Could you provide a plausible scenario for the CC side of the story that puts the blame on OPT? I can't imagine any...
CC was set to start populating things, but then the nub fiasco happened. CC said they could populate the boards, minus nubs, and just wait to finish them. This course of action has a downside of requiring twice as much storage space as the bare boards, which OPT decided they couldn't afford. When the nubs finally arrived, CC told OPT that the boards are all corroded and they needed new ones. Not wanting to waste any more time or money OPT told CC to try scrubbing them clean, which took a long time and frequently failed, resulting in a mere trickle of devices. Eventually OPT cuts their losses, realizes they've burned some bridges over at CC, and orders up new parts from a new company, lying about previous communications to make it seem like they're entirely in the right.