people are obsessed about being "right". Choosing the "right" console that will "win" so they don't have to be "losers" for picking the "wrong" one. To me it looks like those people are trying to be "better" than those outside their echo chambers so they can feel better about themselves. Kinda sad.

This even shows in some online games where the "losers" start wielding the Katana of Personal Insults +1 the moment they're not winning. Are they there to get kicks out of winning or to have fun playing the game with others? If only the winners have fun that means most players aren't having fun playing which to me sounds kinda bad.

Don't think about "winning" or "best" or "right" console. For corporations think "profitable" and for players "fun". All the consoles can be profitable and fun. No need for bickering. Don't rationalize your choices by making other choices seem less desirable. Don't try to increase your status by lowering others'.

Sorry about the rant. Not aimed at anyone here specifically. Just a general observation.
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I personally don't think it's doomed, but it will have sales in the lower portions compared to the PS4/One. I agree, they don't need to sale more than PS4/One to be successful, but they do need to consider the threat that these two represent, as they will take business away for the WiiU in the long term.

When they released the 3DS, it sold poorly not really because of competition, but due to "N" lack of games and pricing. Once those things fell in to line, sales have been fine.

The WiiU is in a very different market to that of the 3DS, and really needs a different game plan. The upcoming holiday season is going to be HUGE, and will really help to show what to expect for the coming years. Choices and healthy competition is good for all of us, so I like to see it full swing. If "N" can't step up to the plate, they should get out of the game ;)

In my opinion the only excellent M rated games Nintendo ever put out was Resident Evil 4 and Eternal Darkness....and I think that is quite the dilemma here for Nintendo.
They're rated "mature", which obviously means they are instantly better than the rest ;)

Edit: When I passed my Wii onto my nephew and nieces, I kind of regretted not being able to play Mario Strikers any more. I loved that game. Does anyone know if there's a game similar on the PC? (ie, a simplistic football game)
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They're rated "mature", which obviously means they are instantly better than the rest ;)

Edit: When I passed my Wii onto my nephew and nieces, I kind of regretted not being able to play Mario Strikers any more. I loved that game. Does anyone know if there's a game similar on the PC? (ie, a simplistic football game)
If you've got a decent PC, you can run Dolphin and emulate Mario Strikers and it would look better than it did on the Wii :lol:

I am tempted to think that the Wii and its success was really a matter of great timing for the motion control, Wii Sports being marketed so successfully as a family game and being at what I think was a peak of a family gaming boom. The Move and Kinect feel to me to have shown that motion controllers whilst entertaining to a point were actually not significantly attractive enough as an idea for people want to adopt them on top of a regular controller. Put the reverse of that onto the Wii and whilst having only motion controllers really helped them push those games, I suspect that many people would have been happy with a regular controller for games, or that the games made were simply not reliant on the motion functions of the controllers in any genuine sense. I would love to see across the Wii games made, what proportion used motion as one of the primary tools in their control. Additionally, I would like to see a break down of what games that used motion controllers as a significant control mechanism in the game, what the popularity of those games were and if people really thought the game benefited from it.

To me, the Wii captured the imagination of hundreds of families at home, successfully sold the idea of motion controllers as a future, convincing Sony and MS to develop equivalents, game makers don't suffer too hard developing motion games for the Wii as everyone always has the controller needed, everyone realised they didn't have that deep investment in those motion controls, the Move outright flopped and game devs also did not invest in it, the Kinect had more success by being a very different principle but on the whole people aren't incredibly passionate about it (if anything just swaying some of the families who were sold on the Wii hype), many families have the Wii at home gathering dust, the WiiU comes out with an even more obtuse looking control method, the families with the Wii's gathering dust aren't all that bothered to have another thing gathering dust don't buy one, everyone else waits to see what Sony and MS have to offer, people still aren't investing in the console. That is kinda how I interpret it.

Its a shame really as I do really like my Wii but I feel like I like it more at the end of its life now i have 20 or so real good games on it rather than slowly building it up from when it first came out. I suspect that in 4 or 5 years there will be a good 20 or so WiiU games compelling enough to make it worth buying from a gaming perspective but I think the bubble has kind of burst for interest in the Wii. Its probably a massive relief for Nintendo that the MS had such a bad show of it at E3 as people who were on the fence between then were able to decide the WiiU was actually for them. Overall though it is Sony who benefits the most. the PS4 will continue to do well as it is not more like a peripheral update for the existing dust gathering console and it isn't so bundled with Kinect as default which is a device the majority of console users probably don't have much use for keeping the price down. Not to mention all the additional self sabotaging MS is doing at the moment. I do feel like this generation will really be marked by the fact that it won't be huge in the generic family console hype. We wont have a holiday season sell out like we did with the Wii and if any console is successful it will be based on reasonably normal and solid performance over a longer period of time, much like with the PS2.

Wow that was about 10 times as many words as I thought I had on the subject!
They're rated "mature", which obviously means they are instantly better than the rest ;)Edit: When I passed my Wii onto my nephew and nieces, I kind of regretted not being able to play Mario Strikers any more. I loved that game. Does ananyoneyone know if there's a game similar on the PC? (ie, a simplistic football game)
Does anyone know if there's a game similar on the PC? (ie, a simplistic football game)
I was always a pretty big fan of Nintendo World Cup on the Gameboy and NES. A bit less focus on it being truly like soccer and just being really fun!
What's so special about M rated games?
Blood,violence,gore,sexual content,guns and large weapons of destruction, talk or use of drugs and alcohol....things a child or immature person should not play  :o   :lol:   

That is exactly why M rated games are so special.

Perhaps some of you out there are not ready to go M yet  ;) ? ...I haven't a clue. Ever play Manhunt on PC ?...quite a special breed indeed . It even holds up today and in my opinion a classic M rated only game. Second best port of it would be PS2.

BTW Hotline Miami for PS VITA  is quite good and M rated!!!  B) ,,another one Nintendo missed out on.

Seriously I like Mario and the crew but how much or how many renditions can one tolerate?...I think it is overkill now. Let that bloke rest in piece.
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